Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Working Group 26th October 2020

Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Working Group 26th October 2020

Mon 26th Oct 2020

Key Information


Mon 26th Oct 2020

In Categories

Working Group
Working Group - Town Centre Recovery


Emma Anderson Macclesfield Museums
Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson (Co – Chair) Make it Macclesfield
Cllr Liz Brathwaite Cheshire East Council
Justine Gore Peaks and Plains Housing Trust
Cllr Janet Jackson MBE (Co-Chair) Macclesfield Town Council
Cllr Nick Mannion Cheshire East Council
Cllr Fiona Wilson Macclesfield Town Council
Laura Smith Macclesfield Town Council
Jo Wise Cheshire East Council


Michael Jones Local Retailer (PR Jones Jewellers)

1. Welcome from Co/Chairs

The Co-chairs welcomed the group and minutes of last meeting were agreed.

2. Initial Objectives

The group discussed and agreed updates to the Executive summary within the recovery plan. Once updated it will be publicised.

3. Update to the Baseline Information

Footfall data

Footfall data is on MTC website is showing a downward trend, however it was noted when compared with national footfall, the town centre was performing favourably. We aim to add a national comparison figure to the MTC data.

Update on vacant properties and what businesses are open in Macclesfield.

Vacant property research has been completed and showed a very stable amount of vacant properties. Although some properties are now vacant this has been offset of a take up of vacant premises by other businesses.
One key point was that it is hard to find information about vacant properties. e.g what is currently available, cost, planning class etc.

Collation and analysis of work in public realm and keeping the town safe and clean.

Cllr Mannion updated that the collection of examples of work that has been done and is planned to keep the town clean and an attractive place to visit, continues. Cllr Mannion will work with the Town Clerk, The MTC Ranger Service and Ansa to discuss further possible projects for the public realm.

Update on progression of Surveys and any initial feedback.

o Cllr Brathwaite has hand delivered around 200 surveys to local businesses.
o CEC and MTC have the links to both surveys on their respective websites
o Working Group members have circulated both residents survey and business survey far and wide, engaging many other organisations to gather evidence, and will continue to do promote.
o Engagement in the survey has been positive.
Returns so far:
o Approx. 70 Business surveys returned
o Approx. 300 Residents’ surveys returned.

4. Communication

Communication strategy

The group agreed to release the Executive Summary from the plan once updated.
Circulate and publicise the fact finding sessions and push the surveys again as we reach the end date of 31st October.
Draft a Communication timeline
Invite MTC Events and Communication Officer to the meetings once in post.

5. Fact Finding Sessions

Dates and format were agreed for the following sessions:
• Cultural and Digital
• Hospitality
• Residents
• Retail
To be publicised as soon as possible, with all data to be collated and feedback to the working group 23rd November 2020.

6. Tasks Moving Forward

• Update Executive Summary – MBJ
• Publicise, and communicate details of fact finding sessions – LS
• Flow chart produced of Principles and Objectives- MBJ and JW
• Communication timeline to be drafted – Cllr Wilson, JG and LS
• Collate survey results –quantitative data CEC team, qualitative data – Cllr Brathwaite and JW.

7. Date of next meeting

Thursday 12th November 8.30am – 9.30am Meet to debrief on fact finding sessions
Monday 23rd November 8.30am – Midday – Full working group meeting and collation of survey and fact finding session evidence.

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