Macclesfield Town Council - Lots To Look Forward To

Lots to look forward to

We are looking at ways we can work with community groups and facilities to support their services and service delivery.

Published on: Tuesday April 5, 2016

The town council is getting in to its stride now with a lot planned for the coming financial year.

Celebrating the Queen’s 90th birthday has been a focus for some initiatives in the town, with Councillors Martin Hardy and Adam Schofield working on the Clean for the Queen project, 90 Trees for Macclesfield, led by Cllrs Gareth Jones and Adam Schofield and Cllr Neil Puttick has been leading on organising beacons to be lit for the Queen’s official birthday celebrations.

As well as this, we are looking in to ways of improving the Christmas Lights displays, and Cllr Neil Puttick is working with artists to deliver the Bric Project (click here for more details).

We will be installing the new town entry signs (Click here to see the designs), improving the floral displays in the town and hoping to take over the allotment sites in Macclesfield in the very near future.

The Planning Committee has been busy responding to Cheshire East planning applications as well as hosting two consultation drop ins on the draft Local Plan. The committee responded to the Cheshire East consultation reflecting the comments received from residents in Macclesfield, specifically highlighting the need for greater attention on brownfield development and objecting to any infringement on the greenbelt.

We are looking at ways we can work with community groups and facilities to support their services and service delivery and we are finalising our corporate strategy, which will detail the council’s approach to local service delivery for Macclesfield.

We welcome all feedback, ideas and suggestions and if you would like to get in contact you can email me via or drop in to our offices in the old town hall.