Cllr Fiona Wilson


South Ward

Personnel Committee, Services Committee

Cllr Fiona Wilson

I currently work for a housing charitable trust in Macclesfield to manage accommodation for elderly and vulnerable people. Prior to that I was the Head of Research and Economics at the Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers and before that worked for a town centre bank.

I am the Council’s Town Centre and Regeneration Champion and a member of the Town Centre Recovery Working Group which has bought together various organisations who are working to deliver economic, environmental, cultural and community benefits for Macclesfield Town Centre and the people of our Town. I have lived in Macclesfield South Ward for over 25 years and in Macclesfield since I was a child.

I am keen on sports and outdoor activities including running, walking and swimming and have worked to ensure the provision of improved parks and play areas in Macclesfield South Ward. I was involved in the team that set up the parkrun in South Park and am a regular volunteer there on Saturday mornings. I am also proud to support Macclesfield Football Club and am a season ticket holder. I support local community groups and residents and am the Chair of the Moss Rose Neighbourhood Partnership.

I was honoured to be elected to serve as Mayor of Macclesfield from May 2022 to May 2023 and my theme was ‘Our Community, Stronger Together’.

It is very rewarding to be a Town Councillor and to use my research and financial knowledge and experience in this volunteer role and to try to make a difference.