Full Council Meeting

Full Council Meeting

Mon 20th Sep 2021, 7:00pm

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Mon 20th Sep 2021, 7:00pm

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Full Council

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Macclesfield Town Council Full Council

Agenda of the meeting to be held on the 20th September 2021 at 7pm at Macclesfield Town Hall.

Consideration of the implications relating to Covid-19 transmission will be taken across all items on this agenda. If you would like to attend the meeting please contact the Town Clerk, as due to Covid -19 restrictions there are a limited number of public spaces.


1       Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence.


2       Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of interests from members relevant to items under discussion at the meeting.


3       Public Questions

The meeting will be adjourned to invite comments and questions from the public.

The meeting will then be reconvened.


If you would like to speak during public session, please email
clerk@macclesfield-tc.gov.uk  by Thursday 16th September 2021. Every practicable effort will be made to try and arrange your inclusion.

If you would like to submit a written statement, please submit your statement for inclusion and circulation to the committee to clerk@macclesfield-tc.gov.uk by 5pm Thursday 16th September 2021.


4       Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 14th June 2021

Action: To approve the minutes.


5       Matters Arising from the Minutes

Action: To consider any matters arising from the minutes.


6       Planning Committee Minutes

6.1      Planning Committee Minutes 11th June 2021

To note the minutes.

6.2      Planning Committee Minutes 2nd July 2021

To note the minutes.

6.3      Planning Committee Minutes 30th July 2021

To note the minutes.

6.4      Draft Planning Committee Minutes 20th August 2021

To note the minutes.

6.5      Matters arising from the minutes.

To consider any matters arising from the minutes.

6.6      Update on Character Assessment

To note the update.

6.7      Update on Conservation Area Appraisal

To note the report.

6.8      Planning Policy Consultation WG TOR

Action: To approve the TOR.

6.9      Planning Policy Consultation WG update

To note the update.


7       Services Committee Minutes

7.1      Services Committee Minutes 5th July 2021

To note the minutes.

7.2      Matters arising from the minutes.

To consider any matters arising from the minutes.


8       Finance Committee Minutes

8.1      Finance Committee Minutes 7th June 2021

To note the minutes.

8.2      Finance Committee Draft Minutes 6th September 2021

To note the minutes.

8.3      2020/21 Spend to date

Action: To approve the spend to date for £283,871 as recommend by The Finance Committee.

8.4      Matters arising from the minutes.

To consider any matters arising from the minutes.



9       Community Delivery

9.1      Local Police Unit

David Moores, Chief Inspector to brief the Council.

9.2      CAB

To note the quarter 2 report from the CAB.

9.3      CCTV

To note the CCTV report provided by CEC.


10   Governance Review

10.1   Safeguarding Policy

Action: To approve the Safeguarding Policy.

10.2   Volunteer Handbook

Action: To approve the Volunteer Handbook.

10.3   Pension Discretion Policy

Action: To approve the Allotment Policy.


11   Changing Places Toilet

Action: To consider matching funding for a Changing Places facility in Macclesfield Town Centre.


12   Visitor Information Centre SLA

Action: To consider the recommendation to extend the SLA for a further year.


13   Community Governance Review

Action: To consider the attached report and recommend a response to the Consultation from Macclesfield Town Council.


14   Town Centre Recovery Working Group

To note the updated report.


15   Canal Bridge 26

Action: To consider the attached report and proposal to assess the work needed to repair canal bridge 36.


16   Asset Transfer of Painting

Action: To approve the transfer of the painting to Macclesfield Town Council.


17   Parks and Play Areas

Action: To consider the attached report and recommendations for the remaining budget.


18   Remembrance

Action: To update Members on plans for observing Remembrance and to consider the provision of a PA system.


19   Correspondence

There is no correspondence.


20   Date/Time and Place of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Full Council will be held at 7pm 6th December 2021, at a location and format to be confirmed subject to relevant current Covid-19 guidance.




Macclesfield Town Council Full Council

Minutes of the meeting held on the 20th September 2021 at 7pm at Macclesfield Town Hall.

Consideration of the implications relating to Covid-19 transmission will be taken across all items on this agenda. If you would like to attend the meeting please contact the Town Clerk, as due to Covid -19 restrictions there are a limited number of public spaces.


In attendance:

Cllr David Edwardes
Cllr Fiona Wilson
Cllr Neil Puttick
Cllr Alift Harewood
Cllr Sarah Bennett-Wake
Cllr Sandy Livingstone
Cllr Mike Hutchison
Cllr Chris Wilcock


1. Apologies for Absence

Cllr Janet Jackson MBE
Cllr Mick Warren
Cllr Lloyd Roberts


2. Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.


3. Public Questions

The meeting was adjourned for the following comments and questions from the public.


Gareth Jones, stated at the Annual Parish Meeting, he had asked for the Town Council to put meeting notes on the website and they are still not available. The Town Clerk, will send out all the notes to anyone who requests them, however for transparency they should be on the website. Mr Jones then asked with the news of Marks and Spencer moving from the Town centre to Barracks Mill, which the Town Council objected to, could each Councillor comment on this. Finally, Mr Jones said that the previous Town Council administration had purchased speed cameras for each of the 7 wards, and yet he had not seen them for the past 6 months, and can any road be considered to have a speed camera on, as he has had personal experience of speeding in Macclesfield.


Fiona Walton, spoke in agenda item 11, and the need of a changing places facility in Macclesfield town centre. Fiona’s 4 year old son Charlie, was diagnosed with a rare genetic syndrome at 15 months. Charlie now weighs 26 kilos, and the weight limit for a standard changing table is 15 kilos meaning that they have to change Charlie on the toilet floor or leave him in a soiled nappy until they get home. Fiona stated that everyone deserves dignity, and fully support the changing places toilet in Macclesfield.

Fiona also talked on agenda item 17, Parks and Play areas, to again support the purchase of accessible play equipment. Charlie likes to be around other children and more inclusive equipment would mean that they can take Charlie to the park to enjoy.


Beverly Dooley spoke about the Barracks Mill development and how a radical review of the town centre is needed. She spoke of the need for the Strategic Regeneration Framework to be reviewed and updated. Beverly also spoke of the proposals from CEC on the car parking charges and that Sunday Car parking charges should be opposed. She also spoke of the need to push CEC for a fund of £5 million regeneration fund.

Finally, Beverley asked what are the longer term plans for the town, is it leisure, residential as it feels like retail businesses are not included.

Cllr Fiona Wilson, replied to speakers regarding the town centre stating that Macclesfield Town Council had objected to the Barracks Mill development, as did Cheshire East Council, for the very reason that it would take business and footfall away from the Town Centre. This was appealed and the decision overturned by the national government and therefore, the Macclesfield MP, David Rutley should be approached.

Cllr Wilson, also stated that the Macclesfield Town Centre Recovery Working Group, recently surveyed residents and business of the town and business rates came up as an issue, and again these rates are set by the national government.

Addressing the carparking proposals by CEC, Cllr Wilson, stated that they are proposals from the Officers at this stage and have not yet been agreed by CEC. Equalising car parking charges across Cheshire East would be desired as Macclesfield car parks are more expensive than other parts of Cheshire East, however the Sunday charging would not be desirable for residents and could affect the Treacle Market.

Finally, Cllr Wilson, talked of the Town Centre Recovery Working Group and how they are working hard for present and future of the town. There are many sub groups including an outdoor hospitality group, where the outdoor hospitality area at the beginning of Market Square was created to aid those independent businesses. The group includes the museums and Macclesfield Hospitality Action, and a levelling up fund bid has been put in to improve the museums and other parts of the town. There is also an environmental sub group, and a ‘Green fest’ was recently held bringing together lots of environmental groups, of which Macclesfield has many.

Cllr Wilson stated, in town living, retail and hospitality are all key components to help the town and the local economy.

Cllr Alift Harewood spoke in reply about accessibility and the urgent need to ensure inclusivity in the town for everyone.

The Mayor thanked the public speakers, and would ask the police to reply to the question on the speed cameras under item 9.

The meeting was then reconvened.

4. Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 14th June 2021

Resolved: To minutes were approved.


5.Matters Arising from the Minutes

Resolved: There were no matters arising.


6. Planning Committee Minutes

6.1 Planning Committee Minutes 11th June 2021

The minutes were noted.

6.2 Planning Committee Minutes 2nd July 2021

The minutes were noted.

6.3 Planning Committee Minutes 30th July 2021

The minutes were noted.

6.4 Draft Planning Committee Minutes 20th August 2021

The minutes were noted.

6.5 Matters arising from the minutes.

There were no matters arising

6.6 Update on Character Assessment

  • The update was noted.

6.7  Update on Conservation Area Appraisal

  • The update was noted.

6.8  Planning Policy Consultation WG TOR

  • Resolved: The TOR were approved.

6.9 Planning Policy Consultation WG update

  • The update was noted.

7 Services Committee Minutes

7.1 Services Committee Minutes 5th July 2021

The minutes were noted.

7.2 Matters arising from the minutes

There were no matters arising.


8. Finance Committee Minutes

8.1 Finance Committee Minutes 7th June 2021

The minutes were noted.

8.2  Finance Committee Draft Minutes 6th September 2021

The minutes were noted.

8.3  2020/21 Spend to date

Resolved: The spend to date for £283,871 as recommend by The Finance Committee, was approved.

8.4  Matters arising from the minutes

There were no matters arising.

9. Community Delivery

9.1 Local Police Unit

Inspector Gareth Beesley attended to give and update on the Local Policing Unit (LPU) activity. The key message is that they are committed to preventing crime in Cheshire. Priorities are safeguarding children and vulnerable adults, including child exploitation, sexual abuse and neglect and county lines drug dealing.

For Macclesfield one of the key issues is the anti-social behavior in the town centre, at Exchange St and Churchside, caused predominantly by drug and alcohol use. The LPU and PCSO’s are in the town centre on patrols where possible. They have also worked with the Town Council and upped the patrols to tackle ASB at South Park.

In response to Mr Gareth Jones, Inspector Beasley said that the TruCam target was set at 4 per month and they have achieved 100% compliance.

Cllr Puttick commented that having a neighborhood approach to solving ASB is a must, and if CCTV the police and CEC enforcement can work together to prevent low level crime for things like dog fouling.

Inspector Beasley replied that the Multi Agency Activity Group (MAAG) was the way to approach issues from all angles, and the gaining A Public Space Protection order (PSPO) for the town centre would give the police further ammunition to solve the ASB issues around alcohol and drugs.

Cllr Livingstone said the response to the ASB in South park had been reasonably swift and the Town Council have instructed CEC CCTV to put in a camera. He also asked how the roads for the TruCams were chosen.

Inspector Beasley said the roads were identified for the Trucam speed cameras, using data such has how many incidents on the roads for feedback from Councillors and residents.

Cllr Hutchison asked how the Town Council can invest to support the PCSO’s and police and could the contact details be shared with Councillors.

Inspector Beesley said yes the details can be shared with Councillors.


9.2 CAB

The report was noted.

9.3 CCTV

The report was noted.

10. Governance Review

10.1 Safeguarding Policy

Resolved: The Safeguarding Policy was approved with the following amendments:

  • 1.1 A list or examples of ‘regulated activities’ to be added.
  • 1.4 & 2.1.5 where it states ‘Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy’ to amend to refer to the ‘Safeguarding Policy’.
  • To include procedures for disclosure and contact numbers.

10.2 Volunteer Handbook

Resolved: The handbook was approved with the following amendments:

  • P3, to correct, final paragraph , ‘influent’ to ‘influence’.
  • P4, to list protected characteristics as laid out in the Equality Policy to keep consistency,
  • P9 to cross refer section on Safeguarding, with the Safeguarding Policy.
  • To make it clear on P10 first paragraph that the Town Council will pay for all necessary DBS checks.
  • To include or refer to Covid guidelines were necessary.
  • To note that this Handbook does not refer to the Town Councillors who are also volunteers.

10.3 Pension Discretion Policy

Resolved: It was agreed this policy would be referred to the Personnel Committee.

11.  Changing Places Toilet

Resolved: Match funding of £15,000 was approved to go towards a CEC bid for a Changing Places facility in Macclesfield Town Centre.


12. Visitor Information Centre SLA

Resolved: It was approved to extend the current SLA with CEC for 1 year for the amount of £30,000, and it set up a working party to explore options for the future of the Visitor Information Centre and present to Full Council no later than December 2022.

13. Community Governance Review

Resolved: It was approved to send a response to the consultation from Macclesfield Town Council detailing the evidence set out in the report as to why the Town Council disagrees with the proposals for Macclesfield in the Community Governance Review document in particular the proposal to increase the number of Councillors currently set at 12 to 19-22.


14. Town Centre Recovery Working Group

The report was noted.


15.Canal Bridge 36

Resolved: The following proposal was approved:

  • To fund an assessment of Canal Bridge 36 to a value of £2,300 excl VAT.
  • To fund expenses in support of the works to a value of £150.


16. Asset Transfer of Painting

Resolved: The transfer of the painting was approved.


17.Parks and Play Areas

Resolved: It was approved to allocate the remaining budget for this year 2021/22 for parks and play areas as follows:


  • £25,000 for accessible play equipment in South Park.
  • £25,000 towards the BMS track at Windmill St Park,


18.  Remembrance

Resolved: It was approved to go for Company 1 and option 1, however Officers are to also enquire how much extra video screens would be and refer that to the next Finance or Services Committee.


19. Correspondence

There was no correspondence.

20. Date/Time and Place of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Full Council will be held at 7pm 6th December 2021, at a location and format to be confirmed subject to relevant current Covid-19 guidance.



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