South Park Pavilion Working Party 04.02.22
South Park Pavilion Working Party
Minutes 4th Feb 2022 2pm
Cllr Janet Jackson
Cllr Sandy Livingstone – Chair
Cllr Fiona Wilson
Pete Thompson
Jo Bennett
Laura Smith
Malcomn McGinn
Becky Thompson
Ruth Morgan
Abi Sherratt
- Welcome from Chair (Cllr Livingstone)
Sandy welcomed Abi, Communications Officer
- Notes from last meeting
- Update on the design brief (publication, interest etc)
- Procurement has started
- Good amount of interest
- Cllr Sandy Livingstone happy to discuss with anyone interested
- Local resident Malcom McGinn, semi – retired architect. Cllr Livingstone has met him and he is willing to help us in an advisory capacity.
- Cllr Livingstone is willing to work with Malcolm McGinn and set ground rules with the appointed Architectural firm.
- Workshop with all group members to look at tender responses to be set up. Any conflict of interests will be noted. The responses will be anonymous and will guide the selection of the Architects by the Town Councillors.
- Lottery Fund Feedback (Laura)
- MTC can apply for Reaching Communities
- Laura draft response for stage 1 and share with the group
- Consultation is key – as are confirmation of the numbers of residents consulted
- Laura to liaise with Cheshire East funding officer to discuss timings and if more consultation is necessary and then group can plan consultation.
- Pete will share a copy of the college consultation with LS.
- Laura to invite Cheshire East funding officer to a future meeting if appropriate.
- Presentation on SP Masterplan (Cllr Wilson, Cllr Jackson and Ruth to feedback)
- All entrances will be improved make more attractive and interesting to create great first impression.
- Reduce the height of shrubs around the tennis courts and replace with flower beds
- Tennis courts will remain same
- Buildings round blowing green to be improved
- Move younger kids play area from MUGA to the other area with play equipment.
- Possible girls’ area
- Accessible outdoor learning area
- To create reed bed, the area behind hill to create a wetlands area where it is already boggy
- Created viewing area on higher areas
- Increase in wild lawns
- Considering a full size football pitch in the area next to the nursery (possible thin layer of grass on it)
- Add pump track near to skate park
- Widening high street path.
- Possible low level lightning on the paths help security but could affect wildlife.
The plan will go to consultation in due course
- Pitch and putt not on the plan but people may feedback that they want this.
- Discuss Comms plan for crowdfunding plan
- Space Hive decided as the platform
- Clear message required
- Sponsorship from local businesses
- Get the plans first and then create a message and a fundraising scheme.
- Abi to talk to the Cat and Fiddle where they have sold bricks to raise funds
- Next Steps
- Design responses due 14th FEB
- LS to set up workshop for procurement and anonymise the responses and shares.
- LS to share draft lottery questions
- Once lottery have feedback decide when/ how to consult
- FW and JJ to keep group up to date the South Park Masterplan and consultation.
- Abi to talk to Cat and Fiddle
- Abi to start comms plan.
- Sandy to draft a time frame.
- Date of next Meeting
11th March 2pm