Full Council

Full Council

Mon 14th Dec 2020, 7:00pm

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Mon 14th Dec 2020, 7:00pm

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Full Council

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Macclesfield Town Council

Full Council Agenda 14th December 2020

Due to the Coronavirus Covid-19 restrictions and in line with the Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020 Available to read here this meeting will be held remotely, broadcast on youtube.com and can be viewed on the Macclesfield Town Council youtube.com channel.

Agenda of the meeting of Macclesfield Town Council held 14th December 2020 at 7pm

1. Apologies for Absence

2. Declarations of Interest

The meeting will be adjourned to invite comments and questions from the public.

The meeting will then be reconvened.


If you would like to speak during public session, please email clerk@macclesfield-tc.gov.uk by 12 noon on Friday 11/12/20 Every practicable effort will be made to try and arrange your inclusion.

If you would like to submit a written statement, please submit your statement for inclusion and circulation to the committee to clerk@macclesfield-tc.gov.uk by 12 noon on Friday 11/12/20.

3. Minutes of the meeting of Full Council 28th September 2020

Action: To approve the minutes as a true record of the meeting

4. Matters Arising from the minutes of 28th September 2020

5. Minutes of the planning committee

5.1   Minutes of the Planning Committee 25/09/20

5.2   Minutes of the Planning Committee 16/10/20

5.3   Minutes of the Planning Committee 06/11/20

5.4   Draft Minutes of the Planning Committee 27/11/20

To note the minutes

Matters Arising

5.5   Conservation Area Appraisal (CAA Tender) Evaluation Report

Action: To consider the report recommendations.

6. Minutes of the Finance committee

6.1   Draft Minutes of Finance Committee 30/11/20

To note the minutes

Matters Arising

6.2  Spend to Date

Action:   To approve the 2020/21 spend to date of £423,503

7.  Minutes of the services committee

7.1 Draft minutes of the Services Committee 23/11/20

To note the minutes

Matters Arising

8.  Community Delivery

8.1  Local Policing Unit (LPU) – Chief Inspector Jez Taylor

8.2  Barnaby Proposal

Action: To consider the ‘REDUX’ proposal from Barnaby

9.  Governance Review

9.1 Quality Policy (Updated)

9.2  Finance Committee ToR (Updated)

9.3  Planning Consultation Working Group ToR (new)

9.4 Character Assessment Working Group ToR (new)

9.5 Online Banking Procedures (new)

10. Budget 2021/22

10.1 Action: To consider and adopt the draft budget 2021/ 22 (Version 4) as recommended by the Finance Committee

10.2 Action: To agree to terms of the CCTV contract

11. Town Centre Recovery Working Group

To note Report Statement

12. South Park Pavilion

To note Report Statement

13. Macclesfield Town Football Club

Action: To approve the use of logo for Macclesfield Football Club

 14.  Member items


15. Correspondence


16. Date, time and place of next meeting

The date of the next meeting Council will be 29th March 2021 at 7pm format/venue to be confirmed subject to C-19 restrictions and related regulations

Macclesfield Town Council

Full Council Minutes 14th December 2020

Due to the Coronavirus Covid-19 restrictions and in line with the Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020 this meeting will be held remotely, broadcast on youtube.com and can be viewed on the Macclesfield Town Council youtube.com channel.

Minutes of the meeting of Macclesfield Town Council held on 14th December 2020 at 7pm

In attendance:

  • Cllr Sarah Bennett-Wake
  • Cllr Janet Jackson MBE
  • Cllr Chris Wilcock
  • Cllr Mick Warren
  • Cllr Alift Harewood MBE
  • Cllr Fiona Wilson
  • Cllr Neil Puttick
  • Cllr Mike Hutchison
  • Cllr Lloyd Roberts

1.  Apologies for Absence

  • Cllr David Edwardes
  • Cllr Fin Shenton

2.  Declarations of Interest

Cllr Puttick – declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 8.2 as he was involved with the previous Barnaby Parade and may be involved with them in the future.

Cllr Jackson – declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 10 as a trustee of the Citizens Advice Bureau.

The meeting was adjourned allowing for public comments and questions. Will McKellar, CEO of  Citizens Advice Cheshire North updated Councillors on the continued work of the organisation. They have moved from face-to-face work to telephone, email and webchat work. Between Jan and Nov 2020 there has been an increase of over 1000 clients to 4354 with nearly 10,000 issues.

All types of enquires have increased, except for debt, which is assumed to be lower due to the debt holidays during Covid. Once ended the CAB are expecting a wave of debt and eviction enquires.

Patrick Birch, from Macclesfield Football Club gave update on the progress made by the Club since the last meeting in September. There is a new owner, Rob Smethurst who along with new Manager Robbie Savage has given the town its football club back. There is a broad vision for the club including a gym, sports bar and community centre, that will generate surplus to support the income of the football club. There will be opportunities for community employment and for training and employment. There has been a great reaction, they have sold 400 memberships and have sold 200 season tickets. They will be attending the Moss Rose Partnership to get involved with the community.

Lindsey Brown, also from Macclesfield Football Club, also thanked everyone for the support. Lindsey is Head of Operations and will be championing girls and women’s football. They have chosen the Alzheimer’s Society as their charity partner and will be fundraising for them and will become a dementia friendly club. Lindsey also explained about the need for the Council to give authority to the football club to allow use of the blue lion on the Macclesfield Town Council logo. This will be discussed at agenda item 13.

Abi Gilmore, Co- Chair of Barnaby Festival spoke on agenda item 8.2 the proposal for an art trail called ‘REDUX’. They are asking for funding for the project which will compromise 3 permanent art installations in the town, allowing people to come together in a safe way. It will be co-produced with the community and integrate with other potential trails in the town. It will also offer fundraising opportunities.

Lauren Smethurst, also from Barnaby spoke of the how the ‘REDUX’ project will consult with the community and invite people to have a say on where the art goes and what it will be. It will hopefully promote the town and increase footfall and will be open to anyone, including those that are digitally excluded who may not be able to access online projects.

The Mayor and Councillors thanked all the speakers for their reports and time.

The meeting was then reconvened.

3. Minutes of the Meeting of Full Council 28th September 2020

RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting.

4. Matters Arising from the Minutes of 28th September 2020


5. Minutes of the Planning Committee

5.1 Minutes of the Planning Committee 25/09/20

5.2 Minutes of the Planning Committee 16/10/20

5.3 Minutes of the Planning Committee 06/11/20

5.4 Draft Minutes of the Planning Committee 27/11/20

The minutes were noted

5.5  Conservation Area Appraisal (CAA Tender) Evaluation Report

RESOLVED: The report recommendations were agreed.

Matters Arising


6. Minutes of the Finance Committee

6.1 Draft Minutes of Finance Committee 30/11/20

The minutes were noted.

Matters Arising


6.2 Spend to Date

RESOLVED:   The spend to date of £423,503 was approved.

7. Minutes of the Services Committee

7.1 Draft minutes of the Services Committee 23/11/20

The minutes were noted.

Matters Arising


8. Community Delivery

8.1    Local Policing Unit (LPU) – Jez Taylor

Chief Inspector Jez Taylor updated the Councillors, informing them that their role is to educate the public of Covid restrictions however if necessary, they will take enforcement action. There will also be an increased number of Officers in the Town Centre as the footfall increases over the Christmas period.

Cllr Puttick enquired about traffic enforcement in the Town Centre, as did Cllr Jackson. The Chief Inspector said it should be deliveries and exemptions only, and that he would speak to the local policing team to review any issues.

Cllr Wilson thanked the Chief Inspector, for the increased PCSO and beat officers that along with Macclesfield Town Councillors and Cheshire East Councillors have dealt with increased incidences of anti-social behaviour. Increased patrols of South Park have proved very helpful.

Cllr Wilson also enquired about the Police and Crime Commissioners Anti- Bullying Charter, which the Chief Inspector said he could update at the next meeting.

Cllr Harewood welcomed the improved relationships with beat Officers and PCSO’s. Cllr Harewood also stated that the Town centre traffic exemptions were welcomed by people who had to pick up heavy deliveries.

Cllr Roberts asked how the hospitality sector were dealing with the Tier 2 Covid restrictions. The Chief Inspector informed Councillors that there had been very few complaints in Macclesfield, however they do follow up on them all.

The need for Town Centre policing has been displaced to tackle large groups congregating in public spaces and households mixing.

Cllr Hutchison asked about the Police and Crime Commissioners grants and the need to match fund. The Chief Inspector explained match funding did not have to be money, that it could be in kind e.g. volunteer hours.

The Mayor and Councillors thanked The Chief Inspector and all the Officers for their hard work.

8.2  Barnaby Proposal

RESOLVED: The funding request for ‘REDUX’ is approved with the following revisions:

  1. Approved a grant of £5000 to get the project started.
  2. For Barnaby to update the Services Committee on 8th February 2021, with  progress and a plan with timescales for the complete project.
  3. The Council ask Barnaby to consider the timescales as it may take longer to complete than anticipated.
  4. The Services Committee can award further funding for the project.

9. Governance Review

9.1 Quality Policy (updated)

RESOLVED: The Quality Policy is approved.

9.2 Finance Committee ToR (Updated)

RESOLVED: The Finance Committee ToR are approved.

9.3 Planning Consultation Working Group ToR (new)

RESOLVED: The Planning Consultation Working Group ToR are approved.

9.4 Character Assessment Working Group ToR (new)

RESOLVED: The Character Assessment Working Group ToR are    approved.

9.5   Online Banking Procedure (new)

RESOLVED: The Online Banking Procedures are approved.


10. Budget 2021/22

10.1  Budget 2021/ 22

RESOLVED: The budget for 2021/ 22 is approved.

10.2   CCTV Contract

RESOLVED: The Council approved the 3-year contract.


11. Town Centre Recovery Working Group

The report was noted.

12. South Park Pavilion

The report was noted

13. Macclesfield Town Football Club

RESOLVED: Approved to allow Macclesfield FC to use part of the Town Council logo, the blue lion holding between its forepaws a garb of wheat as the Competent Authority.

14. Member Items


15. Correspondence


16. Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting of Macclesfield Town Council is at 7pm on 29th March 2021.

The format/venue to be confirmed subject to C-19 restrictions and related regulations.

Meeting Closed at 8:28pm.

Chair    Cllr Sarah Bennet-Wake

Clerk    Laura Smith

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