The Precept

The Precept

Each year Macclesfield Town Council undergoes a budgeting excercise to decide how much money is required to provide, manage and run the services that the Council delivers for the people of Macclesfield.
The amount of income that is estimated as part of the budget, is deducted from the amount of projected expenditure. This sum is known as the precept, and is paid for from council tax bills.

The precept for 2022/23 has increased from £50.93 for a Band D household, to £52.06.
This is an increase of £1.13 on last year which equates to less than an extra 10p per month.
Each household is now paying £4.34 per month (for a Band D household).
That’s STILL less than the price of two takeaway coffees.


Image about the precept