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Town Centre Recovery Working Group 11th October 2022
Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Working Group
Minutes of the meeting held on 11th October 2022
In attendance:
- Cllr Janet Jackson MBE
- Laura Smith
- Becky Thompson
- Matt Todd
- Jo Wise
- Aoife Middlemiss
- Cllr Fiona Wilson
- Cllr Nick Mannion
- Cllr Liz Brathwaite
- Evi Girling
- Frank Bailey
- Emma Anderson
Welcome from Chair
The Chair welcomed the group.
Update from sub groups:
Outdoor Hospitality
- MTC still have not been notified of any new licence applications and have noticed that CEC website is out of date. AS has emailed licensing. JW has also approached relevant department to ask for an update.
- JS got someone in Highways who knows the issue – CEC have updated website – LS will email Highways.
- BT did say that containers appeared on Exchange Street and this was reported, CEC actioned it and it was gone the following day.
- Pavement on Chestergate is very full with shops and cafes putting out stalls, and not sure they have pavement licenses. BT will go round and chat to them. Pavement license would not cover sale of goods, only alfresco seating.
- Park Green area worked very well, they will have to apply again if they want to use it again.
Art and Culture
LS updated from an email EA
- IDST! updated on their Light Hive installation, which will have a public display soon
- Silk Heritage Trust – very successful response to Heritage Open Days across the town; our Walking Tours are continuing, themed to relate to Halloween, Remembrance Sunday and Christmas.
- The Old Sunday School spaces are now completely let out to community and social enterprise partners. Pinc College has expanded their Studio space; and Scoop & Scales are now running, what we call, the Welcome Space – which is available for community activities and displays.
- CEC are appointing an organisation to paint the shutters on Sunderland St and also vinyl will be replaced on the bridge. These projects must be completed by 31 03 23.
- Barnaby is recruiting a Creative Director and has provisional dates for next year’s festival – 16th-18th June 2023
- Rachel Higham updated the group on forthcoming Town Centre plans and will be talking to partners about future projects
Community Response–
- AM updated that she has been working with MTC grant recipients to aid them with their projects.
- Volunteering side – working with Peaks Plains on volunteering videos.
- Macclesfield Tree Surgery is being supported and AM is helping them get constituted.
- CVS are consulting with membership to see what challenges – big one is recruitment of staff and volunteers.
- CVS is having a conference in Dec, AM will invite Macc organisations to present their work. This group can feed in suggested organisations.
MT updated
- Eco Summit held on Saturday – went very well.
- Repair café is 18 months, 2 asks
- Any ideas for longer term repair projects
- They have a lot of space on the days they do the café and workshops/ childrens events, they can use the space for free.
- Macctastic are getting going with their public meetings again.
- Litter picking is getting set up for Oct/Nov.
- Scoop and Scales are a small welcome area in Sunday School, they have that until DEC.
– Abi/ Cllr Janet Jackson will hold another meeting for comms networking. Suggested holding something in November or January. Abi to suggest a plan.
Update on other activities:
- CEC Feasibility Studies updates
- Station Gateway and Churchill way JW reports back to CE on Friday.
- Town Hall – Capacity means that they cannot move it forward as yet.
Proposals were very substantial and therefore will require a lot of funding.
- Macclesfield Markets – public toilets are the priority.
- Shared Prosperity Fund
- JW updated that the Gov have asked for an addendum to the investment plan to add rural funds, no funding has been confirmed yet.
- Britain in Bloom Update
- Attending finals on 20th
- Public toilets
- Group know this is an issue for the town. MTC have approached St. Michaels to open their toilets more and are aiming to make a list of places to use while CEC and MTC try to get new toilets in town built.
- Opportunity for all group members to update on events and activities coming up
- LS let the group know that MTC is running Spooky Saturday 29th Oct, Christmas Event 26th Nov and late night shopping 15th
- LS let JW know that the kit from the Welcome back fund has been extremely well used by many groups in the town.
Discussion on name of group
Decided to keep the name for now.
Date of next meeting
Next meeting set for 6th DEC 22 10am
Town Centre Recovery Working Group 9th August 2022
Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Working Group
Minutes of the meeting to be held on 9th August 2022
In Attendance:
- Cllr Janet Jackson
- Cllr Fiona Wilson
- Laura Smith
- Aoife Middlemiss
- Jo Wise
- Matt Todd
- Cllr Nick Mannion
- Becky Thompson
- Frank Bailey
- Evi Girling
- Abi Sherratt
- Emma Anderson
- Cllr Liz Brathwaite
Welcome from Chair
Cllr Jackson welcomed the group.
Update from sub groups:
Outdoor Hospitality – Cllr Fiona Wilson
Last meeting was scheduled for 19th July, but this was rescheduled for 6th Sep due to apologies.
Park Green update- Fountain and Red Willow have taken a collaborative approach and are waiting for sign off to get the space in the car park for outdoor hospitality. There are issues with the tables cluttering the pavement causing access issues which will hopefully be resolved when they have the license in place.
LS and FW will keep an eye on the situation and speak to The Fountain if necessary.
Pavement licenses leaflets to be delivered as they are still valid, Jo will confirm if they can be used for next year as the date should hopefully be extended.
Art and Culture – Emma Anderson was not present.
Community Response- Aoife Middlemiss
Volunteering is still difficult, contact with ROAR has provided many people who would like volunteering opportunities. ROAR are assisting with the Mayors Civic event on 13th August.
Green in the corner will be reopening very soon and there will be volunteering opportunities. Recently the building has been knocked through to the library to make a very nice space.
MHA – (old live at home scheme) are also crying out for volunteers.
No progress with videos on volunteering with peaks and plains.
Transport issues are rising with people getting to hospitals out of the area. MTC are staring a Community Transport subgroup.
Environment – Matt Todd
Eco Hub meeting was held the evening before:
Repair Café has 6 months of dates programmed in.
One project has secured town centre location to store and processing centre. There will be drop of points hopefully at the pharmacies,
3 litter picks in July – including one for Britain in Bloom. 3 more are planned for August.
3 events in Sep, ANSA recycling events, reducing single use plastic and also disposing food properly.
Eco Hub – medium term aim was to get a space so green groups could get together. Scoop and Scales have been offered a space at Heritage Centre, there will be a 3 month trial to see if the space is useful.
Matt will send the minutes to the group.
Update on other activities:
- CEC Feasibility Studies updates
No progress on these as work has been taking place on Shared Prosperity funds.
- Shared Prosperity Fund
Very tight deadline to develop an investment plan in order o get the allocated money.
E1 – funding for approvements to town centres 2.5 million
E6 – Arts and culture
E7 – Active Travel
E8 – Promotional Campaigns
E9 – Volunteering and social impact projects
E13 – Projects to reduce the cost of living
Next steps – identify how the money will be spent and the mechanism of how they decide where the money will be spent.
- projects have been identified:
1x match funding for public realm work in Macclesfield, should we get the Levelling up fund.
2 x Active travel projects, one in Macc and one in Crewe.
FW asked about Local Partnership group – TCRWG need as seat on this group. Town Clerk has not received the invite to the meeting, Jo will chase.
AM gave feedback on the grants saying it should not top up Spacehive system.
- Britain in Bloom Update
Judging went well, the groups and organisations of Macclesfield certainly did Macclesfield proud. Our score should be with us for end Aug/Sep.
- Public toilets
Barracks Mill developer are keen to support public toilets at back of Indoor Market. CEC feasibility showed that refurbing existing toilets and adding Changing Places toilets. MTC and CEC have funding to make this happen asap.
Meeting with Denise Griffiths next week.
- Opportunity for all group members to update on events and activities coming up
Mayors Civic event 13th August
Review Terms of Reference
1.2 removed ‘following the successful format of that held on 28th July 2020’.
2.3 change to: This is a ‘Task and Finish’ Group, which existed to develop a Recovery Plan. The group have reviewed this and it is extended until further notice.
5.1 change monthly to regularly
5.5 change to ‘Following every meeting, any decisions taken and actions agreed will be sent out in the notes.’
Suggestion to call the group Town Centre Working Group. To discuss next meeting.
AOB: JW concerns around vacancies in the town centre. JW doing a survey on Friday in TC.
Date of next meeting
11th October 2022 10am
South Park Pavilion Working Group 11.07.22
South Park Pavilion Working Party
Notes 11th July 2022 5.30pm
In attendance:
Cllr Sandy Livingstone – MTC (Chair)
Joe Mattin- Bower Mattin + Young
Aoife Middlemass – CVSCE
Cllr Fiona Wilson – MTC
Laura Smith- MTC
Mark Young- Bower Mattin + Young
Philip Spendlow – Q S
Cllr Janet Jackson
Ruth Morgan
Becky Thompson
- Welcome from Chair (Cllr Livingstone)
- Updates from last meeting
Joe has confirmed with HMRC that vat does not apply.
Structural survey is complete, summary received but waiting for the full report. The existing slab can be used but must be lightweight and roof loads need to be kept light.
Tree survey completed 10/07/22- report not yet received.
Survey of drainage is necessary to see if existing amenities and drains can be used.
- Designs
The Bower Mattin team presented 5 designs to the group and talked through each one.
The designs will be emailed to the clerk.
The group decided to take all 5 designs forward for the public consultation.
The group decided to remove from the plan the area set aside for the gardeners (more mucky areas) but to leave some storage for the sporting equipment.
The group will pursue a storage container in the park for the gardeners/ rangers.
- Consultation
Masterplan for South Park is underway.
Joe will get a price for the boards of the 5 designs for consultation and inform the clerk.
Joe will draft questions etc for consultation.
- Events for Consultations
Youth event 11th Aug
Civic event 13th Aug
SPARK event on 21st Aug
All events are in the park.
- Lottery application
Laura and Aoife to meet Thursday 14th July to submit stage 1 bid.
Town Centre Recovery Working Group 28.06.22
Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Working Group
Notes of the meeting held on 28 June 2022
In Attendance:
- Cllr Fiona Wilson
- Cllr Liz Brathwaite
- Frank Bailey
- Laura Smith
- Abi Sherratt
- Emma Anderson
- Aoife Middlemiss
- Evi Girling
- Cllr Nick Mannion
- Cllr Janet Jackson
- Jo Wise
- Matt Todd
- Becky Thompson
- Welcome from Chair
Cllr Fiona Wilson was elected to chair the meeting.
- Update from sub groups:
Outdoor Hospitality – Cllr Fiona Wilson
No further meeting since11th May
Key points as before:
Footfall data discussion resulted in TC and CEC pooling their resources to produce one set of data rather than doing one each, adding Park Green and Sunderland St.
Pavement licenses, implications that it could be that a license not necessary which could cause problems. Businesses are encouraged to apply of a license which is free.
Traffic restriction order in Market Place – confirmed
Outdoor hospitality area still being pursued at Park Green as up and coming area.
Levelling Up Fund- unlikely to be successful as we are category 3 – application will still be made.
Shared Prosperity Fund –11.6 million earmarked for CEC – will have to set up a local partnership group to manage it.
Cllr Brathwaite – requested to join the sub group, to discuss pavement licenses.
Chair Cllr Fiona Wilson, said Cllr Brathwaite is welcome the group, however it is a CEC matter and suggested to find out if enforcement.
Cllr Brathwaite to liaise with Jo Wise and Cllr Wilson will arrange to speak with MHA.
Laura updated on the power supply at the Town Hall which has been condemned, Laura has contacted to CEC to see if it can be upgraded.
Art and Culture – Emma Anderson
New Chair – Lucy Thompson Smith from CEC.
Damaged piano has been moved to in front of the Sunday School.
Barnaby consultation is out.
24th June Rosies Plaques Event went very well.
IDST are leading on the light boxes, working with colleges and schools.
Pride is on 9th July, museum will connect with pride.
Macc FC has connected with the Silk Trust, Cllr Wilson and Emma will talk about this offline.
Heritage open days by the museum will be town wide.
Community Response- Aoife Middlemiss
CVS working with Peaks and Plains to make a video about volunteering to try to increase numbers of volunteers.
CVS new volunteering hub to promote volunteering.
Ukraine public meeting to be held by MTC, Tuesday 28th June.
Food banks are getting less donations.
Aoife will devise a leaflet for the TC and Mayor/Councillors to give out on the support CVS can give.
Environment – Matt Todd
Litter Picking
We have held 5 picks since the last working group meeting.
There will be a few more scheduled soon, but the big one to share here is on Sunday 17th July (3-5pm). The route will follow that of the Britain in Bloom judges who are coming on the Monday.
Meet at either:
Scoop and Scales shop (The Old Sunday School, Roe St, SK11 6UT) OR The café in West Park (SK10 3BJ)
Eco hub
One of the longer term actions the group are interested in pursuing is the potential for a physical location that is shared between groups, that might act as eco hub. We have had lots of individual conversations about this, but thought we might try a scheduled chat, to see what comes out of it.
Join us at the Wharf (107 Brook Street) at 19.30 on Monday 1st August
Next subgroup meeting
Tuesday 19th July (6-7pm)
Agenda to be circulated shortly
- Update on other activities:
- CEC Feasibility Studies updates
Town Hall feasibility study complete.
Indoor Market feasibility study complete we are hoping that they will be out at the end of August. MTC are assisting with helping traders establish a committee again with ANSA, CEC, traders and MTC working together.
- Shared Prosperity Fund- deadline 1st August – partnership group needs to be set up to manage the project. Laura shared to consultation to be filled in by July 4th.
- Britain in Bloom Update – Portfolio is complete, judging date is set.
- Public toilets- still wating for CEC to do a feasibility test to see if the indoor market is a suitable place.
- Opportunity for all group members to update on events and activities coming up
Cllr Brathwaite updated that the Public Space Protection Order for the Town centre should be in place on Friday.
The museum has a new exhibition launched on Langley Printworks, who had the biggest collection of print blocks in the world.
Museum are having new branding.
Museum has a number of events on woman’s history.
Park Lane sign is missing – Cllr Brathwaite has logged and will chase up.
Frank updated that The Crossings has been fully handed over to P and P, 6 one bedroomed shared ownership apartments are still available.
Ian Kershaw is joining as Head of Development at Peaks and Plains.
Frank, met with Janey Moran and Lucy Thomspon-Smith about plans for artwork on Sunderland ST.
Cllr Fiona Wilson updated on her first Civic Event as the Mayor. It is a free event open to all of the public, 13th August, and will include a consultation for Pavilion.
- Date of next meeting
9th August 10am
South Park Pavilion Working Party 20.05.22
South Park Pavilion Working Party
Agenda 20th May 2pm
- Welcome from Chair (Cllr Livingstone)
Joe Mattin, the appointed the architect was welcomed to the group.
- Notes from last meeting
- Update on chosen Architect
- Bower Matin were approved by the Town Council on 16th May as the approved architect for this project.
- Sandy contact Joe separately to go through the timetable
- Topographical survey needed, to cover the pavilion and the bandstand, may be worth doing a survey for the park as a whole and share costs with CEC.
- 2 trees closet to the pavilion need health checking by an arboriculturist
- Engineer to check if the existing slabs are reusable.
- Need to appoint a quantity surveyor as early as possible.
- Once surveys are complete Joe hopes to get initial designs by end of June /July. Joe will appoint structural and quantity surveyor.
- Joe will get 3 quotes for each survey and send to Laura.
- Ruth will find out if information on surveys they may have completed previously.
- Joe suggests a pre planning app is necessary, Laura to approach David Malcolm.
- Ruth to liaise with Kathy Swindells.
- Consultation
Masterplan for South Park is underway.
Joe suggests consultation with interactive boards, Joe to work with MTC on this.
Ruth and Spark to email Joe with questions they would want in the consultation and Joe will draft initial questions.
- Lottery application
Laura and Aoife to complete stage 1 by end of June.
Further funding:
Need to plan to target local businesses who may wish to sponsor.
Crowdfunding will be commenced so the community can feel involved.
- Events for centenary
SPARK event on 21st Aug
Suggested Civic event 13th Aug – MTC to arrange
Joint marketing to be done.
- Date of next Meeting
11th July 2022
Town Centre Recovery Working Group 17.05.22
Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Working Group
Agenda of the meeting to be held on 17th May 2022
In Attendance:
- Cllr Janet Jackson
- Cllr Fiona Wilson
- Cllr Liz Brathwaite
- Frank Bailey
- Laura Smith
- Abi Sherratt
- Becky Thompson
- Aoife Middlemiss
- Cllr Nick Mannion
- Welcome from Chair
Cllr Janet Jackson MBE
- Update from sub groups:
Outdoor Hospitality – Cllr Fiona Wilson
Met on 11th May
Key points:
Footfall data discussion resulted in TC and CEC will pool their resources to produce one set of data rather than doing on each, adding Park Green and Sunderland St.
Pavement licenses, implications that it could be that a license not necessary which could cause problems. Businesses are encouraged to apply of a license which is free.
Traffic restriction order in Market Place – still waiting
Order hospitality are still being pursued at Park Green as up and coming area.
Levelling Up Fund- unlikely to be successful as we are category 3 – application will still be made.
Shared Prosperity Fund –11.6 million earmarked for CEC – will have to set up a local partnership group to manage it.
Art and Culture – Emma Anderson
Avanti bid for artwork successful – will be for more murals.
24th June Rosies Plaques Event
IDST – planning work shops for artists.
Space for Autism trail at Teggs Nose by Jacqui Clarke
Community Response- Aoife Middlemiss
Volunteering is very slow going – Aoife using lots of avenues to promote volunteers
Meeting with Peaks and Plains to get community involvement
Ukraine public meeting to be held by MTC, with CVS.
Volunteers’ week coming up – all members to promote.
Environment – Matt Todd
Met 2nd May
Group is building up – Matt will send full notes.
Key points:
Eco Summit Update – 40 actions from the last eco summit in 2021 in progress.
Progress in trying to find space for a hub. Meetings set up
Eco hub stall at Treacle in July.
Litter picks going really well, Matt will contact to see if we want to do organisation picks.
Looking to involve chemists etc in terra cycling.
MTC creating a plate library – please donate any plates, side plates and bowls to Abi.
Next meeting 17th June
- Update on other activities:
- CEC Feasibility Studies updates
Town Hall feasibility study complete
Indoor Market feasibility study complete
Defer to next meeting.
- Shared Prosperity Fund- deadline 1st August – partnership group needs to be set up to manage the project.
- Britain in Bloom Update
Businesses have been contacted
Rangers are working with the community and on projects for the entry
Managing expectations of groups as not all will be able to be included.
Bins are an issue in town – CEC are pursuing.
Mass Littler picks to be organised before judges visit.
- Discussion on this working group and a possible name change.
Discussion around place names, updating plan, further consultations.
CEC views need to be viewed.
Would a name change be suitable? Group members to consider for next meeting.
Laura will send out actions for all to update.
Laura to draft a shorter plan of action for members to consider/ add to.
- Opportunity for all group members to update on events and activities coming up
Frank updated on Peaks and Plains
Issues resolved with United Utilities at the Crossings
Opening was well attended.
Shared ownership are going well.
New Sunderland ST signage has gone up.
- Date of next meeting
28th June 10am
Town Centre Recovery Working Group 29.03.22
Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Working Group
Minutes of the meeting held on 29th March 2022
In Attendance:
Cllr Jackson MBE
Chris Draper
Becky Thompson
Cllr Wilson
Cllr Brathwaite
Abi Sherratt
Frank Bailey
Aoife Middlemiss
Matt Todd
Laura Smith
Jo Wise
Emma Anderson
Cllr Mannion
Evi Girling
- Welcome from Co Chairs
The Co-Chairs welcomed the group
Chris Draper is leaving Peaks and Plains, the group thanked him for his contribution, and Chris introduced Frank Bailey as his replacement. Frank is looking forward to working with the group.
- Update from sub groups:
Outdoor Hospitality – Cllr Fiona Wilson
Met on 15th March 2022, notes have been circulated.
Continue to discuss:
- Pavement licenses
- Indoor market
- Town Hall
Recent update to Park Green outdoor area here, CEC have refused the use of the car parking bays for hospitality as they believe as we ‘come out of covid’ the spaces are needed. Park green businesses are working together, with MHA and they can present a solution to CEC.
Action: The group agreed the sub group can pursue this goal- to create an outdoor area at Park Green.
Art and Culture
Cllr Jackson updated from the meeting 9th March.
- The mural on Mill St, commissioned by CEC was discussed, which has created a huge buzz in the town.
- Light boxes have been funded and expected they will be placed on Park Green near the Museum.
- 2 pianos are in place – one in bus station and one in indoor market.
- Jeff Coghlan is working with Arighi Bianchi on a public art project.
Community Response- Aoife Middlemass
Volunteering is still slow since the pandemic. Aoife has been working with the Social Prescribers to promote volunteering.
Grow Macclesfield and Roe-Naissance are looking for volunteers and MTC have opportunities with the Rangers, as people seem keener to volunteer outside.
Aoife to contact Peaks and Plains to get in the newsletter to reach residents about volunteering.
Environment – Matt Todd
- Met 28th March
- Eco summit 2022- work underway on Sat 8th October, recap event on 14th May at the Town Hall.
- Repair café is well developed and successful, now in Senior Citizen Hall. Monthly 10am- 2pm.
- Litter pick to tie in with the great litter pick – if the group can promote.
- Session ‘Community Soup’ where people can bring ideas for green businesses and get advice. Once venue is decided we can promote.
- Long termer goal – is to have an Eco hub, a space where all the green groups can come together, share space etc.
- Update on other activities:
- CEC Feasibility Studies updates – Jo Wise
Jo has given apologies. Janet updated on Town Hall about feasibility study, and the next meeting with the consultant is 8th April 2022.
- Update on the Crossings – Chris Draper
Residents are moving into the Crossings and a number have relocated from Manchester City centre. United Utilities have delayed further residents moving in, until mid-April. 50% of the shared ownership properties have been sold. Next site is at the other end of Sunderland St, on George St. Cllr Brathwaite enquired about car ownership, at present Chris said there were no parking issues.
- Britain in Bloom Update – Cllr Jackson/ Laura
Laura updated that the route will be set over the next month. There are so many great plots of work that they will not all be able to be on the route as the judges are only with us for a couple of hours, however everyone can be in the portfolio.
Leaflet will be distributed over the next few weeks to encourage businesses to get involved.
Other work going on:
- Heritage Walk
- Westminster Rd wild meadow
- Phone boxes outside town hall.
- Ian Curtis Mural
Mural finished on 25th March and there was an opening with the Mayor and Peter Hook on 26th March which was well attended by residents and visitors.
Local High St app are doing an app and trail, so TC will collaborate with them to produce a trial. The response has been extremely positive.
- Opportunity for all group members to update on events and activities coming up
Jubilee – Town Council has funded 8 parties around Macclesfield, and we will be promoting as and when they are ready.
- Date of next meeting
Next meeting is on 17th May 10am
South Park Pavilion Working Party 11.03.22
South Park Pavilion Working Party
Notes 11th March 2022 2pm
Cllr Janet Jackson
Cllr Sandy Livingstone – Chair
Cllr Fiona Wilson
Pete Thompson
Jo Bennett
Laura Smith
Malcolm McGinn
Aoife Middlemass
Becky Thompson
Ruth Morgan
Abi Sherratt
Welcome from Chair (Cllr Livingstone)
Cllr Livingstone welcomed the group and introduced 2 new members Malcolm McGinn and Aoife Middlemass.
Notes from last meeting
Accepted as true record of the meeting.
Update on the design brief (publication, interest etc)
17 applications in response to the design brief, Councillors will short list and present to the group.
Cllrs to meet to discuss applications – Cllr Livingstone to set up meeting.
Lottery Fund Feedback and Planning the application
Stage 1 – We will go for a stage 1 application as soon as possible including that we will be doing consultation with inline with ANSA with and the Masterplan for the whole park.
- Councillors will feedback anecdotal information including parkrun feedback.
- Grow Macclesfield feedback
- Linking the bid in with ANSA and SPARK masterplan and oncoming consultations.
- Park Lane School feedback on the need for changing places toilets to go with the inclusive equipment.
- Community Tennis Club feedback
- South Park Street Sports – MTC funded feedback.
- Spark funded sports events feedback.
Spark raised issue that to hold the events they need a person who has a 3 day first aid course qualification as determined with CEC. This is an issue and MTC have encountered it too and MTC are looking into funding a course for staff, Councillors and volunteers who will be prepared to attend the events.
Update on South Park Masterplan
- Last met 7th Feb, map has been updated to include correct park run route.
- Masterplan is going to go on large boards in the park with QR codes. Posters will also go up to advertise.
- Football pitch has been decided to be junior football pitches with possible removable goalposts.
- S106 monies is being looked at to see if there is any that can go to the park.
- Girls area, we believe is now gone for the masterplan.
Comms Plan
Abi and Laura working on a draft plan – circulate to the members of the meeting.
Next Steps
- Councillors arrange session with to go through architects’ proposals
- Submit the stage 1 lottery as soon as possible
- Consultation to be done inline with Ansa and Spark
- Cllr Livingstone will circulate updated timeline.
- Masterplan of the park
- Comms plan to be circulated when ready
- Date of next Meeting
2pm 8th April on zoom
South Park Pavilion Working Party 04.02.22
South Park Pavilion Working Party
Minutes 4th Feb 2022 2pm
Cllr Janet Jackson
Cllr Sandy Livingstone – Chair
Cllr Fiona Wilson
Pete Thompson
Jo Bennett
Laura Smith
Malcomn McGinn
Becky Thompson
Ruth Morgan
Abi Sherratt
- Welcome from Chair (Cllr Livingstone)
Sandy welcomed Abi, Communications Officer
- Notes from last meeting
- Update on the design brief (publication, interest etc)
- Procurement has started
- Good amount of interest
- Cllr Sandy Livingstone happy to discuss with anyone interested
- Local resident Malcom McGinn, semi – retired architect. Cllr Livingstone has met him and he is willing to help us in an advisory capacity.
- Cllr Livingstone is willing to work with Malcolm McGinn and set ground rules with the appointed Architectural firm.
- Workshop with all group members to look at tender responses to be set up. Any conflict of interests will be noted. The responses will be anonymous and will guide the selection of the Architects by the Town Councillors.
- Lottery Fund Feedback (Laura)
- MTC can apply for Reaching Communities
- Laura draft response for stage 1 and share with the group
- Consultation is key – as are confirmation of the numbers of residents consulted
- Laura to liaise with Cheshire East funding officer to discuss timings and if more consultation is necessary and then group can plan consultation.
- Pete will share a copy of the college consultation with LS.
- Laura to invite Cheshire East funding officer to a future meeting if appropriate.
- Presentation on SP Masterplan (Cllr Wilson, Cllr Jackson and Ruth to feedback)
- All entrances will be improved make more attractive and interesting to create great first impression.
- Reduce the height of shrubs around the tennis courts and replace with flower beds
- Tennis courts will remain same
- Buildings round blowing green to be improved
- Move younger kids play area from MUGA to the other area with play equipment.
- Possible girls’ area
- Accessible outdoor learning area
- To create reed bed, the area behind hill to create a wetlands area where it is already boggy
- Created viewing area on higher areas
- Increase in wild lawns
- Considering a full size football pitch in the area next to the nursery (possible thin layer of grass on it)
- Add pump track near to skate park
- Widening high street path.
- Possible low level lightning on the paths help security but could affect wildlife.
The plan will go to consultation in due course
- Pitch and putt not on the plan but people may feedback that they want this.
- Discuss Comms plan for crowdfunding plan
- Space Hive decided as the platform
- Clear message required
- Sponsorship from local businesses
- Get the plans first and then create a message and a fundraising scheme.
- Abi to talk to the Cat and Fiddle where they have sold bricks to raise funds
- Next Steps
- Design responses due 14th FEB
- LS to set up workshop for procurement and anonymise the responses and shares.
- LS to share draft lottery questions
- Once lottery have feedback decide when/ how to consult
- FW and JJ to keep group up to date the South Park Masterplan and consultation.
- Abi to talk to Cat and Fiddle
- Abi to start comms plan.
- Sandy to draft a time frame.
- Date of next Meeting
11th March 2pm
Town Centre Recovery Working Group 01.02.22
Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Working Group
Minutes of the meeting held on 1st Feb 2022
Cllr Janet Jackson MBE
Cllr Fiona Wilson
Jo Wise
Laura Smith
Chris Draper
Matt Todd
Aoife Middlemass
Abi Sherratt
Becky Thompson
Nick Mannion
Liz Brathwaite
Evi Girling
- Welcome from Co Chairs
Cllr Janet Jackson MBE and Chris Draper welcomed the meeting
- Update from sub groups:
Comms- Abi Sherratt
Comms met last week 26/01/22 all actions complete apart from audit. Open comms group up to share information with all comms groups in town. Change groups to 6 monthly where people can come along and tell us about their comms. CD to invite a colleague from Peaks & Plains to attend extended Comms group.
Outdoor Hospitality – Cllr Fiona Wilson
- Held meeting 31/01/22, thanks Abi for such quick turnaround on the notes.
- Highlights:
- Town Hall feasibility study is underway.
- Markets – LS, JJ and AS attended the consultation and fed in the need for toilets.
- Park Green – with Crossings finishing, anyone with business ideas should contact Peter Skates. Feasibility was put out by CEC but no responses.
- Look at footfall data – AS to check figures.
- MTC to look at TH power supply.
- Signage for the Town – funded by MTC – JW and AS to discuss,
- MTC Gazeboes to be trailed outside Five Clouds. AS and BT to liaise with the businesses.
Art and Culture – Emma Anderson
- No art and culture forum since last meeting.
- Old library is in the process of being bought and Museum hope to work with the new owners.
- Mural in town is progressing.
- Light boxes – looks like they are going ahead.
- Avanti funding looks promising for the ‘treacle tart’ project. Station is the priority, then Sunderland St artwork and third is the revamp the station bridge artwork. This funding is not definite.
Community Response- Aoife Middlemiss
- Meeting up with groups and volunteer numbers have dipped.
- Speaking to groups like ROAR to encourage them to volunteer as part of the rehabilitation.
Environment – Matt Todd
- Eco Summit 2022 recap 14th May
- Next Eco Summit set for Oct 2022.
- Repair café – 5 have gone ahead, great success. Over 80 items repaired. 6 months of dates confirmed at Senior Citizens Hall.
- Bring green groups together – Macctastic meetings used to bring the green groups together.
- Macc Litter Map on facebook shows the routes people are litter picking on, and ideas of the Great British Spring Clean.
- Terracycle – looking for a new site to increase capacity for recycling.
- Matt to set up a meeting for sub group and Aoife to be invited.
- Review completed actions on the Plan
Laura ran through update of the plans – group added amendments.
LS to update and circulate. Good progress with the action plan was noted by all.
- Welcome Back fund update
Deckchairs, gazeboes, tables and chairs, planters all on order or delivered.
Spring campaign is coming – social media videos – will include the safety messages and ‘Say Hi to the High St’.
- Update on other activities:
Update on the Crossings – Chris Draper
- 26 units for private renting will be handed over to Peaks and Plains by end FEB
- Affordable units handed over towards end Mar.
- 14 units are rent to buy – all gone.
- 50% shared ownership are reserved.
- Opening for Stakeholders in April – group will be invited.
- EV charging points for those who occupy the building- infrastructure built in so there can be more.
- In addition, Peaks and Plains acquired 40 Sunderland Street from shoemaker and are currently refurbishing it, ready to let to independent trader and act as an incubator for a small business.
Britain in Bloom Update – Cllr Jackson/ Laura
- Meeting 24th Jan, planning the route, and planned on the flowers and planters provided by MTC. Leaflet to go to all businesses in town to encourage them to get involved.
- Community groups involved, ideas for phone boxes and wild flowers in sparrow park.
- LS, JJ and CD to get together to discuss ideas for Sunderland ST.
Public Space Protection Order out for consultation to tackle drinking issues in town centre. LS to share.
- Date of next meeting
29th March 10am
South Park Pavilion Working Party 07.01.22
South Park Pavilion Working Party Notes 7th Jan 2022 11.15am
Cllr Sandy Livingstone agreed to chair and was formally voted in.
Sandy led the introductions
Minutes agreed (change word group to party in the heading)
Discussion and confirmation of Design Brief
Building regulations changing over the next couple of years- therefore we will want a building that will reflect the new regulations.
Comments and amendments:
- Park Run to be changed throughout to Macclesfield parkrun.
- Pg 2 steps forward – the chosen architect will then be asked (para 3)
- Add, if possible, a downstairs hatch on the building.
- Accessible toilets – open as long as possible and possible option for toilets to be open without the whole building being open.
- Store sports equipment – lower case par
- The task ( change it to the uses of Pav is intended to be diverse)
- Stage 3 change date should be Nov 22 instead of 23
- Opportunities 3rd bullet change to choose.
- Key Elements to include a lift is necessary on the 2 storey option.
- Break fee down per stage
- South Park masterplan to be added – Ruth Morgan email to be added.
- Excellent ventilation
- Future proofing for Covid and future situations.
- To remove reference to fishing.
- Remove reference to community tennis
- Add possible involvement of architectural students to be added to design brief
Therefore, design brief agreed with amendments
- Go to procurement asap – next week
- MTC continuing discussions on CEC with lease.
Crowd Funding options
- Space Hive – agreed to forward with this option
- Clear message needed for crowdfunding and communications plans.
- Community share option- Laura will gain information and share.
- Sponsorship from local businesses to be gained (we will need to plan how to do this)
- Laura to email Lottery to see if funding could be gained for the project, by way of SPARK applying and to feedback asap.
Next Steps
- Update the design brief with amendments
- Procurement to start asap
- Laura to investigate community share option and lottery and feedback.
- Abi Sherratt to join for Comms plan for crowdfunding plan.
- Presentation on SP Masterplan (Cllr Wilson, Cllr Jackson and Ruth to feedback).
Date of next Meeting
4th Feb 2022 at 2pm via zoom
View 2021 Meetings
Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Working Group 07.12.21
Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Working Group
Minutes of the meeting to be held on 7th December 2021
Abi Sherratt Macclesfield Town Council
Chris Draper (Co Chair) Peaks and Plains Housing Trust
Cllr Fiona Wilson Macclesfield Town Council
Cllr Janet Jackson MBE (Co-Chair) Macclesfield Town Council
Cllr Nick Mannion Cheshire East Council
Laura Smith Macclesfield Town Council
Jo Wise Cheshire East Council
Dr Evi Girling Keele University
Matt Todd Scoop and Scales
Aoife Middlemass CVSCE
Becky Thompson Macclesfield Hospitality Action
Emma Anderson Macclesfield Museums
Cllr Liz Brathwaite Cheshire East Council
- Welcome from Co Chairs
Cllr Janet Jackson MBE and Chris Draper welcomed the group.
Update from sub groups:
Abi Sherratt updated on the comms group, safety messages have been increased as the rules change, more hand santisers will be provided by the Town Council.
The Town Council have approved funding to improve the signage in and around the town and for the indoor market.
The comms network is growing with many more local businesses getting involved and sharing information and messages on social media.
Outdoor Hospitality
Cllr Wilson updated that the Town Council have held several successful events as part of the ‘Step into Christmas’ programme. The event on November 20th replaced the traditional light switch on with an event that lasted whole day. Traders gave great feedback as it was steadily busy the whole day rather than busy at one time period when the lights switch on.
MTC also held a late night shopping/ hospitality event which was very positively received, with many shops staying open, and a giant Tipi with heaters bars and food offers. The Town Council plan to do this again next year.
Work is continuing around Park Green and Sunderland street spurred on by Cross roads development by Peaks and Plains. ( see feasibility study update below).
Art Culture
The Tunicliffe programme is underway with great coordination across the town including MTC, CEC and museums.
Th Tunicliffe exhibition is in Silk room at the Town Hall.
MTC funded Magic Lanterns was held on 3rd/4th December which proved quite popular despite the weather.
The Silk Heritage Trust has been awarded a Project Development Grant by the Architectural Heritage Fund to take forward planning for the development of the Heritage Centre / Sunday School. The funding is for development of detailed plans including a full Access Audit, Environment Sustainability Audit and strategy and Fundraising strategy.
The Museums focus for 2022 is to raise the profile of Paradise Mill, including allowing visitors to drop in and see it rather than booking appointments,
Community Response – Aoife Middlemiss gave apologies.
Environment – Matt Tood gave apologies.
Cllr Mannion commented that at the CEC economy and growth committee, he updated on the work of the Macclesfield TCRWG progress which was received very positively. The work of the group was used as an example for other towns. However it is important to note that there is a limit to what can be done medium / long term without external funding and support.
Town Centre Recovery Working Group Update for public and mailing list.
The update has been circulated and will go out to the mailing list and on the council website.
For the next edition all group members are encouraged to send Abi ideas/articles.
Welcome Back fund update
Jo Wise updated on the welcome back fund and the procurement of deckchairs, gazeboes and the ‘Hi to the High Street’ Christmas campaign.
Planters that can be used are barriers will also be procured and social media training.
Jo and Abi will look into whether the fund can be used to improve the electrical points at the Town hall for outdoor events.
Update on other activities:
CEC Feasibility Studies
Jo Wise updated:
- The feasibility studies of Macclesfield Indoor Market is underway and a public consultation will take place. Consultants charged with coming up with range of options short and long term.
- The Town Hall feasibility study is currently out for procurement.
- Procurement is also in progress to look at options for hospitality in Park Green
Mural tender for Town Centre
Cllr Jackson updated that CEC have chosen am artist for the mural and an announcement will be made public once the contracts are signed.
Challenge Group
Chris Draper gave feedback from the Challenge Group Meeting held by Peaks & Plains Housing Trust.
Key points were:
- The group were very pleased with Castle ST renovation, and would like to see more of the town centre undergo this work.
- Need for public conveniences, which this group and MTC and CEC are working hard to achieve.
- There are no Sunday bus services meaning many people cannot get into town on this day.
MTC Character Assessment
Cllr Wilson updated the group on the MTC Character Assessment Consultation. Replies have been slow so far, and the group are asked to send it out to all of their contacts once again. The closing date is 17th December 2021.
Interim insights from Summer 2021 Macclesfield wide survey by Keele University
Evi Girling (Place, Crime and Insecurity project-Security in Place, Keele University)
Evi Girling shared slides with the raw data results of a Macclesfield Wide survey held in summer 2021, and to be revisited in 2022 to measure progress or change of attitude.
The survey is very much around the public perceptions during the pandemic and of the town as a place to live. Results so far are very positive and once the data is verified a link will be shared.
Date of next meeting
Next meeting 1st FEB 10am 2022.
South Park Pavilion Working Group 07.12.21
South Park Pavilion Working Party Minutes 1st December 10am 2021
In attendance:
Cllr Fiona Wilson MTC
Cllr Janet Jackson MBE MTC
Becky Thompson SPARK
Joanne Bennett SPARK
Ruth Morgan ANSA
Laura Smith MTC
Cllr Sandy Livingstone MTC
Members present made introductions.
Results of Information Capture
- Presentation can be found here:
- Agreed to use the points in the presentation in the brief.
- With regard to style we will ask for a contemporary style with a possible nod to the history of the park.
Agree updated Terms of Reference
- To change all references from Working group to working party
- LS to email all members to see who may be interested in being a co-chair (one to be a councillor)
Next Steps
- LS to prepare a brief for architect quotations and share with group members.
- Group members to reply with amendments / agreements. Aim is to get the brief out in Jan 22.
- JB to liaise with Peter to look at crowdfunding options and whether MTC can use more than one crowdfunding platform at a time, Spacehive (CEC) is an option.
- Start crowdfunding once plans are agreed.
- Interested members who may like to Co-chair to email LS.
Date of next Meeting
7th Jan 11.15am (subject to agreement with those who gave apologies) via zoom.
Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Working Group 2nd November 2021
Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Working Group
Minutes of the meeting to be held on 2nd November 2021
Abi Sherratt Macclesfield Town Council
Aoife Middlemass CVSCE
Becky Thompson Macclesfield Hospitality Action
Chris Draper (Co Chair) Peaks and Plains Housing Trust
Cllr Fiona Wilson Macclesfield Town Council
Cllr Janet Jackson MBE (Co-Chair) Macclesfield Town Council
Cllr Liz Brathwaite Cheshire East Council
Cllr Nick Mannion Cheshire East Council
Emma Anderson Macclesfield Museums
Laura Smith Macclesfield Town Council
Jo Wise Cheshire East Council
Matt Todd Scoop and Scales
Dr Evi Girling Keele University
Welcome from Co Chairs
Chris Draper chaired as Janet Jackson was on an iPad making it difficult for her to chair.
Update from sub groups:
Comms- Abi Sherratt
Held a positive meeting on 6/09/21. MTC website is now live, improving signage in the town was discussed, and articles have been put in local people.
Outdoor Hospitality – Cllr Fiona Wilson
Met on 22/09/21 and again on 01/11/21 discussed pavement licenses ( MTC have not received any information on applicants), road closures on market square ( can they be permanent) and the welcome back fund. CEC are procuring across Cheshire East and will be buying deckchairs, gazebos and planters etc.
Becky Thompson advised that Five Clouds and R and G’s would be renting a gazebos structure for Dec 21.
Art and Culture – Emma Anderson
Tunicliffe exhibition hopefully in Town Hall this Dec – this will be evaluated to see if more joint working can take place.
Community Response- Aoife Middlemiss
CVS created a ‘Macclesfield Hub’ that is linked to MTC new website.
Environment –Matt Todd to go ahead with a monthly meeting for environmental groups and Aoife at CVS will attend too.
New Sub Group – Town Hall Update
Jo Wise updated on the brief for the Town Hall feasibility study. The group will no longer have a sub group and Charles Jarvis will chair 4 meetings, and feedback will be given to the group.
Mailing List Update of Plan
Abi Sherratt will complete by end of the week.
Welcome Back fund update
Jo Wise.
Procurement priority pre-Christmas comms.
Then deck chairs, gazebos plants and planters.
Light boxes in various locations on town to be agreed.
Activities in the Town Centre
Peaks and Plains development- Chris Draper
Circulated a brochure distributed to businesses near the Crossing development, positive feedback from the businesses so far. This will mean offering people who move into the Crossing vouchers or a booklet on the offers from the local businesses. Monthly challenge group of local residents, they monitor policy changes before Peaks and Plains adopt changes. Chris is attending to discuss the recovery group and will feedback views to the group.
Britain in Bloom – Janet Jackson/Laura Smith
Britain in Bloom judging will take place July / Aug 22. Plans are in place and we are looking to encourage local retailers and businesses to get involved. Contact will be made with shop parades on the estates also.
Christmas Activities – Abi Sherratt/ Becky Thompson
Updated that hospitality event and late night shopping on 2nd December. Lots of shops have agreed to open and Grosvenor centre will open until 9pm, and free car parking from 3pm.
Shop Front Guide – Fiona Wilson
MTC completed conservation area review and it is now with CEC for consultation and MTC are also completing a character review – this has brought up the matter of shop fronts and the various designs. MTC are looking for a guide to be completed to assist shops to make the town look attractive and keeping in character.
Date of next meeting
7th December 10am
Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Working Group 9th September 2021
Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Working Group
Minutes of the meeting held 9th September 2021.
Abi Sherratt Macclesfield Town Council
Aoife Middlemass CVSCE
Becky Thompson Macclesfield Hospitality Action
Chris Draper Peaks and Plains Housing Trust
Cllr Fiona Wilson Macclesfield Town Council
Cllr Janet Jackson MBE (Co-Chair) Macclesfield Town Council
Cllr Liz Brathwaite Cheshire East Council
Cllr Nick Mannion Cheshire East Council
Dr Evi Girling Keele University
Emma Anderson Macclesfield Museums
Laura Smith Macclesfield Town Council
Matt Todd Scoop and Scales
Jo Wise Cheshire East Council
Welcome from Co/Chairs
Cllr Jackson welcomed and thanked the group and gave a warm welcome to new members Matt Todd and Becky Thompson,
Discuss new Co-Chair
Chris Draper of Peaks and Plains will be the new Co-Chair.
Update from sub groups:
Matt Todd will lead the environment sub group and updated on who he had already identified and actions to be added to the plan. Matt will update the group by email of the actions as they were agreed by the group. Matt will hold an environment sub group within the next month and all groups members are invited to listen to the first meeting.
Comms- Abi Sherratt updated on the Comms subgroup, all key actions set so far have been achieved. Abi will send the notes to all of the group members.
Outdoor Hospitality – Cllr Fiona Wilson updated on the sub group, including the need for hospitality businesses to renew their pavement licenses. MHA, CEC and MTC will promote this.
Art and Culture – Emma Anderson fed back from the culture forum, where the Town Hall uses was raised with lots of ideas. (see item 4.)
Community Response- Aoife Middlemass updated on the work continuing to raise volunteer roles in Macclesfield, and the continued wonderful response of the people of Macclesfield working in the community.
New Sub Group – Town Hall
The group members agreed to form a new sub group to look at the Town Hall and explore how it could be used to benefit the town. Jo Wise will be asked to Chair the group, and Cllr Brathwaite, Aoife Middlemass and Emma Anderson have expressed interest in being part of the group. MHA and The Town Hall Network group will be invited also. Jo Wise is currently on annual leave and will be asked to arrange on her return.
Update on the Plan
Amber points on the plan were discussed and updated. LS and AS will update offline and send to the group. As also to produce an update from the group for the mailing list and wider community.
LS will also share the criteria for the welcome back fund, to gain ideas for the town from the working group members to go into the bid. Responses will be needed by 14th September.
Date of next meeting
10am 2nd November 2021, via zoom/teams.
Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Working Group 20th July 2021
Abi Sherratt Macclesfield Town Council
Aoife Middlemass CVSCE
Cllr Fiona Wilson Macclesfield Town Council
Cllr Janet Jackson MBE (Co-Chair) Macclesfield Town Council
Dr Evi Girling Keele University
Laura Smith Macclesfield Town Council
Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson (Co – Chair) Make it Macclesfield
Chris Draper Peaks and Plains Housing Trust
Jo Wise Cheshire East Council
Emma Anderson Macclesfield Museums
Cllr Nick Mannion Cheshire East Council
Cllr Liz Brathwaite Cheshire East Council
1. Welcome from Co/Chairs
Cllr Jackson welcomed and thanked the group.
2 Change to ToR
Proposal to amend the ToR due to the ongoing Pandemic and the fact there is still so much to do. All agreed.
MBJ advised that he has resigned his role on the board of MIM due to house move, and this means he will no longer be co-chair. MiM are happy with the work done so far and have no desire to have a replacement representative on the group. MBJ happy to continue working with the group. The group also agreed to add a rep from MHA to the group, Becky Thompson.
3 Review the Plan and Actions
Meeting held on 12th July, well attended. JJ updated the group on key
points and AS will send out minutes and updated action table to all
members of Working Group, which will explain in more detail
Outdoor Hospitality
FW happy that the report sent out covers all points. No further questions
Community Response
AM has been working on volunteer recruitment with MTC, and has been
offering advice on paperwork to ensure it is robust.
Some groups are not fully open yet, and CVS are working with them to assist.
Good meeting on the 14th July of the Cultural Forum, well attended.
Discussions continue re mural, and good progress has been made on the
Tunnicliffe Trail for later in the year.
Updated Action Plan
MBJ then took the group through the action table and each section was
discussed and the relevant RAG status updated if required.
4 Planned Walkaround with the LEP for 27th July 10am-1pm
The draft plan for the walkaround was agreed.
• LS to update ToR
• JJ to ask MHA, to Becky Thompson to join the Working Group.
• LS to add Matt Todd to invite for next meeting
• AM to send list of community venues to Helena Gowler and LS
5 Date of Next Meeting
Next meeting scheduled for 9am on Thursday 9th September
Planning Policy Consultation Working Group
Macclesfield Town Council
Planning Policy Consultation Working Group Agenda 13th May 2021
Agenda for the meeting on 13th May 2021 at 1.30pm.
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Minutes of the Planning Policy WG Meeting held on 15th March 2021
Action: To consider the draft minutes as a true record of the meeting.
3. Matters Arising from the Minutes
Action: To consider any matters arising from the minutes.
4. Final draft Houses in Multiple Occupation Supplementary Planning Document
Action: To consider a response to the consultation
5. Draft Housing Supplementary Planning Document
Action: To consider a response to the consultation
6. Date/Time and Place of Next Meeting
To be advised.
Macclesfield Town Council
Planning Policy Consultation Working Group Minutes 13th May 2021
Minutes of the meeting held on 13th May 2021 at 1.30pm.
In attendance:
- Cllr Mike Hutchison
- Cllr Janet Jackson MBE
- Cllr Fiona Wilson
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Minutes of the Planning Policy WG Meeting held on 15th March 2021
That the minutes are a true record of the meeting.
3. Matters Arising from the Minutes
To correct a typing error in the following paragraph:
There should a focus on homes for life so people may feel connected to their community, instilling a sense of civic pride and community cohesion. Affordability could aid the ambition of greater integration.
So that it reads:
There should be a focus on homes for life so people may feel connected to their community, instilling a sense of civic pride and community cohesion. Affordability could aid the ambition of greater integration.
The consultation response from the meeting dated 15th March 2021 was ratified at the Planning Committee meeting on 9th April 2021.
4. Final draft Houses in Multiple Occupation Supplementary Planning Document
The following comments were made by the Working Group and shall be ratified at the next available Planning Committee meeting before being returned as the consultation response:
Whilst it is disappointing that Macclesfield Town Council’s former comment regarding licensing was not addressed, the following detail is welcomed and will assist the Planning Committee when considering HMO planning applications:
- Reference to existing Planning Policies,
- Internal layout and room sizes,
- Waste disposal and storage,
- Car parking,
- Cycle parking facilities,
- Residential amenity.
The concern remains on the control of properties housing less than five people if a licence is not required.
Macclesfield Town Council will monitor the progress of Article 4 Directions in Cheshire East in relation to HMOs.
5. Draft Housing Supplementary Planning Document
The following comments were made by the Working Group and shall be ratified at the next available Planning Committee meeting before being returned as the consultation response:
Detail on the following is welcomed:
- Reference to existing Planning Policies,
- Inclusion of key worker housing,
- Meeting the needs of older persons,
- Detail on affordable housing including ‘pepper potting’ and integration,
- Meeting accessibility and wheelchair standards.
Concern was raised regarding the standards in Table 8.1. Cheshire East Council recognises there is a climate emergency. All applicants/developers should have a duty to meet energy and renewable standards or offset elsewhere in the local area.
The addition of a new paragraph following 8.5 that refers to the SADPD policy INF 3 Highway safety and access, incorporating charging infrastructure for electric vehicles with a standard of a charge point for every new dwelling.
6. Date/Time and Place of Next Meeting
To be advised.
Meeting closed at 2:41pm
Chair: Cllr Mike Hutchison
Clerk: Harriet Worrell
Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Working Group 26th April 2021
Abi Sherratt Macclesfield Town Council
Aoife Middlemass CVSCE
Cllr Fiona Wilson Macclesfield Town Council
Cllr Janet Jackson MBE (Co-Chair) Macclesfield Town Council
Cllr Liz Brathwaite Cheshire East Council
Dr Evi Girling Keele University
Laura Smith Macclesfield Town Council
Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson (Co – Chair) Make it Macclesfield
Justine Gore Peaks and Plains Housing Trust
Jo Wise Cheshire East Council
Cllr Nick Mannion Cheshire East Council
Emma Anderson Macclesfield Museums
1. Welcome from Co/Chairs
Cllr Jackson welcomed and thanked the group.
2 Updates on Member organisations endorsement of the plan
The Silk Trust formally endorsed our plan at their Board Meeting on 1st April.
CVSCE – will endorse at next Board meeting and confirm.
3 Updates on Subgroups and actions on the plan
· Communication
The next subgroup is being arranged by AS.
· Outdoor Eating
Cllr Wilson feedback that a positive meeting was held on 14th April 2021. Outdoor eating area at beginning of Market Square is going ahead and we hope will be in place for 17th May. MHA are project managing and will provide updates.
JW updated on the pavement licence process which is now free. The applications are dealt with by CEC, and MTC are a consultee.
· Community Response
Subgroup still to take place however MTC and CVSCE are holding a ‘get together’ virtually by zoom for Voluntary sector 19th May.
Also, the working group aim to hold an event/ promotion during ‘Volunteers Week’ at the beginning of June, to showcase the wonderful voluntary opportunities in Macclesfield. AM to lead.
It was also agreed to separate the Art and Culture from this group, and for Cllr Jackson and EA to attend the Macclesfield Cultural Forum, so they can feedback to the working group from that, rather than set up a new subgroup that would be duplication. Art and Culture will have its own Heading as a subgroup on future agendas.
· Eco Summit
Set for 15th May 2021. Organised by MTC and Macctastic. JG and Cllr Mannion are leading the session on the recovery working group and actions in the plan that come under the environment. From this the aim to create a subgroup.
· Update on actions on plan: MBJ and LS to update the mailing list on developments and work.
4. Updates from last meeting
· JW updated on criteria for levelling up and LEP funding. JW also showcased the marketing ‘Say ‘hi’ to the High Street’ and associated posters and campaign to be rolled out.
· Chewing gum campaign to be run by MTC.
AS had order items from Keep Britain Tidy and will plan a social media campaign.
· Discussion on Town Hall
It was agreed to hold this meeting once the CEC Asset Transfer Policy has been approved by CEC. Interested parties will be informed by LS and MBJ.
5. Next Steps/Actions
– Hold all subgroup meetings and email notes to all members to update.
– Update mailing list members
– Members to try to attend the LEP Consultations.
– It was agreed the next meeting will be spent reviewing the TOR and the future of the working group.
6. Date of next meeting
10am 8th June 2021.
Character Assessment Working Group
Macclesfield Town Council
Character Assessment Working Group Agenda 1st April 2021
Due to the Coronavirus Covid-19 restrictions and in line with the Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020 this meeting will be held remotely.
Agenda for the meeting 1st April 2021 at 10.30am.
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Minutes of the Character Assessment WG Meeting held on 12th March 2021
Action: To consider the draft minutes as a true record of the meeting.
3. Matters Arising from the Minutes
Action: To consider any matters arising from the minutes.
4. Character Assessment Development
Action: To review the revised draft objectives as per the report.
5. Date/Time and Place of Next Meeting
To be agreed
The format/venue to be confirmed subject to C-19 restrictions and related regulations.
Macclesfield Town Council
Character Assessment Working Group Minutes 1st April 2021
Due to the Coronavirus Covid-19 restrictions and in line with the Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020 this meeting was held remotely.
Minutes of the meeting held on 1st April 2021 at 10.30am.
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Minutes of the Character Assessment WG Meeting held on 12th March 2021
RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting.
3. Matters Arising from the Minutes
4. Character Assessment Development
RESOLVED: That the key objectives of a character assessment are agreed and an invitation to quote is prepared for a planning consultant to complete a character assessment for Macclesfield.
5. Date/Time and Place of next Meeting
To be advised
The format/venue to be confirmed subject to C-19 restrictions and related regulations.
Meeting closed at 11.04am
Chair: Cllr Mike Hutchison
Clerk: Harriet Worrell
Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Working Group 30th March 2021
Abi Sherratt Macclesfield Town Council
Aoife Middlemass CVSCE
Cllr Fiona Wilson Macclesfield Town Council
Cllr Janet Jackson MBE (Co-Chair) Macclesfield Town Council
Cllr Liz Brathwaite Cheshire East Council
Dr Evi Girling Keele University
Emma Anderson Macclesfield Museums
Laura Smith Macclesfield Town Council
Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson (Co – Chair) Make it Macclesfield
Justine Gore Peaks and Plains Housing Trust
Jo Wise Cheshire East Council
Cllr Nick Mannion Cheshire East Council
1. Welcome from Co/Chairs
Cllr Jackson welcomed and thanked the group.
2 Updates on Member organisations endorsement of the plan
All working group member organisations have endorsed the plan, apart from:
Silk Museums have it on their agenda 1/04/21
CVSCE – to confirm
3 Updates on Subgroups and actions on the plan
· Communication
The first Communication sun group meeting has taken place.
· Outdoor Eating
Meeting set for 14th April 2021. Outdoor eating area at beginning of Market Square can go ahead with funding from MTC for Planters and tables, and support from CEC, with licensing and moving car park spaces. MHA will project manage.
· Community Response
Larger group still to be set up. MTC and CVSCE are holding a ‘get together’ virtually by zoom for Voluntary sector 19th May.
· Eco Summit
Set for 15th May 2021. Organised by MTC and Macctastic.
This recovery working group will have a session, to present the plan, with the aim to create a subgroup.
· Update on actions on plan: Group updated actions in progress on the plan. MBJ will update and LS and MBJ will produce updates to all mailing list contacts.
4. Updates from last meeting
· JW to update on criteria for levelling up and LEP funding.
JW was not present but has emailed over information.
· Chewing gum campaign to be run by MTC.
LS and AS are procuring items from Keep Britain Tidy.
· MBJ and LS to update all on the mailing list.
Updated in previous item.
· Invite David Rutley to a Working Group Meeting
Invite will be made in due course.
5. Discussion on Town Hall
Many interested residents and organisations in the town contact member organisations about the use of the Town Hall building. It is owned by CEC, who use the building for various meetings, weddings and events. It also houses MTC.
The working group decided try and bring together interested parties for discussion. This would include CEC as the owners of the building.
It would be desirable to hold this meeting once the CEC Asset Transfer Policy has been approved, however we would aim for end May 2021.
6. Next Steps/Actions
– Hold all sub group meetings
– Update mailing list members
– Organise Town Hall discussion
– Members to try to attend the LEP Consultations.
7. Date of next meeting
26th April 10.30am
Planning Policy Consultation Working Group
Macclesfield Town Council
Planning Policy Consultation Working Group Agenda 15th March 2021
Due to the Coronavirus Covid-19 restrictions and in line with the Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020 this meeting will be held remotely.
Agenda for the meeting on 15th March 2021 at 10am.
1. Election of Chair and Vice Chair
1.1 Elect Chair
1.2 Elect Vice Chair
2. Background
3. Governance
3.1 Agree Terms of Reference
4. National Planning Policy Framework and National Model Design Code Consultation
Action: To consider a response to the consultation
5. Date/Time and Place of Next Meeting
To be advised.
The format/venue to be confirmed subject to C-19 restrictions and related regulations.
Macclesfield Town Council
Planning Policy Consultation Working Group Minutes 15th March 2021
Due to the Coronavirus Covid-19 restrictions and in line with the Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020 this meeting was held remotely.
Minutes of the meeting held on 15th March 2021 at 10am.
In attendance:
- Cllr Mike Hutchison
- Cllr Janet Jackson MBE
- Cllr Fiona Wilson
1. Election of Chair and Vice Chair
1.1 Elect Chair
RESOLVED: That Cllr Hutchison is elected as Chair
1.2 Elect Vice Chair
RESOLVED: That Cllr Wilson is elected as Vice Chair
2. Background
At the Planning Committee meeting on 26/02/21, it was resolved that a Working Group is established to respond to future planning consultations.
Currently, the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government is consulting on the draft text of the revised National Planning Policy Framework and seeking views on the draft National Model Design Code.
3. Governance
3.1 Terms of Reference
The Terms of Reference were agreed.
4. National Planning Policy Framework and National Model Design Code Consultation
RESOLVED: That the following response to the consultation is returned and ratified at the next available Planning Committee meeting.
Chapter 2: Achieving sustainable development
Q1. Do you agree with the changes proposed in Chapter 2?
Request an amendment to paragraph 8b:
A social objective – to support strong, vibrant, and healthy communities, by ensuring that a sufficient number and range of homes, including affordable homes, can be provided to meet the needs…
Chapter 3: Plan-making
Q2: Do you agree with the changes proposed in Chapter 3?
Disagree with the addition of text to paragraph 22:
“Where larger-scale development such as new settlements form part of the strategy for the area, policies should be set within a vision that looks further ahead (at least 30 years), to take into account the likely timescale for delivery.”
This will have an impact on land prices and reduce the viability of affordable housing in new developments.
Chapter 4: Decision making
Q3: Do you agree with the changes proposed in Chapter 4? Which option relating to change of use to residential do you prefer and why?
Disagree with the new text in paragraph 53, and express concern on how the new criteria can be applied. Article 4s should continue to be limited to situations where necessary to support local amenities and wellbeing of an area, and in particular to protect communities from the proliferation of HMOs which can have a negative impact in a local area.
Paragraph 59 – request “They should consider publishing a local enforcement plan to manage enforcement proactively, in a way that is appropriate to their area” is amended to;
“They should publish a local enforcement plan to manage enforcement proactively, in a way that is appropriate to their area.”
We have seen the cumulative detrimental effect on our town centre conservation area of uPVC window installations, satellite dishes and unsympathetic shop frontages that could have been prevented with proactive enforcement measures.
Chapter 5: Delivering a wide choice of high quality homes
Q4: Do you agree with the changes proposed in Chapter 5?
Paragraph 63 – remove b) so that affordable housing is prioritised.
Chapter 8: Promoting healthy and safe communities
Q5: Do you agree with the changes proposed in Chapter 8?
No comments
Chapter 9: Promoting sustainable transport
Q6: Do you agree with the changes proposed in Chapter 9?
No comments
Chapter 11: Making effective use of land
Q7: Do you agree with the changes proposed in Chapter 11?
No comments
Chapter 12: Achieving well-designed places
Q8: Do you agree with the changes proposed in Chapter 12?
Paragraph 126 – retain existing wording. Parish/town councils are comprised of elected members and represent the community. Neighbourhood groups risk undermining this important planning function.
Paragraph 127 – retain existing wording. If a neighbourhood plan has a policy on design or develops a design code, this should be the standard against which design will be measured in that area.
Paragraph 128 – don’t agree. As above, if a neighbourhood plan has a policy on design or develops a design code, this should be the standard against which design will be measured in that area.
Paragraph 130 is welcomed. Macclesfield Town Council is actively seeking opportunities for planting trees in the town.
Chapter 13: Protecting the Green Belt
Q9: Do you agree with the changes proposed in Chapter 13?
No comments
Chapter 14: Meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal change
Q10: Do you agree with the changes proposed in Chapter 14?
No comments
Chapter 15: Conserving and enhancing the natural environment
Q11: Do you agree with the changes proposed in Chapter 15?
No comments
Chapter 16: Conserving and enhancing the historic environment
Q12. Do you agree with the changes proposed in Chapter 16?
No comments
Chapter 17: Facilitating the sustainable use of minerals
Q13. Do you agree with the changes proposed in Chapter 17?
National Model Design Code
No comments
Q14. Do you have any comments on the changes to the glossary?
No comments
Q15. We would be grateful for your views on the National Model Design Code, in terms of:
a) the content of the guidance
b) the application and use of the guidance
c) the approach to community engagement.
No comments
Public Sector Equality Duty
Q16. We would be grateful for your comments on any potential impacts under the Public Sector Equality Duty.
Reducing the cost of land will increase affordability. Development should reflect the needs in society and provide safe homes that promote health and wellbeing with a residential mix. At least 30% of homes should be affordable and distributed, as too rented properties, throughout a development site to prevent a cluster of housing types that may foster perceptions of inequality between residents of diverse economic means.
There is real concern that offsetting affordable houses to alternate sites dedicated for this market will lead to an extreme sense of inequality and discrimination, with the potential for such areas to decline and impact negatively on residents’ health and wellbeing.
There should be a focus on homes for life so people may feel connected to their community, instilling a sense of civic pride and community cohesion. Affordability could aid the ambition of greater integration.
New homes must meet high environmental standards such as electric charging points, low energy boilers and insulation to future proof the world in a time when climate emergencies have been declared by many councils. The health and wellbeing of future generations is dependent on responsible and decisive action now.
Larger developments in particular should have a responsibility to ensure there is no detrimental impact to existing services and infrastructure (health service, education, transport) that may indirectly discriminate against minority groups. This can be achieved through CIL or S106 injections or the development providing its own services, providing there is a sustainable infrastructure link to the town centre and the development does not divert footfall from the town centre.
5. Date/Time and Place of Next Meeting
To be advised.
The format/venue to be confirmed subject to C-19 restrictions and related regulations.
Meeting closed at 11.22am
Chair: Cllr Mike Hutchison
Clerk: Harriet Worrell
Character Assessment WG
Macclesfield Town Council
Character Assessment Working Group Agenda 12th March 2021
Due to the Coronavirus Covid-19 restrictions and in line with the Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020 this meeting will be held remotely.
Agenda for the meeting 12th March 2021 at 1pm.
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Minutes of the Character Assessment WG Meeting held on 5th February 2021
Action: To consider the draft minutes as a true record of the meeting.
3. Matters Arising from the minutes
Action: To consider any matters arising from the minutes.
4. Character Assessment Development
Action: To further refine the draft objectives as per the report.
5. Date/Time and Place of Next Meeting
To be agreed
The format/venue to be confirmed subject to C-19 restrictions and related regulations.
Macclesfield Town Council
Character Assessment Working Group Minutes 12th March 2021
Due to the Coronavirus Covid-19 restrictions and in line with the Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020 this meeting will be held remotely.
Minutes of the meeting held on 12th March 2021 at 1pm.
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Minutes of the Character Assessment WG meeting held on 5th February 2021
RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting.
3. Matters Arising from the minutes
At the previous meeting on 5th February, a provisional date of 26th February was set for the next meeting of the Working Group. This date was subsequently rescheduled to 12th March.
4. Character Assessment Development
The Working Group welcomed Mr Tom Evans, a Senior Cheshire East Council Planning Officer, to the meeting.
Mr Evans advised that:
- The context of a character assessment should align within the Government’s emerging design guide model.
- The focus of the character assessment should be the visual landscape and specification of planning policy where it is not covered by existing Cheshire East Council planning policy.
- The character assessment quotation brief seeks recommendations from the planning consultant on mechanisms to address the elements previously identified by the Planning Committee. The elements are:
- Economy
- Climate Change
- Landscape
- Flood risk
- Habitat
- Open Space including protection of local green spaces
- Infrastructure
- Housing
- HMOs
- Community Assets
- King’s Cumberland Street cricket pitch
- Any other areas identified during the preparation of the Character Assessment.
- That the character assessment is formatted to facilitate the process by which Cheshire East Council may adopt it as a supplementary planning document.
5. Date/Time and Place of next Meeting
The date of the next meeting of the Working Group is 10.30am on 1st April 2021.
The format/venue to be confirmed subject to C-19 restrictions and related regulations.
Meeting closed at 2.04pm
Chair: Cllr Mike Hutchison
Clerk: Harriet Worrell
Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Working Group 2nd March 2021
Abi Sherratt Macclesfield Town Council
Aoife Middlemass CVSCE
Cllr Fiona Wilson Macclesfield Town Council
Cllr Janet Jackson MBE (Co-Chair) Macclesfield Town Council
Cllr Liz Brathwaite Cheshire East Council
Cllr Nick Mannion Cheshire East Council
Dr Evi Girling Keele University
Emma Anderson Macclesfield Museums
Jo Wise Cheshire East Council
Laura Smith Macclesfield Town Council
Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson (Co – Chair) Make it Macclesfield
Justine Gore Peaks and Plains Housing Trust
1. Welcome from Co/Chairs
Cllr Jackson welcomed and thanked the group.
2 Updates on Member organisations endorsement of the plan
All the member organisations have received a letter from the Co-Chairs of the Working group asking them to endorse the plan.
CEC have endorsed the plan, with a decision record signed by the Executive Director Place and Cllr Mannion as Portfolio Holder for Environment and Regeneration to formally endorse the MTCRP on behalf of CEC
MTC will approve at Full Council 29/03/21
Silk Museums have it on their agenda 1/04/21
MIM have it on the agenda for their next Board Meeting 8/03/21
CVS and Peaks and Plains to update the time scale for their endorsement.
3 Updates on Subgroups and actions on the plan
· Communication
Group is formed and being led by Abi Sherratt.
· Outdoor Eating
Group is formed and led by Cllr Fiona Wilson and Jo Wise
· Community Response
Emma Anderson, Aoife Middlemass and Cllr Brathwaite to meet and set up a meeting.
· Eco Summit
Set for 15th May 2021. Organised by MTC and Macctastic.
This recovery working group will have a session, to present the plan, with the aim to create a subgroup.
· Mailing list updates
Approx 50 people on the list.
Updates can be sent by Town Clerk if related to the plan.
MBJ and Town Clerk to produce an update
· Art and Culture group updates
Abi and Cllr Jackson attend this group and will be the point of contact for the working group.
4 Updates on any funding opportunities
Discussion on potential funding from the LEP and Levelling Up Funding.
Once the Levelling Up Funding criteria is released JW will update the group.
It was agreed to invite David Rutley MP to a working group meeting to assist with funding.
Re-opening High Street fund being extended to end of June so that CE will be doing a repeat of their press adverts, videos for TC to promote via social media and mail shots to residents.
5 Next Steps/Actions including discussion what Covid Roadmap could mean for the plan.
– JW to update on criteria for levelling up and LEP funding
– All subgroups to meet
– Chewing gum campaign to be run by MTC (AS)
– MBJ and LS to update all on the mailing list
– Invite David Rutley to a Working Group Meeting.
6 Date of next meeting
30th March 2021 at 11.30am
Character Assessment WG
Macclesfield Town Council
Character Assessment Working Group Agenda 5th February 2021
Due to the Coronavirus Covid-19 restrictions and in line with the Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020 this meeting will be held remotely.
Agenda for the meeting 5th February 2021 at 11.30am.
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Minutes of the Character Assessment WG meeting held on 15th January 2021
Action: To consider the draft minutes as a true record of the meeting
3. Matters Arising from the minutes
Action: To consider any matters arising from the minutes
4. Character Assessment Development
Action: To consider the report
5. Date/Time and Place of Next Meeting
To be agreed
The format/venue to be confirmed subject to C-19 restrictions and related regulations.
Macclesfield Town Council
Character Assessment Working Group Minutes 5th February 2021
Due to the Coronavirus Covid-19 restrictions and in line with the Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020 this meeting was held remotely.
The committee members requested that this meeting was brought forward from 11.30am to 11am.
Minutes of the meeting held on 5th February 2021 at 11am.
In attendance:
- Cllr Mike Hutchison
- Cllr Janet Jackson MBE
- Cllr Fiona Wilson
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Minutes of the Character Assessment WG Meeting held on 15th January 2021
RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting.
3. Matters Arising from the minutes
4. Character Assessment Development
Following approval of the recommendation to the Planning Committee meeting on 05/02/21, an invitation to quote shall be prepared for the appointment of a planning consultant to prepare a character assessment.
The working group:
- Reviewed and approved the report listing the set of objectives for a character assessment for Macclesfield.
- Capped the funding of planning consultancy at £10,000. In the event of additional funding, provision will be reviewed at Full Council.
- Sought that there was proactive engagement with suitably qualified stakeholders.
5. Date/Time and Place of Next Meeting
A provisional date for the next meeting of the Working Group is 11.30am on 26th February.
The format/venue to be confirmed subject to C-19 restrictions and related regulations.
Meeting closed at 11:55 am
Chair: Cllr Mike Hutchison
Clerk: Harriet Worrell
Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Working Group 29th Jan 2021
Emma Anderson Macclesfield Museums
Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson (Co – Chair) Make it Macclesfield
Cllr Liz Brathwaite Cheshire East Council
Justine Gore Peaks and Plains Housing Trust
Cllr Janet Jackson MBE (Co-Chair) Macclesfield Town Council
Cllr Fiona Wilson Macclesfield Town Council
Laura Smith Macclesfield Town Council
Jo Wise Cheshire East Council
Abi Sherratt Macclesfield Town Council
Dr Evi Girling Keele University
Cllr Nick Mannion Cheshire East Council
1. Membership
The group agreed to invite Aoife Middlemass to the working group as a member, who will represent CVS, who are the infrastructure organisation for the voluntary and community sector.
All members agreed to continue the group and to meet at least monthly.
2. Feedback from the Forum
Feedback from the forum has be overwhelmingly positive. There is a lot of energy and enthusiasm from the people of Macclesfield to get involved and make change. Social Media posts have been positive, and many attendees have emailed further ideas and suggestions.
The key now is to harness the enthusiasm and turn it into action in the plan.
2. Finalising and Endorsing the Plan
Matthew, Abi, Jo and Laura will meet 4th FEB to update the plan with all of the findings and suggestions from the online event.
The plan focuses on the shorter term ‘Covid’ recovery; however the event did show that there is enthusiasm for longer term recovery ideas. So, we will add those longer term suggestions to the plan in order to manage expectations and time scales.
We agreed each working group organisation should endorse the plan, with the understanding that this may be more complex for our CEC colleagues.
4. Next Steps and Taking Action
Laura to update all attendees of the Online Forum, thank them for their positive input and enthusiasm, and ask if they would like to be on a mailing list for updates.
Working group members will be added to the mailing list.
It was agreed to have subgroups that feed into the working group to take forward the actions.
• Communication – Abi Sherratt to lead
• Outdoor eating – Cllr Wilson and Jo Wise to lead.
• Community Response – Aoife, Emma and Liz to lead
• Environment – Cllr Mannion and Justine to work with MTC and Macctastic – focusing on the Eco Summit in May.
Each group with update the working group meetings
5. Resources and Funding Bids
It was agreed for the Working Group to collaborate and work together on funding bids that relate to actions on the plan.
Cllr Wilson will work on a statement relating to funding.
6. Date of next meeting
9th FEB 11.30 – 12.30
Character Assessment Working Group
Macclesfield Town Council
Character Assessment Working Group Agenda 15th January 2021
Due to the Coronavirus Covid-19 restrictions and in line with the Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020 this meeting will be held remotely.
Agenda for the meeting 15th January 2021 at 11.30am.
1. Election of Chair and Vice Chair
1.1 Elect Chair
1.2 Elect Vice Chair
2. Background
3. Governance
3.1 Terms of Reference
Action: To note the Terms of Reference
4. Character Assessment Areas
Action: To develop an approach on the character assessment of the following areas:
- Transport
- Economy
- Climate Change
- Landscape
- Flood risk
- Habitat
- Open Space including protection of local green spaces
- Infrastructure
- Housing
- HMOs
- Community Assets
- King’s Cumberland Street cricket pitch
5. Date/Time and Place of Next Meeting
To be agreed
The format/venue to be confirmed subject to C-19 restrictions and related regulations.
Macclesfield Town Council
Character Assessment Working Group Minutes 15th January 2021
Due to the Coronavirus Covid-19 restrictions and in line with the Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020 this meeting was held remotely.
Minutes of the meeting held on 15th January 2021 at 11.30am.
In attendance:
- Cllr Mike Hutchison
- Cllr Janet Jackson MBE
- Cllr Fiona Wilson
1. Election of Chair and Vice Chair
1.1 Elect Chair
RESOLVED: That Cllr Hutchison is elected as Chair
1.2 Elect Vice Chair
RESOLVED: That Cllr Wilson is elected as Vice Chair
2. Background
The Macclesfield Character Assessment will define the local built environment, capturing what is important, worth protecting and strengthening.
The aim is to document what is not covered in existing Cheshire East Council planning policy; to be used as a reference by Macclesfield Town Council when considering applications and ultimately, subject to the Local Planning Authority’s consultation process, adopted as a supplementary planning document.
3. Governance
3.1 Terms of Reference
The Terms of Reference were noted.
4. Character Assessment Areas
RESOLVED: That subject to the Council’s Standing Orders, an invitation to quote is prepared for a Planning Consultant to support the council in the preparation of a character assessment to cover, but not limited to, the following areas:
- Transport
- Economy
- Climate Change
- Landscape
- Flood risk
- Habitat
- Open Space including protection of local green spaces
- Infrastructure
- Housing
- HMOs
- Community Assets
- King’s Cumberland Street cricket pitch
5. Date/Time and Place of Next Meeting
The date of the next meeting of the Working Group is 11.30am on 5th February 2021.
The format/venue to be confirmed subject to C-19 restrictions and related regulations.
Meeting closed at 12.22am
Chair: Cllr Mike Hutchison
Clerk: Harriet Worrell
View 2020 Meetings
Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Working Group 23rd November 2020
Emma Anderson Macclesfield Museums
Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson (Co – Chair) Make it Macclesfield
Cllr Liz Brathwaite Cheshire East Council
Justine Gore Peaks and Plains Housing Trust
Cllr Janet Jackson MBE (Co-Chair) Macclesfield Town Council
Cllr Nick Mannion Cheshire East Council
Cllr Fiona Wilson Macclesfield Town Council
Laura Smith Macclesfield Town Council
Jo Wise Cheshire East Council
Abi Sherratt Macclesfield Town Council
Dr Evi Girling Keele University
Professor Ian Loader Keele University
1. Welcome from Co/Chairs
Cllr Jackson welcomed and thanked the group for all their hard work to collect evidence with surveys and fact finding sessions. The minutes of the last meeting were agreed.
We welcomed Abi Sherratt, newly appointed Events and Communications Officer for Macclesfield Town Council.
We also welcomed Dr Evi Girling and Professor Ian Loader from Keele University who were observing the group and they will be conducting longer term surveys on Covid and safety in the new year.
2. MBJ led the next session, a working interactive session where we gathered all the evidence from the following and began to create actions for the plan
• Residents Survey – Cllr Braithwaite and JW
• Residents Fact-Finding session – Cllr Brathwaite and JG
• Business Surveys – JW and Cllr Braithwaite
• Retail Fact-Finding Session – Cllr Wilson
• Hospitality Fact-Finding Session – Cllr Mannion and MBJ
• Cultural and Digital Fact-Finding Session – Cllr Jackson and EA
3. Tasks Moving Forward
• 1 page Summary of the Survey Findings JW and Cllr Brathwaite
• Actions to be fitted in the plan – MBJ
• Look to arrange further Hospitality and Retail fact finding sessions- MBJ, Cllr Wilson, Cllr Mannion and LS.
• Organise and plan for a large focus group
• Proofread and create structured and accessible document of the plan and actions. AS
• Update MTC actions of what has been done during Covid and planned for the Christmas period – Cllr Wilson
4. Date of next meeting
Tuesday 1st December 2020 at 8.30 – 9.30am via zoo
Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Working Group 26th October 2020
Emma Anderson Macclesfield Museums
Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson (Co – Chair) Make it Macclesfield
Cllr Liz Brathwaite Cheshire East Council
Justine Gore Peaks and Plains Housing Trust
Cllr Janet Jackson MBE (Co-Chair) Macclesfield Town Council
Cllr Nick Mannion Cheshire East Council
Cllr Fiona Wilson Macclesfield Town Council
Laura Smith Macclesfield Town Council
Jo Wise Cheshire East Council
Michael Jones Local Retailer (PR Jones Jewellers)
1. Welcome from Co/Chairs
The Co-chairs welcomed the group and minutes of last meeting were agreed.
2. Initial Objectives
The group discussed and agreed updates to the Executive summary within the recovery plan. Once updated it will be publicised.
3. Update to the Baseline Information
Footfall data
Footfall data is on MTC website is showing a downward trend, however it was noted when compared with national footfall, the town centre was performing favourably. We aim to add a national comparison figure to the MTC data.
Update on vacant properties and what businesses are open in Macclesfield.
Vacant property research has been completed and showed a very stable amount of vacant properties. Although some properties are now vacant this has been offset of a take up of vacant premises by other businesses.
One key point was that it is hard to find information about vacant properties. e.g what is currently available, cost, planning class etc.
Collation and analysis of work in public realm and keeping the town safe and clean.
Cllr Mannion updated that the collection of examples of work that has been done and is planned to keep the town clean and an attractive place to visit, continues. Cllr Mannion will work with the Town Clerk, The MTC Ranger Service and Ansa to discuss further possible projects for the public realm.
Update on progression of Surveys and any initial feedback.
o Cllr Brathwaite has hand delivered around 200 surveys to local businesses.
o CEC and MTC have the links to both surveys on their respective websites
o Working Group members have circulated both residents survey and business survey far and wide, engaging many other organisations to gather evidence, and will continue to do promote.
o Engagement in the survey has been positive.
Returns so far:
o Approx. 70 Business surveys returned
o Approx. 300 Residents’ surveys returned.
4. Communication
Communication strategy
The group agreed to release the Executive Summary from the plan once updated.
Circulate and publicise the fact finding sessions and push the surveys again as we reach the end date of 31st October.
Draft a Communication timeline
Invite MTC Events and Communication Officer to the meetings once in post.
5. Fact Finding Sessions
Dates and format were agreed for the following sessions:
• Cultural and Digital
• Hospitality
• Residents
• Retail
To be publicised as soon as possible, with all data to be collated and feedback to the working group 23rd November 2020.
6. Tasks Moving Forward
• Update Executive Summary – MBJ
• Publicise, and communicate details of fact finding sessions – LS
• Flow chart produced of Principles and Objectives- MBJ and JW
• Communication timeline to be drafted – Cllr Wilson, JG and LS
• Collate survey results –quantitative data CEC team, qualitative data – Cllr Brathwaite and JW.
7. Date of next meeting
Thursday 12th November 8.30am – 9.30am Meet to debrief on fact finding sessions
Monday 23rd November 8.30am – Midday – Full working group meeting and collation of survey and fact finding session evidence.
Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Group Meeting 2nd October 2020
Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Group Minutes 2nd October
Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Working Group
Minutes of the meeting to be held on 2nd October 2020 2pm to 4pm
Emma Anderson Macclesfield Museums
Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson (Co – Chair) Make it Macclesfield
Cllr Liz Brathwaite Cheshire East Council
Cllr Janet Jackson MBE (Co-Chair) Macclesfield Town Council (Chair)
Cllr Nick Mannion Cheshire East Council
Cllr Fiona Wilson Macclesfield Town Council
Laura Smith Macclesfield Town Council
Jo Wise Cheshire East Council
Michael Jones Local Retailer (PR Jones Jewellers)
Justine Gore Peaks and Plains Housing Trust
1. Welcome from Co/Chairs
The Co-chairs welcomed the group and minutes of last meeting were agreed.
2. Initial Objectives
The group discussed the draft objectives presented by MBJ.
Additions were agreed around:
- Public realm and environment e.g. promoting green spaces
- Communication e.g. public health messages
MBJ will update
3. Update to the Baseline Information
- Footfall data is now on MTC website in an accessible format
- CEC footfall data was shared with the group, however, is not on CEC as they seek to make it accessible.
- It was noted footfall in the town centre had been increasing until last week (week beginning Sep 21st, 2020) coinciding with a change in Govt guidelines and an increase in restrictions.
Update on vacant properties and what businesses are open in Macclesfield.
This is still in progress but near completion. Thank you to Cllr Edwardes for his invaluable contribution to this task.
Collation and analysis of work in public realm and keeping the town safe and clean.
Cllr Mannion updated that the collection of examples of work that has been done and is planned to keep the town clean and an attractive place to visit, continues. It also fed into the initial objectives discussion.
Update on progression of Surveys and any initial feedback.
- Cllr Brathwaite has hand delivered around 200 surveys to local businesses.
- CEC and MTC have the links to both surveys on their respective websites
- Working Group members have circulated both residents survey and business survey far and wide, engaging many other organisations to gather evidence, and will continue to do promote.
- Engagement in the survey has been positive.
Returns so far:
- 40 Business surveys returned
- 137 Residents’ surveys returned.
4. Communication
Update on possible Funding
JW updated that they had a very positive meeting concerning the funding and would keep the group updated.
Communication strategy
The group agreed that communication is of paramount importance in contributing to the success for the recovery plan.
After a discussion, it was agreed, as MTC are imminently recruiting and Events and Communication Officer (Town Centre Manager) that they would lead the Communication strategy.
It needs to include:
- Communication with Partners and Stakeholders
- Social Media and digital communications
- Communication for those who are digitally excluded or those who do not use social media
5. Forum
The group agreed to supplement the evidence from the surveys with sector specific sessions groups to gain further evidence.
The agreed sessions will be
- Cultural and Digital
- Hospitality
- Residents
- Retail
Criteria will be developed to establish attendance for each session, and there will be up to 10 places, on a first come first served basis.
2 members of the working group will facilitate each session.
The larger forum will take place once the results of the survey and the fact finding sessions are complete.
6. Tasks Moving Forward
- Update plan – MBJ
- Update for stakeholders – MBJ
- Update on emerging survey findings – Cllr Brathwaite and JW
- Produce plan for the sector specific fact finding sessions – LS
- Structure of fact finding sessions – MBJ and LS
7. Date of next meeting
16th October 3pm – 4pm Meet to finalise details of fact finding sessions.
26th October 8.30am – 10.30am – Full working group meeting.
Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Working Group Meeting – 10th September 2020
Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Working Group Minutes
Minutes of the meeting to be held at 8.30am 10.30am on 10th September 2020
Emma Anderson Macclesfield Museums
Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson (Co – Chair) Make it Macclesfield
Cllr Liz Brathwaite Cheshire East Council
Justine Gore Peaks and Plains Housing Trust
Cllr Janet Jackson MBE (Co-Chair) Macclesfield Town Council (Chair)
Cllr Nick Mannion Cheshire East Council
Cllr Fiona Wilson Macclesfield Town Council
Laura Smith Macclesfield Town Council
Jo Wise Cheshire East Council
1. Welcome from Co/Chairs
Cllr Janet Jackson MBE and Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson welcomed the group and thanked them for the input and work completed.
Group members agreed to publicise group members on MTC website.
2. Structure of the Recovery Plan
Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson presented a proposed structure for the recovery plan.
3. Update to the Baseline Information
Update and presentation of the MTC and CEC response to Covid.
Update on footfall and collection on what properties are vacant in the town
Update and agreement on Business Confidence Survey and Residents survey.
4. Initial Objectives
Members agreed to go through the High Street Task Force recovery plan prior to the next meeting with view to setting clear and realistic objectives as a priority.
5. Tasks Moving Forward
- Finalise the Structure
- Go through High Street Task Force Objectives
- Approval needed for surveys from CEC. Once approved surveys to be circulated by all members immediately.
- Baseline data to be prepared and / or updated
– Foot fall data in an accessible format, showing week on week, month and month and the same week with the previous year for comparison.
– Update on vacant properties and what businesses are open in Macclesfield.
– Collection of work in public realm and keeping the town safe and clean.
– Start the collection of all the various events and reasons to visit the town centre.
6. Date of next meeting
The next meeting is set for 22nd September 2020 8.30am – 10.30 am via zoom.
Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Working Group Minutes 4th September 2020
Emma Anderson – Macclesfield Museums
Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson Make it Macclesfield
Cllr Liz Brathwaite Cheshire East Council
Justine Gore Peaks and Plains Housing Trust
Cllr Janet Jackson MBE Macclesfield Town Council (Chair)
Cllr Nick Mannion Cheshire East Council
Cllr Fiona Wilson Macclesfield Town Council
Laura Smith Macclesfield Town Council
Jo Wise Cheshire East Council
Nick Lewis Estates and Leisure
1. Welcome from Chair
Cllr Janet Jackson MBE welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked everyone for attending and giving their time and looked forward to a positive working experience.
2. Election of Chair / Co-Chair
It was agreed that the group should be Co-Chaired. Cllr Janet Jackson and Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson were selected for the positions for future meetings.
3. Background to the Working Group
Cllr Fiona Wilson, Macclesfield Town Council Town Centre and Regeneration Champion, shared with the group an overview of Macclesfield Town Council’s strategy and their response to Covid-19 including:
• The commitment to the Town Centre regeneration in the MTC Strategy.
• Substantial improvements to the public realm and an increase in Town Ranger
• Resource review of staff at the Town Council and the imminent recruitment of an
Events and Communication Officer (Town Centre Manager).
• Distribution of grants for local groups to help vulnerable residents.
• Holding virtual events including VE Day Celebrations and Barnaby Festival.
• Holding a focus group on 28th July 2020, to bring over 30 local stakeholders together
to begin discussions for recovery.
Cllr Nick Mannion, Cheshire East Council Portfolio Holder for Environment and Regeneration, informed the group of the initial work on a suggested recovery plan completed by Make it Macclesfield and the work that MTC led with the initial focus group in July, which has resulted in this working group coming together.
In response to Covid-19, CEC has distributed over £86,000,000 in business grants and has worked hard to ensure further discretionary grants were given to businesses who needed it most, which was a challenging process. CEC has also worked hard ensure social
distancing signage has been put around the town centre and welcome back banners to encourage the return and confidence of residents.
4. Terms of Reference
The group agreed to the Terms of Reference and also agreed to work to the Nolan
Principles also known as the Seven Principles of Public Life–2
5. How we Measure Impact and Success
The group had an in-depth discussion about the different ways to measure the impact of the recovery of the town centre including:
• Footfall data (currently collected by MTC and CEC).
• Heatmap data (CEC will shortly have new data available).
• Survey of businesses / shops located in the town centre (MTC are currently completing this).
• Survey of businesses in the town centre.
• Survey of consumers and residents.
• Anecdotal case studies.
The group agreed on the need to establish a baseline and to remain flexible with our measurements and not to too prescriptive from the outset as there may be changes as the group continues.
The below actions were agreed to begin to establish the baseline.
Cllr Wilson to produce a one page narrative of Macclesfield Town Council’s response to Covid- 19.
MBJ to produce a one page narrative on the previous history of the town centre regeneration, including Macclesfield Town Centre Strategic Regeneration Framework and other strategic documents such as the Macclesfield Town Council Strategy 2019 -2023.
Cllr Brathwaite and JW to produce a Business Confidence Survey and a Consumer Confidence Survey for the group to distribute.
A further action was agreed to publicise the group.
LS to draft a press release and share with all group members, with view to publicising within a week (taking note of the time needed for CEC to gain approval).
6. Additional Members/ Stakeholder Experts
The group discussed the benefit of additional members, and it was decided that a retail perspective was desired, and that further experts would be identified as the working group progressed.
LS to approach local retail business owners in the town centre with view to involving them in the working group either as a full-time member or an expert called upon for future meetings.
7. Date of Next Meeting
8.30am – 10.30am, 10th September via Zoom
View 2018 Meetings
Silk Friendship Association Working Group
Macclesfield Town Council
Silk Friendship Agenda 11th December 2018
Silk Friendship Association Working Group
Agenda of the meeting held on Tuesday 11th December 2018 at 10am in Macclesfield Town Hall.
1. Minutes of the Meeting 30th October 2018
2. Visits to and From Xi’an
2.1 Invitation to Visit Xi’an
2.2 Visitors From Xi’an
3. Schools Liaison
4. Business Liaison
5. Project Options
5.1 Silk/Chinese Artwork Exhibition
5.2 Chinese New Year Celebration 5th February 2019
5.3 Sculpture/public Installation
5.4 Resource Package Discussion
6. Tasks & Priorities
7. Correspondence
7.1 SACU & Manchester China Forum
8. Date/Time and Place of Next Meeting
Macclesfield Town Council
Silk Friendship Minutes 11th December 2018
Silk Friendship Association Working Group
Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 11th December 2018 at 10am in Macclesfield Town Hall.
In attendance:
- Cllr Gareth Jones
- Cllr Beverley Dooley
- Cllr Janet Jackson MBE
- Mike Rance
- Graham Barrow
- Helena Gowler
- Harriet Worrell
Apologies: Cllr Ainsley Arnold, Emma Anderson
1. Minutes of the Meeting 30th October 2018
RESOLVED: The minutes were approved as a true record of the meeting.
2. Visits to and From Xi’an
2.1 Invitation to Visit Xi’an
The invitation remains open and will be given further consideration under the new Town Council.
2.2 Visitors From Xi’an
There is no further update on the Shandan County Government delegation visit.
A delegation from the Qianshangyang Culture Centre is expected to visit in September 2019 with a Chinese contemporary artists’ silk exhibition at Macclesfield library.
3. Schools Liaison
See 5.1
4. Business Liaison
Helena is meeting with RA Smart to discuss the potential for their support of the Chinese New Year celebration.
5. Project Options
5.1 Silk/Chinese Artwork Exhibition
Commissioned by Macclesfield Town Council, Artspace with several primary schools have engaged with the Whisper of Moths and Great Wall of Friendship art projects that will be on display at the Chinese New Year celebration.
5.2 Chinese New Year Celebration 2nd February 2019
Helena provided the group with an update of the event which will take place at the URC and includes Chinese catering for 200, a musician playing the traditional gushang instrument, art workshops, a dragon parade and art displays.
5.3 Sculpture/Public Installation
Graham updated the group that costings for a public installation have been sent to Cheshire East Council for consideration by the town centre regeneration project.
5.4 Resource Package Discussion
The group was informed that there are no further updates.
6. Tasks & Priorities
That the Silk Friendship Working Group will seek to discuss and identify opportunities with Cheshire East Council to promote and capitalise on Macclesfield’s silk heritage.
7. Correspondence
7.1 SACU & Manchester China Forum
8. Date/Time and Place of Next Meeting
Tuesday 5th February 2019, 9:30am.
Meeting closed 10:45am.
Silk Friendship Association Working Group
Macclesfield Town Council
Silk Friendship Agenda 30th October 2018
Silk Friendship Association Working Group
Agenda for the meeting held on Tuesday 30th October 2018 at 10am in Macclesfield Town Hall.
1. Minutes of the Meeting 14th September 2018
Action: To consider the draft minutes
2. Visits to and From Xi’an
2.1 Invitation to Visit Xi’an
2.2 Visitors From Xi’an
Action: To consider priorities relating to formal invitations
3. Schools Liaison
Action: To consider priorities relating to engaging schools and young people
4. Business Liaison
Action: To consider priorities relating to engaging businesses
5. Project Options
5.1 Silk/chinese Artwork Exhibition
5.2 Chinese New Year Celebration 5th February 2019
5.3 Sculpture/public Installation
5.4 Resource Package Discussion
Action: To consider priorities relating to specific projects identified
6. Tasks & Priorities
Action: To consider an action list with pro active priorities
7. Correspondence
7.1 SACU & Manchester China Forum
Action: To consider received correspondence
8. Date/Time and Place of Next Meeting
Macclesfield Town Council
Silk Friendship Minutes 30th October 2018
Silk Friendship Association Working Group
Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 30th October 2018 at 10am in Macclesfield Town Hall.
In attendance:
- Cllr Gareth Jones
- Cllr Beverley Dooley
- Cllr Janet Jackson MBE
- Mike Rance
- Helena Gowler
- Pete Turner
- Harriet Worrell
Apologies: Graham Barrow, Cllr Ainsley Arnold, Emma Anderson
1. Minutes of the Meeting 14th September 2018
RESOLVED: The minutes were approved as a true record of the meeting.
2. Visits to and From Xi’an
2.1 Invitation to Visit Xi’an
The invitation remains open and will be given further consideration under the new Town Council.
2.2 Visitors From Xi’an
A delegation from Shandan County Government are expected to visit the UK in late November (visa dependent) with a visit to Macclesfield scheduled for 26th November.
A programme will be drafted for the delegation to showcase the silk heritage of Macclesfield with a potential visit to a local silk printing business.
3. Schools Liaison
The group was advised that the Mandarin teacher at local high schools, has provided some guidance on the approach for the Chinese New Year event in 2019.
Further school engagement is expected with the artwork projects.
4. Business Liaison
Opportunities for liaison will be sought with Astra Zeneca and RA Smart. MR to provide introduction to appropriate contact in Astra Zeneca.
5. Project Options
5.1 Silk/Chinese Artwork Exhibition
Helena provided the group with an update on potential artwork exhibitions run by ArtSpace, and engaging schools, to be displayed in the town centre for the Chinese New Year event on 5th February.
5.2 Chinese New Year Celebration 5th February 2019
Helena provided an update to the group outlining a Chinese New Year event that would take the form of a dragon parade, Chinese food and artwork display.
Sponsorship. HG is to explore possible sponsorship from RA Smart. MR to provide contact for AZ for potential request for sponsorship. MR to raise a request within Make it Macclesfield for a donation towards the event.
HG to discuss costs with Art Space and to consider other venues to address concerns regarding costs.
5.3 Sculpture/Public Installation
The group was informed that there are no further updates on an installation.
5.4 Resource Package Discussion
Marketing Cheshire will be contacted for initial discussions on promoting Macclesfield as a tourist destination.
6. Tasks & Priorities
RESOLVED: That a letter will be written to the director of the Silk Heritage Museum to formally invite the Silk Heritage Trust to participate in the Silk Friendship Association Working Group.
7. Correspondence
7.1 SACU & Manchester China Forum
As per 2.2.
8. Date/Time and Place of Next Meeting
Tuesday 11th December, 10am.