Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Working Group 2nd March 2021

Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Working Group 2nd March 2021

Tue 2nd Mar 2021

Key Information


Tue 2nd Mar 2021

In Categories

Working Group
Working Group - Town Centre Recovery


Abi Sherratt Macclesfield Town Council

Aoife Middlemass CVSCE

Cllr Fiona Wilson Macclesfield Town Council

Cllr Janet Jackson MBE (Co-Chair) Macclesfield Town Council

Cllr Liz Brathwaite Cheshire East Council

Cllr Nick Mannion Cheshire East Council

Dr Evi Girling Keele University

Emma Anderson Macclesfield Museums

Jo Wise Cheshire East Council

Laura Smith Macclesfield Town Council

Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson (Co – Chair) Make it Macclesfield


Justine Gore Peaks and Plains Housing Trust

1. Welcome from Co/Chairs

Cllr Jackson welcomed and thanked the group.

2 Updates on Member organisations endorsement of the plan

All the member organisations have received a letter from the Co-Chairs of the Working group asking them to endorse the plan.

CEC have endorsed the plan, with a decision record signed by the Executive Director Place and Cllr Mannion as Portfolio Holder for Environment and Regeneration to formally endorse the MTCRP on behalf of CEC

MTC will approve at Full Council 29/03/21

Silk Museums have it on their agenda 1/04/21

MIM have it on the agenda for their next Board Meeting 8/03/21

CVS and Peaks and Plains to update the time scale for their endorsement.

3 Updates on Subgroups and actions on the plan

· Communication

Group is formed and being led by Abi Sherratt.

· Outdoor Eating

Group is formed and led by Cllr Fiona Wilson and Jo Wise

· Community Response

Emma Anderson, Aoife Middlemass and Cllr Brathwaite to meet and set up a meeting.

· Eco Summit

Set for 15th May 2021. Organised by MTC and Macctastic.

This recovery working group will have a session, to present the plan, with the aim to create a subgroup.

· Mailing list updates

Approx 50 people on the list.

Updates can be sent by Town Clerk if related to the plan.

MBJ and Town Clerk to produce an update

· Art and Culture group updates

Abi and Cllr Jackson attend this group and will be the point of contact for the working group.

4 Updates on any funding opportunities

Discussion on potential funding from the LEP and Levelling Up Funding.

Once the Levelling Up Funding criteria is released JW will update the group.

It was agreed to invite David Rutley MP to a working group meeting to assist with funding.

Re-opening High Street fund being extended to end of June so that CE will be doing a repeat of their press adverts, videos for TC to promote via social media and mail shots to residents.

5 Next Steps/Actions including discussion what Covid Roadmap could mean for the plan.

– JW to update on criteria for levelling up and LEP funding

– All subgroups to meet

– Chewing gum campaign to be run by MTC (AS)

– MBJ and LS to update all on the mailing list

– Invite David Rutley to a Working Group Meeting.

6 Date of next meeting

30th March 2021 at 11.30am

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