Macclesfield Town Hall Market Day

Town Centre Recovery Working Group

Updates on the working group.

Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Working Group

A Working Group has been put together to develop a Town Centre Recovery Plan for Macclesfield.

Some organisations are already represented on the Working Group, others attended an initial Focus Group held in August, and others have helpfully supported the Working Group in promoting a survey we have been undertaking with residents and businesses over the last month. We wanted to provide you with an update on the Plan, our consultation process, and detail how we would like you involved in the future.

We have been working hard on developing the Executive Summary which outlines the principles to the Plan; We have also been working hard on populating the first three sections of the Plan which set the context to the Plan, set out our baseline position with some emerging evidence from our surveys, and detail our draft objectives for the Plan which are framed by the High Street Task Forces Recovery Framework.

We have completed several fact finding sessions, where we  gathered further information as to what residents, retailers, hospitality organisations, cultural organisations, and digital businesses think the Plan should include. These sessions were targeted at individual organisations and residents, to ensure that we have a diversity of voices and opinions.

Below are the plans and terms of reference.
The minutes can be found under the current working groups here: Current Working Groups

Many Thanks
Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Working Group

Associated Documents

Draft Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Plan
Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Working Group Plan Draft Executive Summary
Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Working Group Fact Finding Sessions Information
Final Recommended Macclesfield Town Recovery Plan v2
Updated Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Plan July 2021
Updated Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Plan Feb 2022

Terms of Reference

Check out the footfall figures in the town centre.

Image of the town centre Mill Street

Footfall data figures - how busy is the town centre?

Macclesfield Town Council records how many visitors come to the town centre every day and publicises these figures, as they can be helpful a helpful measure as to how the town centre is doing. We are happy to share more detailed figures just email the town centre manager Abi,

Foot Fall Data