Finance Committee

Finance Committee

Mon 19th Nov 2018, 7:00pm

Oversees the council’s budget and spend and makes decisions on grant applications.

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Mon 19th Nov 2018, 7:00pm

In Categories

Finance Committee

Macclesfield Town Council

Finance Committee Agenda 19th November 2018

Agenda for the meeting held on 19th November 2018 at 7.00pm at Macclesfield Town Hall.

1. Apologies for Absence

2. Declarations of Interest

The meeting will be adjourned to allow for the participation of the public with comments and questions

3. Minutes of the Meeting of the Finance Committee on 17th September 2018

4. Grant Applications

4.1 Canalside – Operating Costs – £2,000

4.2 Find Your Voice – Social Inclusion Project – £1,988

4.3 Healthbox CIC – Minibus Repairs – £2,000

4.4 Macclesfield & District Scouts – Building Improvements – £1,100

4.5 Morton Hall Community Centre – Fire Doors – £2,000

4.6 Sutton Parish Council – AED Project – £895

4.7 the Tuesday Club – Social Events – £615

4.8 Individual Girl Guide – Outreach Project – Undefined

5. Grant Updates

5.1 Armed Forces Veterans Breakfast Club

5.2 Macclesfield Library

5.3 Langley Cricket Club

5.4 Macclesfield Civic Society

Action: To note the feedback and update information

6. Cashbook and Account Reconcilliation

Action: To approve the cashbook and account reconciliation for recommendation to council

7. Budget Setting 2018/19

Action: To approve a draft budget for 2019/20 for recommendation to council

8. Enterprising Macclesfield

Action: To consider renewal and progressing the Service Level Agreement for local new business support

9. Member Items

10. Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting of the Finance Committee is 7pm, 28th January 2019 at Macclesfield Town Hall


Macclesfield Town Council

Finance Committee Minutes 19th November 2018

Minutes for the meeting held on 19th November 2018 at 7.00pm at Macclesfield Town Hall.

In Attendance:

  • Cllr Adam Schofield
  • Cllr Gareth Jones
  • Cllr Alift Harewood MBE
  • Cllr Liz Durham
  • Cllr Martin Hardy
  • Cllr Beverley Dooley
  • Cllr Chris Andrew

Also in attendance: Cllr Janet Jackson MBE, Cllr Philip Bolton, Cllr Neil Puttick

1. Apologies for Absence


2. Declarations of Interest

Cllr Dooley Declared non-pecuniary interests in agenda items 4.1, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7 and Item 7 relating to Citizens’ Advice Bureau

Cllr Jones Declared non-pecuniary interests in agenda items 4.1, 4.5, 4.7

Cllr Harewood declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 4.3

Cllr Hardy declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 4.4 and took no part in the discussion or decision.

Cllr Schofield declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 4.3

Cllr Durham declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 4.3

(Cllr Jackson declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 7 as it relates to the Citizens’ Advice Bureau)

There were no public in attendance

Note: Agenda item 7 brought forward on the agenda and heard at this point.

3. Minutes of the Meeting of the Finance Committee on 17th September 2018

RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting

4. Grant Applications

4.1 Canalside – Operating Costs – £2,000

Members identified that, following a meeting with Canalside, the council provides an annual revenue grant of £1,000 to Canalside and that this application doesn’t meet with grant policy in that it seeks revenue support for an ongoing funding gap.

RESOLVED: That the application is declined

4.2 Find Your Voice – Social Inclusion Project – £1,988

Members identified that this application is seeking revenue funding for core and staffing costs, funding having been withdrawn from Cheshire East Council. Grant policy does not support core or staffing costs.

RESOLVED: That the application is declined

4.3 Healthbox CIC – Minibus Repairs – £2,0001

  1. That the vehicle has all valid MOT, safety and test certification in place and evidenced prior to payment of the grant
  2. That all match funding is confirmed and evidenced prior to payment of the grant
  3. That the vehicle clearly displays that the project has been supported by Macclesfield Town Council


That the grant is approved subject to standard conditions and:

4.4 Macclesfield & District Scouts – Building Improvements – £1,100

RESOLVED: That the grant is approved

4.5 Morton Hall Community Centre – Fire Doors – £2,000

RESOLVED: That the grant is approved

4.6 Sutton Parish Council – AED Project – £895

Members identified that the application was from a neighbouring local council for provision within their parish of responsibility and that, having identified the opportunity to enhance local service and asset provision, that local council is responsible for its delivery and sustainability. It was also noted that the applicant has significant financial reserves. Members identified the positive intent of the

project and clear value to users of Macclesfield Forest and it was noted that The Cheshire Fire Authority may be in a position to assist the applicant with this project.

RESOLVED: That the application is declined

4.7 The Tuesday Club – Social Events – £615

RESOLVED: That the grant is approved

4.8 Individual Girl Guide – Outreach Project – Undefined

RESOLVED: That the grant is declined

5. Grant Updates

5.1 Armed Forces Veterans Breakfast Club

5.2 Macclesfield Library

5.3 Langley Cricket Club

5.4 Macclesfield Civic Society

The updates were noted and the respondents thanked for the helpful and interesting information.

6. Cashbook and Account Reconcilliation

RESOLVED: That the cashbook and reconciliation spend is approved and recommended to council for formal approval.

Agenda Item 7 was heard and discussed prior to Agenda Item 3. Relating to the budget setting for 2019/20, all council members (not solely committee) were invited to take part prior to recommendation to council for adoption on 10/12/18.

7. Budget Setting 2018/192

Members discussed line by line detail of the budget. Discussion relating to administration costs resulted in year on year reduction in overall administration funding of 3.3%. Through the budget consultation, it was noted that projects and events were valued and the budget was amended to reflect consultation responses. Additional revenue funding for CCTV was added to support the ongoing provision of a new mobile camera unit as requested by the Services Committee. Reflecting the budget consultation responses and general positive contact from the community, the floral display budget was increased. It was noted that the Visitor Information centre funding is to increase based on the agreed SLA. Again, reflecting consultation responses and known concerns within the Citizens’ Advice Bureau, the relating budget line was increased. The community delivery budget line was removed as previously supported schemes have been reflected elsewhere within the budget. Investment projects was set reflecting consultation responses as well as council ambitions to add value to all areas of the town.

RESOLVED: That the draft budget agreed at this meeting (version 7) is recommended to council for adoption for financial year 2019/20.

8. Enterprising Macclesfield

Members discussed at length their concerns relating to sustainability and measurable value of this project, identifying the positive value of experienced business professionals volunteering to support local business and economic development. A meeting of the vice chair of the committee and the Mayor of Macclesfield with Enterprising Macclesfield was reported to the committee, noting that the meeting was positive, informative and helped to build a relationship with the organisation. It was noted that Enterprising Macclesfield has secured £5,000 of commercial sponsorship and that council funding is expected to help to secure additional funding and therefore greater future sustainability. (Members sought that it be noted that this decision was not unanimous).

RESOLVED: That funding of £7,600 is approved, based on a Service Level Agreement

9. Member Items


10. Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting of the Finance Committee is 7pm, 28th January 2019 at Macclesfield Town Hall

Meeting closed at 8.32pm

Chair Cllr Liz Durham

Clerk Pete Turner

1 Cllr Harewood left the meeting following agenda item 4.3

Cllrs Jackson, Puttick & Bolton took full part in agenda item 7. The item was heard prior to Item 3 on the agenda and Cllrs Jackson & Puttick left the meeting following the resolution of this agenda item.

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