Cllr Sarah Bennett-Wake


Hurdsfield Ward

Vice Chair of Finance Committee, Personnel Committee, Planning Committee, Services Committee


I am Sarah Bennett-Wake your Councillor for Hurdsfield Ward. I live with my wife and cat in Hurdsfield and have a married daughter, son-in-law and two grand puppies and I work full time as Teaching Assistant in a local school supporting children with special needs and disabilities.

As a director of The Green in the Corner community café I helped to develop the community garden with the help of Hurdsfield residents and children, as well as planting bulbs on Hurdsfield Green. During the 2020 lockdown my wife and I set up a food delivery service from the café, feeding and supporting those most vulnerable in our community.

Prior to the pandemic I volunteered at Hurdsfield Library running a youth group and craft sessions in the holidays. I am currently working with residents to consider new ways of bringing people of all ages back into our community hub in a way that is safe and supportive.

I was honoured to serve as the Mayor of Macclesfield 2020 -2021 supporting local charities and groups to come together in a coordinated way to form the Macclesfield Food Partners. Following networking with the charities I was pleased the Town Council engaged CVS to help struggling charities successfully bid for grants and recruit more volunteers.

Kindness and community are at the heart of everything I do.