Street Sports Winter

Street Sport

Free outdoor activities, supported by professional coaches, all year round.

Free outdoor activities, supported by professional coaches, all year round provided by Peak Active Sports and funded by Macclesfield Town Council.

Free Youth Activities for 7 – 16 year Olds

Tuesdays 5.30pm – 7.30pm
Jasmine Park MUGA, Broken Cross

Wednesdays 5.30pm – 7.30pm
Banbury Close Playing Fields, Hurdsfield

Thursdays 6pm – 8pm
South Park Multi Sports Area

You choose the sports:

The sports coaches come equipped with loads of sports equipment so you have a massive choice of sports and games on the night, such as tennis, basketball, rounders, netball, cricket and much more (including football !)

Professional Sports Coaches:

Working in partnership with Peak Active Sport, our coaches are all qualified and professional and provide support and encouragement for the children taking part.

Active Kids

Physical activity benefits us all in terms of our physical health as well as our mental health. It increases our opportunities to socialise as well as improve our skills.

This is an informal service, children can come and go as they please and remain the responsibility of parents or guardians, not the responsibility of the sports coaches or council

Download the Street Sports leaflet here for the above information