Planning Committee
Responds to the planning applications within Macclesfield as a statutory consultee.
Wed 12th Feb 2025, 7:00pm
In Categories
Macclesfield Town Council Notice of Meeting
6th February 2025
To: Councillors Mike Hutchison, James Barber, Sandy Livingstone, Sarah Bennett-Wake and Sam Hale.
You are hereby summoned to attend
Macclesfield Town Council’s Planning Committee meeting to be held at:
Macclesfield Town Hall
12th February 2025
commencing at 7pm
for the purpose of transacting the business shown on the attached agenda.
With thanks,
Nicola Mellor
Admin and Governance Manager
Macclesfield Town Council Planning Committee Agenda
Agenda of the meeting to be held on Wednesday 12th February 2025 at 7pm at Macclesfield Town Hall.
This meeting is open to the public, but space may be limited. Should you wish to attend please inform the Admin and Governance Manager.
As per our Council Strategy 2024-2027, Macclesfield Town Council Planning Committee will conserve, celebrate and promote Macclesfield’s heritage.
Macclesfield Town Council Strategy 2024-2027 can be found here: Strategy
1. Apologies for Absence
To receive apologise for absence
2. Declarations of Interest
To receive declarations of interests from members relevant to items under discussion at the meeting
3. Public Participation
The meeting will be adjourned to invite public comments and questions. Following which the meeting will be reconvened.
If you would like to speak during the public session, please email
[email protected] by 12 noon on 11/02/25. Every practicable effort will be made to try and arrange your inclusion.
If you would like to submit a written statement, please submit your statement for inclusion and circulation to the committee to [email protected] by 12 noon on 11/02/25.
4. Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 15th January 2025
Action: To consider the draft minutes as a true record of the meeting
5. Matters Arising from the Minutes
Action: To consider any matters arising from the minutes
6. Observations on Planning Applications
The planning authority has been informed of the date of this meeting, and any delays in responses have been relayed.
The Planning Committee considers all applications it is notified of and returns comments to the Local Planning Authority (Cheshire East Council) unless it has no objections.
Application Number: 24/4858/HOUS
Proposal: Demolition of existing swimming pool and surrounding structure to rear elevation and the erection of a new single storey rear extension.
Location: 61 Ivy Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire East, SK11 8NU
Application Number: 24/4943/HOUS
Proposal: Proposed single and two storey rear extensions and garage conversion.
Location: 43 Coniston Way, Macclesfield, Cheshire East, SK11 7XR
Application Number: 24/4754/FUL
Proposal: Proposed Detached Dwelling House
Location: 45 Delamere Drive, Macclesfield, Cheshire East, SK10 2PW
Application Number: 24/5001/HOUS
Proposal: Single storey rear extension on the site where our conservatory was before, it is 4.1m x 2.9 metres with a pitched roof.
Location: 11 Birches Croft Drive, Macclesfield, Cheshire East, SK10 3QN
Application Number: 24/4406/HOUS
Proposal: Make the dropped kerb wider so we can use our double drive. It is current only dropped on one side.
Location: 40 Chelford Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire East, SK10 3LG
Application Number: 24/5027/FUL
Proposal: Proposed GRP sectional water tank and pump to be installed on top of a concrete slab base in rear garden.
Location: 59-61 Roe Street , Macclesfield , SK11 6XD
Application Number: 24/5031/HOUS
Proposal: Construction of a detached garage at the front of the property with hard surfaced parking space for personal vehicles.
Location: 68 Manchester Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire East, SK10 2JP
Application Number: 24/5037/HOUS
Proposal: Internal modifications including the erection of rear and side single-storey ground floor extensions, following the demolition of an existing rear conservatory, side entrance and adjoining garage building, to form additional living space. Replacing existing single-glazed timber windows with double-glazed timber windows.
Location: 12 Ryles Park Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire East, SK11 8AH
Application Number: 24/5053/HOUS
Proposal: Proposed ground floor single storey extension to the front of the property, proposed ground floor single storey extension to the rear of the property, alterations to existing external elevations new tiled roof finish to existing pitched roof and partial conversion of the existing garage.
Location: 4 Orchard Close, Macclesfield, Cheshire East, SK11 8JX
Application Number: 24/5058/HOUS
Proposal: Demolition of existing single storey side extensions. Proposed single storey side and rear extensions, raising the ridge level of the existing main property roof to provide habitable accommodation within new loft space with proposed dormers to front and rear elevations.
Location: 140 Hurdsfield Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire East, SK10 2PY
Application Number: 24/4963/HOUS
Proposal: Small single storey extension to the front of the property with a pitched roof, removing hedges to the front on both sides and replacing with fencing. Single storey extension to the rear of the property with a flat roof and two skylights.
Location: 33 Bostock Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire East, SK11 8ST
Application Number: 24/5079/HOUS
Proposal: 2 storey side extension with rear single storey extension linking to garage, (existing garage roof to be lifted by 480mm).
Location: 17 Merriden Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire East, SK10 3AN
Application Number: 24/5087/HOUS
Proposal: Demolition of existing single and two storey structures and proposed construction of single and two storey rear extensions and alterations.
Location: 52 Crompton Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire East, SK11 8EB
Application Number: 24/5104/HOUS
Proposal: Two-storey side extension, single-storey rear extension & internal alterations.
Location: 8 Gloucester Close, Macclesfield, Cheshire East, SK10 2JZ
Application Number: 24/5112/HOUS
Proposal: The erection of a single storey rear extension.
Location: 153 Birtles Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire East, SK10 3JH
Application Number: 24/5118/HOUS
Proposal: New enclosed front porch.
Location: 13 College Court, Macclesfield, Cheshire East, SK11 8HN
Application Number: 25/0210/OUT
Proposal: Outline planning permission (with all matters reserved except site access) for residential development (Use Class C3) comprising of new dwellings, public open space, hard and soft landscaping, and associated infrastructure and works.
Location: Land At Prestbury Road Macclesfield
Application Number: 25/0096/ADV
Proposal: Advertisement consent for 1 No. Externally Illuminated Fascia Sign, 3 No. Projecting Sign and 1 No. A Board Signage
Location: Pr Jones Watchmaker & Jeweller, 1 Chestergate, Macclesfield, Cheshire East, SK11 6BX
Application Number: 24/5216/VOC
Proposal: Variation of Condition 2 on 24/1600M – Single storey rear extension and partial windows renewal and replacement
Location: 128 Buxton Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire East, SK10 1NG
Application Number: 24/5206/HOUS
Proposal: Single storey rear extension to provide building accommodation
Location: 2 Rayleigh Close, Macclesfield, Cheshire East, SK10 4XS
Application Number: 25/0044/CLPUD
Proposal: Certificate of lawful development for proposed reconstruction of existing river wall using steel sheet piling and concrete facing.
Location: East River Wall Throwsters Court Brook Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire East, SK11 7AA
Application Number: 24/5190/FUL
Proposal: Proposed change of use of existing HMO dwelling across two properties NO.20 and 22 Nixon Street (8 bed), Use Class Sui Generis, to 4 No. apartments, Use Class C3.
Location: 20 – 22 Nixon Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire East, SK11 8DP
Application Number: 25/0084/CLPUD
Proposal: Certificate of lawful development for proposed installation of extractor fans to kitchen and bathroom.
Location: 17 Glegg Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire East, SK11 7AJ
Application Number: 25/0230/LBC
Proposal: Listed building consent for the replacement of 2 second floor windows and 1 ground floor window.
Location: 42 Pool Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire East, SK11 7NX
Application Number: 25/0229/HOUS
Proposal: Replacement of 2 second floor windows and 1 ground floor window.
Location: 42 Pool Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire East, SK11 7NX
7. Date/Time and Place of Next Meeting
The next Planning Committee meeting will take place on 12th March 2025 at 7pm, at Macclesfield Town Hall.