Town Centre Recovery Working Group 17.05.22
Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Working Group
Agenda of the meeting to be held on 17th May 2022
In Attendance:
- Cllr Janet Jackson
- Cllr Fiona Wilson
- Cllr Liz Brathwaite
- Frank Bailey
- Laura Smith
- Abi Sherratt
- Becky Thompson
- Aoife Middlemiss
- Cllr Nick Mannion
- Welcome from Chair
Cllr Janet Jackson MBE
- Update from sub groups:
Outdoor Hospitality – Cllr Fiona Wilson
Met on 11th May
Key points:
Footfall data discussion resulted in TC and CEC will pool their resources to produce one set of data rather than doing on each, adding Park Green and Sunderland St.
Pavement licenses, implications that it could be that a license not necessary which could cause problems. Businesses are encouraged to apply of a license which is free.
Traffic restriction order in Market Place – still waiting
Order hospitality are still being pursued at Park Green as up and coming area.
Levelling Up Fund- unlikely to be successful as we are category 3 – application will still be made.
Shared Prosperity Fund –11.6 million earmarked for CEC – will have to set up a local partnership group to manage it.
Art and Culture – Emma Anderson
Avanti bid for artwork successful – will be for more murals.
24th June Rosies Plaques Event
IDST – planning work shops for artists.
Space for Autism trail at Teggs Nose by Jacqui Clarke
Community Response- Aoife Middlemiss
Volunteering is very slow going – Aoife using lots of avenues to promote volunteers
Meeting with Peaks and Plains to get community involvement
Ukraine public meeting to be held by MTC, with CVS.
Volunteers’ week coming up – all members to promote.
Environment – Matt Todd
Met 2nd May
Group is building up – Matt will send full notes.
Key points:
Eco Summit Update – 40 actions from the last eco summit in 2021 in progress.
Progress in trying to find space for a hub. Meetings set up
Eco hub stall at Treacle in July.
Litter picks going really well, Matt will contact to see if we want to do organisation picks.
Looking to involve chemists etc in terra cycling.
MTC creating a plate library – please donate any plates, side plates and bowls to Abi.
Next meeting 17th June
- Update on other activities:
- CEC Feasibility Studies updates
Town Hall feasibility study complete
Indoor Market feasibility study complete
Defer to next meeting.
- Shared Prosperity Fund- deadline 1st August – partnership group needs to be set up to manage the project.
- Britain in Bloom Update
Businesses have been contacted
Rangers are working with the community and on projects for the entry
Managing expectations of groups as not all will be able to be included.
Bins are an issue in town – CEC are pursuing.
Mass Littler picks to be organised before judges visit.
- Discussion on this working group and a possible name change.
Discussion around place names, updating plan, further consultations.
CEC views need to be viewed.
Would a name change be suitable? Group members to consider for next meeting.
Laura will send out actions for all to update.
Laura to draft a shorter plan of action for members to consider/ add to.
- Opportunity for all group members to update on events and activities coming up
Frank updated on Peaks and Plains
Issues resolved with United Utilities at the Crossings
Opening was well attended.
Shared ownership are going well.
New Sunderland ST signage has gone up.
- Date of next meeting
28th June 10am