South Park Pavilion Working Group 11.07.22

South Park Pavilion Working Group 11.07.22

Mon 11th Jul 2022

Key Information


Mon 11th Jul 2022

In Categories

Working Group
Working Group - South Park Pavilion Working Party

South Park Pavilion Working Party

Notes 11th July 2022 5.30pm

In attendance:

Cllr Sandy Livingstone – MTC (Chair)

Joe Mattin- Bower Mattin + Young

Aoife Middlemass – CVSCE

Cllr Fiona Wilson – MTC

Laura Smith- MTC

Mark Young- Bower Mattin + Young

Philip Spendlow – Q S



Cllr Janet Jackson

Ruth Morgan

Becky Thompson


  • Welcome from Chair (Cllr Livingstone)


  • Updates from last meeting

Joe has confirmed with HMRC that vat does not apply.

Structural survey is complete, summary received but waiting for the full report. The existing slab can be used but must be lightweight and roof loads need to be kept light.

Tree survey completed 10/07/22- report not yet received.

Survey of drainage is necessary to see if existing amenities and drains  can be used.

  • Designs


The Bower Mattin team presented 5 designs to the group and talked through each one.


The designs will be emailed to the clerk.


The group decided to take all 5 designs forward for the public consultation.


The group decided to remove from the plan the area set aside for the gardeners (more mucky areas) but to leave some storage for the sporting equipment.


The group will pursue a storage container in the park for the gardeners/ rangers.


  • Consultation

Masterplan for South Park is underway.

Joe will get a price for the boards of the 5 designs for consultation and inform the clerk.

Joe will draft questions etc for consultation.


  • Events for Consultations

Youth event 11th Aug

Civic event 13th Aug

SPARK event on 21st Aug

         All events are in the park.


  • Lottery application

Laura and Aoife to meet Thursday 14th July to submit stage 1 bid.




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