Annual Parish Meeting
If you wish to attend, please email [email protected]
Notice is hereby given that the
2024 Annual Town Meeting
will be held on
Monday 22nd April 2024 at 6pm at the Town Hall.
The statutory Annual Town Meeting is an occasion for members of the public to ask questions, make comments and raise issues of interest to the town.
This can be done in 2 ways: –
- By submitting a resolution to be discussed at the Town Meeting. Written notice of the resolution must be submitted to the Town Clerk prior to the meeting. If the resolution is passed, the Town Council is obliged to consider the matter at a subsequent meeting.
- By participating and speaking to the Town Meeting.
If you would like to speak during public session, please email [email protected] by 5pm Thursday18th April 2024
If you would like to submit a written statement, please submit your statement for inclusion by emailing [email protected] 5pm Thursday 18th April 2024.
- Welcome from the Mayor of Macclesfield
- Apologies for absence.
- Minutes of the Annual Town Meeting 20th March 2023
- Updates from Town Council
- To consider resolutions and questions of which written notice has been given.
- To receive reports from electors (Discussion and Open Forum).
Convened by the Mayor of Macclesfield
2024 Annual Town Meeting Minutes
Monday 22nd April 2024
In attendance:
17 people
James Barber, Sarah Bennett-Wake, David Edwardes, Emma Gilman, Alift Harewood, Sandy Livingstone, Mick Warren and Fiona Wilson.
Officers: Town Clerk, Assistant Town Clerk, Communications Officer and Events Officer.
1. Welcome from the Mayor of Macclesfield
The Mayor of Macclesfield welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Apologies for Absence
Cllr Mike Hutchison
3. Minutes of the Annual Town Meeting 20th March 2023
The minutes were noted.
4. Updates for Town Council
The Mayor, Cllr Chris Wilcock, Cllr Fiona Wilson, Town Centre Regeneration Champion and Cllr Sandy Livingstone, Deputy Mayor, along with the Town Clerk, Assistant Town Clerk, Communications Officer
and Events Officer talked through a presentation of the highlights of the past year including:
The Key Achievements for the Council
- The Mayor’s theme ‘’Live Macclesfield, Love Macclesfield
- Parks and Play Areas
- Calendar of community events
- Town centre regeneration and UKSPF funding for renovating the indoor market. Public realm and museum on the street project.
- Toilets for Public Use
Further information was presented on:
- Council Communications
- Community grants given by the Council
- The work of the Rangers in the public realm
- 3 x Gold at Britain in Bloom
- The Plans for a South Park Pavilion
5. To consider resolutions and questions of which written notice has been given.
There were no written resolutions.
6. To receive reports from electors (Discussion and Open Forum).
A question from the floor was asked about the possibility of a neighbourhood plan for Macclesfield. Fiona Wilson responded by saying that the Local Plan for Cheshire East was currently out for consultation, and this was a more important document where planning and decision making was concerned. She also added that the Town Council had completed a Town Centre Conservation Area Appraisal and a Character Assessment for Macclesfield and both can be found on the town council website.
Sarah Bennett-Wake thanked the Town Hall Officers for their hard work and in turn the Town Clerk thanked all the Councillors for their support and ambition for the town.
Chair Cllr Chris Wilcock
Clerk Laura Smith
Meeting closed 6.41pm