South Park Pavilion Working Party 20.05.22
South Park Pavilion Working Party
Agenda 20th May 2pm
- Welcome from Chair (Cllr Livingstone)
Joe Mattin, the appointed the architect was welcomed to the group.
- Notes from last meeting
- Update on chosen Architect
- Bower Matin were approved by the Town Council on 16th May as the approved architect for this project.
- Sandy contact Joe separately to go through the timetable
- Topographical survey needed, to cover the pavilion and the bandstand, may be worth doing a survey for the park as a whole and share costs with CEC.
- 2 trees closet to the pavilion need health checking by an arboriculturist
- Engineer to check if the existing slabs are reusable.
- Need to appoint a quantity surveyor as early as possible.
- Once surveys are complete Joe hopes to get initial designs by end of June /July. Joe will appoint structural and quantity surveyor.
- Joe will get 3 quotes for each survey and send to Laura.
- Ruth will find out if information on surveys they may have completed previously.
- Joe suggests a pre planning app is necessary, Laura to approach David Malcolm.
- Ruth to liaise with Kathy Swindells.
- Consultation
Masterplan for South Park is underway.
Joe suggests consultation with interactive boards, Joe to work with MTC on this.
Ruth and Spark to email Joe with questions they would want in the consultation and Joe will draft initial questions.
- Lottery application
Laura and Aoife to complete stage 1 by end of June.
Further funding:
Need to plan to target local businesses who may wish to sponsor.
Crowdfunding will be commenced so the community can feel involved.
- Events for centenary
SPARK event on 21st Aug
Suggested Civic event 13th Aug – MTC to arrange
Joint marketing to be done.
- Date of next Meeting
11th July 2022