Planning Committee

Planning Committee

Fri 2nd Sep 2022, 10:00am

Responds to the planning applications within Macclesfield as a statutory consultee.

Key Information


Fri 2nd Sep 2022, 10:00am

In Categories

Planning Committee


Macclesfield Town Council Notice of Meeting


26th August 2022


To: Chair Mike Hutchison and Councillors David Edwardes, Fiona Wilson, Sandy Livingstone and Lloyd Roberts


You are hereby summoned to attend

Macclesfield Town Council’s Planning Committee meeting to be held at:

Macclesfield Town Hall


2nd September 2022

commencing at 10am

for the purpose of transacting the business shown on the attached agenda.


With thanks,

Town Clerk Signature

Laura Smith

Town Clerk




Macclesfield Town Council Planning Committee Agenda


Agenda of the meeting to be held on 2nd September 2022 at 10am at Macclesfield Town Hall.


This meeting is open to the public, but space may be limited. Should you wish to attend please inform the Town Clerk.


1.        Apologies for Absence


To receive apologies for absence


2.        Declarations of Interest


To receive declarations of interests from members relevant to items under discussion at the meeting


3.        Public Participation


The meeting will be adjourned to invite public comments and questions. Following which the meeting will be reconvened.



If you would like to speak during public session, please email

[email protected] by 12 noon on 01/09/22 Every practicable effort will be made to try and arrange your inclusion.


If you would like to submit a written statement, please submit your statement for inclusion and circulation to the committee to [email protected] by 12 noon on 01/09/22.


4.        Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 12th August 2022


Action: To consider the draft minutes as a true record of the meeting



5.        Matters Arising from the Minutes


Action: To consider any matters arising from the minutes


6.        Observations on Planning Applications


The planning authority has been informed of the date of this meeting and any delays in responses as they relate to all applications with response closing dates before the date of this meeting.


The Planning Committee considers all applications it is notified of and returns comments to the Local Planning Authority (Cheshire East Council) unless it has no objections.



Application No: 19/5582M
Proposal: Application for approval of reserved matters following outline approval 17/4034M for the erection of up to 232 dwellings
Location: Land South Of, Chelford Road, Macclesfield

Comments due back by 6th September 2022

Ward: Broken Cross and Upton



Application No: 22/3154M
Proposal: Listed building consent for proposed alterations including removal of internal wall, proposed external rear elevation doorway and reduction in size of existing rear elevation window.
Location: 6, Little Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 1AW

Comments due back by: 7th September 2022

Ward: Central



Application No: 22/3177M
Proposal: Advertisement Consent for various graphics and signs
Location: Barracks Mill Retail Park, The Silk Road, Macclesfield

Comments due back by: 1st September 2022

Ward: Hurdsfield




Application No: 22/3229M
Proposal: Consent to display an advertisement
Location: Unit 2, Barracks Mill Retail Park, The Silk Road, Macclesfield, SK10 2ZS

Comments due back by: 1st September 2022

Ward: Hurdsfield




Application No: 22/3083M
Proposal: Outline application with all matters reserved for the change of use to the upper three floors of the Mill from storage use to a children’s nursery.
Location: Pickford Street Mill, Pickford Street, Macclesfield, SK11 6JD

Comments due back by: 14th September 2022

Ward: Central




Application No: 22/0578M
Proposal: extension of fence around owned land. Fence extended along back of rear garden, along length of garden and of house, meets up with front of house with small gate access.
Location: 32, Stapleton Road, Macclesfield, SK10 3NP

Comments due back by: 1st September 2022

Ward: Tytherington



Application No: 22/3183M
Proposal: Variation of condition 2 on approved application 21/3183M – Extension and alteration of 4 apartments to form 5 dwellings with access, parking and landscaping.
Location: 123, Prestbury Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 3DA

Comments due back by: 14th September 2022

Ward: Tytherington




Application No: 22/3159M
Proposal: Advertisement Consent for double aspect V board to be displayed by entrance to development and 3 no. flags to be displayed along roadside by entrance to development off Chelford Road
Location: Land off Chelford Road, Henbury

Comments due back by: 2nd September 2022

Ward: Broken Cross & Upton


Application No: 22/3253M
Proposal: Extension to the existing emergency department to provide additional patient accommodation at the ground floor with plant room formed both above and on an existing Level 01 roof next to the department. A new entrance is to be provided to the main elevation to form a separate entrance for paediatric patients.
Location: Macclesfield District General Hospital, Victoria Road, Macclesfield, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 3BL

Comments due back by: 14th September 2022

Ward: Broken Cross & Upton



Application No: 22/3226M
Proposal: Removal of existing ATM and signage and infill with materials to match elevations.
Location: 56, Chestergate, Macclesfield, SK11 6BU

Comments due back by: 14th September 2022

Ward: Central



Application No: 22/3266M
Proposal: Listed building consent for Extension
Location: 183, Crompton Road, Macclesfield, SK11 8EH

Comments due back by: 14th September 2022

Ward: Central



Application No: 22/3265M
Proposal: Extension
Location: 183, Crompton Road, Macclesfield, SK11 8EH

Comments due back by: 14th September 2022

Ward: Central


Application No: 22/3322M
Proposal: Demolition of existing single storey attached side garage Proposed two storey side extension to form ground floor store and utility with first floor additional bedroom with ensuite, larger existing bedroom and repositioned bathroom. Internal alterations to replace the existing staircase, remove existing utility and dining room walls to form an open plan kitchen and dining area with new bifolding doors across the rear, alterations to existing rear single storey hipped roof to form lean-to roof and additional rooflight.
Location: 19, Clifford Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 8QE

Comments due back by: 7th September 2022

Ward: West & Ivy



Application No: 22/3316M
Proposal: Proposed 10m high advertisment internally illuminated double sided gantry
Location: Tesco, Hibel Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 2AB

Comments due back by: 8th September 2022

Ward: Hurdsfield


Application No: 22/3337M
Proposal: Listed Building consent for a single storey full width kitchen/ living room extension is proposed to replace the existing kitchen extension and conservatory to the rear of the property. The work includes removing existing walls to the base of the outrigger.
Location: 126, Buxton Road, Macclesfield, SK10 1NG

Comments due back by: 21st September 2022

Ward: East


Application No: 22/3343M
Proposal: 2 storey rear extension
Location: 2, Fernlea Drive, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 8PQ

Comments due back by: 9th September 2022

Ward: Broken Cross & Upton



Application No: 22/3152M
Proposal: Lawful Development Certificate for proposed single storey rear extension
Location: 130, Rugby Drive, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 2JF

Comments due back by: 2nd September 2022

Ward: Tytherington


Application No: 22/3136M
Proposal: Alterations to existing Fast Food Outlet Unit to remove glazed screen to NW side elevation, form new opening and installation of external cold store, erection of new close boarded 2.4m high fencing to bin store and plant area with additional 1.8m high close boarded fencing to the rear
Location: Land to the north of, Black Lane, Macclesfield
Comments due back by 14th September 2022

Ward: Hurdsfield




Application No: 22/3414M
Proposal: Resubmission of 19/2648M – Alterations to existing roof/loft space with a new dormer loft conversion
Location: 261, Peter Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 8EX
Comments due back 15TH September 2022.
Ward: Central


7.        Canal Bridge 36

To receive update


8.        Member Items


9.      Date/Time and Place of Next Meeting

The next Planning Committee meeting will take place on 23rd September 2022 10am, in Macclesfield Town Hall.



Macclesfield Town Council Planning Committee Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held on 2nd September 2022 at 10am at Macclesfield Town Hall.



Cllr Mike Hutchison

Cllr David Edwardes

Cllr Fiona Wilson


1.        Apologies for Absence


Cllr Lloyd Roberts

Cllr Sandy Livingstone


2.        Declarations of Interest


Cllr David Edwardes declared a non-pecuniary interest in application 19/5582M. He believes this may come up on the Strategic Planning Board, where he is a member, so he will not be taking part in any discussions relating to this application and will not be voting.


3.        Public Participation


The meeting was adjourned to invite public comments and questions.

There was no public participation.

Following which the meeting was reconvened.


4.        Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 12th August 2022


Resolved: The minutes were approved as a true record of the meeting.


5.        Matters Arising from the Minutes


Cllr Wilson stated that there is a public meeting happening on 2nd September at the Town Hall regarding application 17/4034M.

Cllr Hutchison stated that there have been leaflets distributed to residents in the area of application 22/2970M encouraging residents to object to the application.


6.        Observations on Planning Applications


The planning authority has been informed of the date of this meeting and any delays in responses as they relate to all applications with response closing dates before the date of this meeting.


The Planning Committee considers all applications it is notified of and returns comments to the Local Planning Authority (Cheshire East Council) unless it has no objections.


Application No: 19/5582M
Proposal: Application for approval of reserved matters following outline approval 17/4034M for the erection of up to 232 dwellings
Location: Land South Of, Chelford Road, Macclesfield

Comments due back by 6th September 2022

Ward: Broken Cross and Upton


Macclesfield Town Council continue to object to this application and maintain the below comments:


At the Planning Committee meeting on 26/02/21, the committee resolved that as the reserved matters do not address concerns raised in December 2019 by this committee, the committee objects to this application and reiterates the following for inclusion in the development plans:

  1. Sustainable transport provision to include cycleways and footpaths to access infrastructure and services in Macclesfield,
  2. Provision of electric vehicle charging points in communal areas and at each of the properties,
  3. Accessible waste and recycling points,
  4. Sufficient off-street parking for all properties,
  5. Mixed dwellings and housing types,
  6. Delivery of 30% affordable housing,
  7. Protection of existing boundaries,
  8. Protection of existing trees,
  9. That pedestrian and cycle access to the remainder/undeveloped northern portion of LPS16 is accommodated and secured for potential future development of that site as identified in the Cheshire East Local Plan,
  10. That the development is served by a bus route, with upgrades to bus stops on Chelford Road and the introduction of a pedestrian crossing to facilitate safe road crossing,
  11. Vehicular ingress and egress to the development is insufficiently served.

It was also noted that the excavation of peat could result in contamination of the nearby stream, effecting ancient woodland and that, as previously advised by Cheshire East Council, peat cannot be removed offsite.


Application No: 22/3154M
Proposal: Listed building consent for proposed alterations including removal of internal wall, proposed external rear elevation doorway and reduction in size of existing rear elevation window.
Location: 6, Little Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 1AW

Comments due back by: 7th September 2022

Ward: Central

No objections


Application No: 22/3177M
Proposal: Advertisement Consent for various graphics and signs
Location: Barracks Mill Retail Park, The Silk Road, Macclesfield

Comments due back by: 1st September 2022

Ward: Hurdsfield

No objections


Application No: 22/3229M
Proposal: Consent to display an advertisement
Location: Unit 2, Barracks Mill Retail Park, The Silk Road, Macclesfield, SK10 2ZS

Comments due back by: 1st September 2022

Ward: Hurdsfield

No objections


Application No: 22/3083M
Proposal: Outline application with all matters reserved for the change of use to the upper three floors of the Mill from storage use to a children’s nursery.
Location: Pickford Street Mill, Pickford Street, Macclesfield, SK11 6JD

Comments due back by: 14th September 2022

Ward: Central

No objections


Application No: 22/0578M
Proposal: extension of fence around owned land. Fence extended along back of rear garden, along length of garden and of house, meets up with front of house with small gate access.
Location: 32, Stapleton Road, Macclesfield, SK10 3NP

Comments due back by: 1st September 2022

Ward: Tytherington


  • Macclesfield Town Council have concerns over retained policy DC3- lack of amenity- view for other residents with regards the height of the fence
  • Planning officer approval from site visit
  • Retained policy SD3- design


Application No: 22/3183M
Proposal: Variation of condition 2 on approved application 21/3183M – Extension and alteration of 4 apartments to form 5 dwellings with access, parking and landscaping.
Location: 123, Prestbury Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 3DA

Comments due back by: 14th September 2022

Ward: Tytherington

No objections


Application No: 22/3159M
Proposal: Advertisement Consent for double aspect V board to be displayed by entrance to development and 3 no. flags to be displayed along roadside by entrance to development off Chelford Road
Location: Land off Chelford Road, Henbury

Comments due back by: 2nd September 2022

Ward: Broken Cross & Upton



  • Distracting to drivers
  • Light pollution from the floodlights
  • Take note that plans show 2 different flags and it states “FLAGS QTY 1 off each_2 TOTAL”


Application No: 22/3253M
Proposal: Extension to the existing emergency department to provide additional patient accommodation at the ground floor with plant room formed both above and on an existing Level 01 roof next to the department. A new entrance is to be provided to the main elevation to form a separate entrance for paediatric patients.
Location: Macclesfield District General Hospital, Victoria Road, Macclesfield, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 3BL

Comments due back by: 14th September 2022

Ward: Broken Cross & Upton

No objections


Application No: 22/3226M
Proposal: Removal of existing ATM and signage and infill with materials to match elevations.
Location: 56, Chestergate, Macclesfield, SK11 6BU

Comments due back by: 14th September 2022

Ward: Central

No objections


Application No: 22/3266M
Proposal: Listed building consent for Extension
Location: 183, Crompton Road, Macclesfield, SK11 8EH

Comments due back by: 14th September 2022

Ward: Central

Comment: No results showing on portal so can’t comment on the application


Application No: 22/3265M
Proposal: Extension
Location: 183, Crompton Road, Macclesfield, SK11 8EH

Comments due back by: 14th September 2022

Ward: Central

No objections

Comments: subject to conservation officer approval


Application No: 22/3322M
Proposal: Demolition of existing single storey attached side garage Proposed two storey side extension to form ground floor store and utility with first floor additional bedroom with ensuite, larger existing bedroom and repositioned bathroom. Internal alterations to replace the existing staircase, remove existing utility and dining room walls to form an open plan kitchen and dining area with new bifolding doors across the rear, alterations to existing rear single storey hipped roof to form lean-to roof and additional rooflight.
Location: 19, Clifford Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 8QE

Comments due back by: 7th September 2022

Ward: West & Ivy

No objections


Application No: 22/3316M
Proposal: Proposed 10m high advertisment internally illuminated double sided gantry
Location: Tesco, Hibel Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 2AB

Comments due back by: 8th September 2022

Ward: Hurdsfield

No objections


Application No: 22/3337M
Proposal: Listed Building consent for a single storey full width kitchen/ living room extension is proposed to replace the existing kitchen extension and conservatory to the rear of the property. The work includes removing existing walls to the base of the outrigger.
Location: 126, Buxton Road, Macclesfield, SK10 1NG

Comments due back by: 21st September 2022

Ward: East

No objections


Application No: 22/3343M
Proposal: 2 storey rear extension
Location: 2, Fernlea Drive, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 8PQ

Comments due back by: 9th September 2022

Ward: Broken Cross & Upton

No objections


Application No: 22/3152M
Proposal: Lawful Development Certificate for proposed single storey rear extension
Location: 130, Rugby Drive, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 2JF

Comments due back by: 2nd September 2022

Ward: Tytherington

No objections


Application No: 22/3136M
Proposal: Alterations to existing Fast Food Outlet Unit to remove glazed screen to NW side elevation, form new opening and installation of external cold store, erection of new close boarded 2.4m high fencing to bin store and plant area with additional 1.8m high close boarded fencing to the rear
Location: Land to the north of, Black Lane, Macclesfield


No objections


Comments due back by 14th September 2022

Ward: Hurdsfield




Application No: 22/3414M
Proposal: Resubmission of 19/2648M – Alterations to existing roof/loft space with a new dormer loft conversion
Location: 261, Peter Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 8EX
Comments due back 15TH September 2022.
Ward: Central
No objections


7.        Canal Bridge 36

Clerk has been in contact with Michael Shore from the Canal and River Trust. On site meeting to take place at the canal bridge, with himself, MTC councillors and Andrew Taylor from David Wilson Homes. Clerk to arrange.


8.        Member Items


9.      Date/Time and Place of Next Meeting

The next Planning Committee meeting will take place on 23rd September 2022 10am, in Macclesfield Town Hall.

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