Business Delivery Plan 2021/22


toc goes in here

1. Background

Macclesfield Town Council resolved to approve the 2021/22 annual budget at the December 2020 meeting. The budget sets out the expected delivery of services for Macclesfield Town Council.

The Business Delivery Plan was approved at the Full Council meeting on 29/03/21.

2. Position

To enable efficient delivery of known services and projects, this business planning report sets out the budget headings and expected expenditure for council to approve.

Permission to spend on projects and services as yet not defined, detailed or known will be brought to Council (or delegated committee) as required.

3. Budget Headings

Below is a list of the approved budget headings and values. Some operational and delivery costs are known and detailed in the table for approval within the adopted budget.

Spend as yet not identified, defined or committed will be brought forward to council (or delegated committee) at a time when more detail is available.

Note – Lines 1 to 23 relate to the administration of the council and spend is based on previous years’ and forecasting. This spend is committed.

Budget Headings and Values
Number Budget Line Item Budget Amount Projected / defined Spend


Includes new post of Events and Communication Officer and 2 Kick Start posts
£201,268 £201,268
2 Payroll Costs £1,200 £1,200
3 Premises £12,000 £12,000
4 Photocopier £2,500 £2,500
5 Travel/Expenses £750 £750
6 Mayor & Deputy Allowances £3,000 £3,000
7 Civic Events £8000 £8000
8 Training £4300 £4300
9 Postage £1000 £1000
10 IT £3,000 £3,000
11 Advertising £1,000 £1,000
12 Communications £8000 £8000
13 Equipment £2,000 £2,000
14 Accountancy Support £2,500 £2,500
15 Legal £5000 £5000
16 HR & H&S Support £1,800 £1,800
17 Subscriptions £2,500 £2,500
18 Insurance £4,400 £4,400
19 Stationery £2,000 £2,000
20 Catering £500 £500
21 Bank Charges £500 £500
22 Meeting Room Hire £5,000 £5,000
23 Audit £2,500 £2,500
  Election Costs £10,000 £10,000
24 Weston Community Centre £3,500 Yet to be defined & approval sought, likely to be repairs and maintenance of building.
25 Public Conveniences £10,000 Yet to be defined & approval sought
26 Christmas Lights and Switch on Event £37000 £37000
27 Street Furniture & Public Realm £50,000


For ongoing Ranger works, tools, maintenance & reinstatement. Also include festoons and lightning and money for potential repairs and possibility of setting up outdoor eating ‘pockets’ in the town.

Remainder (£8000) yet to be defined and approval sought

28 Town Ranger Service £130,000 £130,000
29 Floral Displays £40,000


Annual provision of existing displays

Remainder (£13,000) yet to be defined and approval sought but will be in line with MTC Covid Recovery Plan

30 CCTV £33,000 £33,000
31 Projects & Events £50,000


As detailed in Annex 1 – Delivery Report

Shortfall in spend is below 10% and allows for flexibility in delivery

32 Community Enforcement £10,000 Yet to be defined & approval sought
33 Remembrance (To include a special celebration of lights as we could not hold the service residents wished to last year and it is the RBL 100th birthday.
Approval will be sought from Services Committee for special light celebration)
£9,000 £9,000
34 Youth Street Activity £20,000

£10,000 For Street Sports ongoing provision


£2,500 For “Playing Out” project


£2,500 For Supported Summer Schools Project

Remainder (£5000) yet to be defined and approval sought

35 Visitor Information Centre £30000


For adopted Service Level Agreement
36 Macclesfield Promotion £15,000 Yet to be defined & approval sought
37 Town Centre Wifi & Footfall Data £7,000 £7,000
38 Play Equipment £100,000 Yet to be defined & approval sought
39 Citizen’s Advice Bureau £50,000 £50,000
40 Community Delivery £20,000

£1,000 For Canalside Broadcast Licence

£250 For Civic Society running costs

£1,500 At Michaels Church access to toilets

£2,000 WHAM Night Shelter

£2,000 Rotary Volunteers for event traffic management

Remainder (£13,250) yet to be defined and approval sought

41 Move More Macclesfield £10,000

£2,000 Park Fit & Pram Fit

Bikeathon £2000

Remainder (£6,000) yet to be defined and approval sought, could include Macc Run Fest
42 Town Crier £1,000 £1,000
43 Barnaby Festival £10,000 £10,000
44 Planning Committee £8,000 Yet to be defined & approval sought
45 Planning Policy £40,000

£30,000 For Conservation Area Review

£10,000 for Character Assessment

46 Covid Recovery Fund £10,000 Yet to be defined & approval sought, will be in line with MTC Covid Recovery Plan
47 Community Bus / Public Transport


Yet to be defined & approval sought
48 Grants £42,000 Approval will be given by appropriate committee in line with Grants Policy and Financial Standing Orders

Ward Budgets

Activities will be determined by ward Councillors in consultation with residents
£14,000 £14,000
50 Voluntary Sector Support £10,000 £10,000
51 Macclesfield Project Investment £20,000 From reserves yet to be defined and approval sought

4. Consideration Sought

  1. That the delivery of operational services and projects as above is approved and recommended to Council within the approved budget.
  2. That all other (as yet undefined) spend awaits definition and approval within the Council’s approved Financial Regulations.
  3. The Macclesfield Town Council Strategy list a desire to complete many large Projects, at present there are two large projects in process that should be a priority:
  • Asset Transfer of South Park Pavilion
  • Lighting up the Middlewood Way

5. Report Statement

Report Purpose:    To update members on the events budget for 2021/2022

Version Control:     v1

Lead:                     Community and Events Manager                

Author:                  Community and Events Manager

5.1 Town Crier championships event


The first Town Crier championships in Macclesfield was held in 2019 at the April Treacle Market. This is a colourful event which provides a visual spectacle as well as added value to an already popular event.

Town Criers from around the country compete for titles including ‘Best Dressed Town Crier’ and ‘Best content of cry’.

The event was unable to go ahead in 2020 due to Covid-19. It is hoped that later in 2021, this event can take place.

The costs associated with this event are accommodation for Town Criers, trophies for the prize winners and catering for participants.

Budget allocated – £1,000

5.2 Eco-summit

This virtual event will be delivered in partnership with Macc-tastic. There is to be a research phase prior to the event where the community will be invited to tell us what they would like to hear about at the Eco-summit. The research will form the basis of the event plan and inform the nature of the workshops available.

Budget allocated: £1,000 for speakers if required

5.3 Macclesfield Bikeathon, Provisional date 23rd October 2021


The Macclesfield Bikeathon was a popular event in the town which ran for many years. 11 years ago, the event was unable to continue due to a lack of funding. In 2018, the Community and Events Manager approached local cycling company Allgood Cycling to discuss the return of the Bikeathon. The decision was made to deliver the event with local charity Just Drop In as the charity partner.

There are 3 routes of varying difficulty around the Cheshire plain. A family route, a 30km route and a 60km route. Setting off from and returning to Macclesfield Leisure Centre.

The event returned in 2019 and 150 local people rode the varying routes of the Macclesfield Bikeathon, raising £3,600 for Just Drop In. The event was popular. Due to the good reception that this event received, the decision was made to move the start and focus of the Bikeathon from the leisure centre to Market Place. There will be an event in Market Place where the rides will set off from and return to.

This event is planned and delivered in partnership with Allgood Cycling and Just Drop In.

The Bikeathon was unable to go ahead in 2020 due to Covid-19.     

Service level agreement funding is allocated to Allgood cycling to plan and deliver the event and routes including risk assessments and safety riders.

Budget allocated – £2,000

5.4 Macclesfield Family Fun Day


The Macclesfield Family Fun Day is a successful family orientated show organised every year to raise money for local charities. Historically this event has been held at Macclesfield Football Club. However, in 2020 it was due to move to the Rugby Club in order to make use of additional space and provide more attractions. Unfortunately the event was cancelled due to Covid-19.

The event is organised by members of the community.

As well as providing financial support to sponsor prizes, enable free face painting and additional free family activities, the Macclesfield Town Council logo would feature on all publicity and in the event programme. The Community Engagement and Events Manager would also work with the organisers to assist in the planning process.

It is hoped that this event can take place later in 2021.

Budget allocated – £1,500

5.5 Barnaby Festival, Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th June 2021


Barnaby Festival is a bi-annual arts festival which is a longstanding feature in the Macclesfield events calendar.

Since 2016, the Community Engagement Officer has supported Barnaby Festival by providing practical support as well as event advice, completion of road closure applications and emergency services liaison.

The festival went online last year throughout the Covid-19 pandemic and plans are being put together for the 2021 festival celebrations.

5.6 Macc-POW Comic art festival


Local artist Marc Makes Comics has held the Macc-POW! Comic convention for several years. The event attracts people interested in comic art from all over the world.

In 2019, Macclesfield Town Council supported the delivery of this event through funding to enable the event to be free to access in the town hall. The event attracted visitors from all over the country into town.

The Town Council agreed to support the event in 2020 but it was unable to go ahead due to the pandemic.

The event is due to take place in October this year. This time, it will be fully focussed on delivering drawing workshops for children. Some would take place in the new Marc Makes Comics creative space above Flour, Water, Salt and some would take place inside the library. All will be free to attend and will give children and parents the chance to draw with other cartoonists and comic book creators.

In addition to this, there will be a number of live interviews with cartoonists on the day.

Budget allocated – £1,000

5.7 Macclesfield Pride, Saturday 10th July 2021


At the 2017 Youth Summit, one of the attendees voiced an ambition to deliver a Macclesfield Pride event. In the following months, the Community Engagement Officer worked with Utopia to plan and deliver the first Macc Pride in July 2018. This was a success, so the decision was made to further develop the event for 2019 with the addition of a parade.

Macclesfield Town Council supported Macc Pride financially through the grants scheme. The Community Engagement Officer also supported Macc Pride to become a registered charity as well as the planning and delivery of the event at each step from organising road closures to liaising with local businesses and promoting the event.

In 2020, the plan was to have a larger parade as well as the event but it had to be cancelled due to Covid-19.

The event will go ahead in a re-imagined form on the 10th July 2021 either virtual or smaller events across the town. The Community and Events Manager will support with this.

5.8 Street party packs for community thank you event

The events team are looking into providing street party packs to key community venues across the town so that communities can celebrate together what we have all been through.

We are aiming to celebrate on the weekend leading up to NHS and Key Workers appreciation day on 5th July. We will work with key locations across the town, one in each ward, to ensure packs reach as many residents as possible.

Budget allocated: £6,000

5.9 Town Hall key worker thank you event

We do not know when this event will be held but we are making background plans for when the time comes for us to be able to celebrate together. Key local organisations who have helped the community through the pandemic will be asked to nominate a number of people to attend an event at the town hall led by the Mayor so that the town council can offer a formal thank you.

Budget allocated: £6,000

5.10 Older Persons Day, Thursday 1st October 2021


After carrying out a review of the events in 2018, it was clear that although a lot is offered for school age children and families, there was a gap in the events for older people. Therefore, the decision was made to hold an afternoon tea event in 2018 for older people. The event was used as an information gathering opportunity to help inform decisions about future events. The stand out suggestion which came out of the event was that older people would like more opportunities to get together.

So, the decision was made to hold an annual celebration for Older Persons Day with the addition of at least one Christmas party each year.

The National Older Persons Day celebration party in 2019 was very well attended with 140 people coming along. Attendees enjoyed a meal, entertainment and a quiz.

At the 2019 Youth Summit, School Councils said that they would like to work more with older people. So the High Schools were invited to be involved with this event. Kings School, Tytherington School and All Hallows Catholic College all accepted the invitation. The students created a quiz to deliver on the day and were fantastic in supporting the older people with limited mobility to their seats. They helped provide the food as well as teas and coffees. This was a fantastic way to bring the two different generations together and they have expressed great interest in helping at future events.

The plan is to work with Live at Home, Macclesfield and Age UK Cheshire East on the 2021 celebration.

Budget allocated – £1,000

5.11 Macclesfield Food Festival

Pick and Mix events were the successful tender applicants to plan and deliver the 2020 Macclesfield Food Festival. It was unable to go ahead due to Covid-19.

The plan is for this event to be delivered in September 2021 in the town centre.

This event is no cost to the town council.

5.12 Welly Walk and Nature Needs You, Saturday 9th October


Back in 2017, this event was introduced to promote outdoor play throughout the colder months and the idea that its okay to play outside, whatever the weather. The first event, although small scale was a huge success and the decision was made to build on this.

In 2018, Macclesfield RSPB Wildlife Explorers had heard what a success the previous years event had been and asked to partner up to deliver a nature aspect to the day. To weatherproof the storytelling aspect of the event, the storytelling tepee was introduced and proved to be very popular. The day was well attended despite very wet and very windy weather.

In 2019, to further weatherproof the event, an additional tepee style structure was booked for the nature activities to be provided from. The event was very well attended. There was a marked increase in attendance compared to the previous years.

An estimated 2,000 people attended throughout the event.

West Park Museum opened for the first time as part of the event, offering free autumnal screen printing onto tote bags.

Activities included the magical storytelling tepee, storytime with the Mayor, making bird boxes, lavender bags, bird food, insect hotels, a welly trail, a chance to hold creepy crawlies, bird watching, forest school, marshmallow toasting, den building, archery, birds of prey and flint fire lighting.

This event really has the potential to grow each year and attract more and more families as the interest in the environment and nature grows. For this reason, this year I would like to introduce a third tepee structure to help with weather proofing the event in addition to some walkabout characters who use theatre and role play to encourage children to consider the environment.

The event was adapted in 2020 for a virtual audience but we plan to return in 2021 with a physical event in West Park.

Budget allocated – £7,738

5.13 Remembrance projection

As remembrance day commemorations were unable to take place in the usual way last year, we plan to project a remembrance themed image either onto the town hall or onto the Market Place floor.

Budget allocated: £3,000

5.14 Christmas Light Switch on event, Saturday 20th November


This is a large-scale event to plan which attracts an additional approximately 2,000 visitors to town on the day.

There is stage entertainment, a brass band, fairground rides, street entertainment, a craft fair, firework display and a Father Christmas grotto in the town hall.

Planning for this event begins in April and from September onwards requires intensive resources in order to put everything in place to deliver a safe and successful event. This involves organising all aspects from stage performers and PR to security, risk assessments and emergency evacuation plans.

The event couldn’t take place in 2020 due to Covid-19.

This year, we are planning to look at several options for the light switch on. All will involve an event but will have the flexibility to respond to any restrictions which hopefully aren’t in place but if they are, we will be prepared.

The budget for this event comes out of the Christmas lights allocation.

5.15 Tree of Light, Thursday 9th December


In 2017, Orbitas confirmed that they could no longer fund the annual Tree of Light event held at the cemetery to remember loved ones at Christmastime. Macclesfield Town Council made the decision to adopt the event and move it to the town centre.

The first event led by Macclesfield Town Council was held in December 2017 and was extremely popular, with almost 1,000 people attending despite awful weather conditions, which meant that it was safer to move the event indoors to St Michael’s Church.

The planning for this event begins in July as stars are ordered ready for distribution the first week in September. People are invited to write messages to loved ones no longer with us on these stars which are then hung on the town centre Christmas tree. The Community Engagement Officer liaises with the community, schools, businesses and churches from September onwards in order for the Tree of Light to reach as many people as possible.

The popularity of the event continued in 2018 and 2019 with over 1,000 tribute stars being hung on the town centre Christmas tree in 2019.

In 2020, we commissioned local artists IDST to provide the ‘Message in Lights’ installation. This year, we will return to the traditional stars method which is so popular. If there are restrictions in place, we will build in extra time for quarantining the stars so that it can still take place.

Cost – £3,000

5.16 Older Persons Christmas parties


As part of the previous feedback regarding intergenerational work and providing more opportunities to socialise for older people, the Community Engagement Officer supports two Christmas parties. One hosted by Live at Home and one hosted on the Moss estate. The support enables catering to be free to those attending and help is provided with planning and promoting the events. The Community Engagement Officer liaises with local high schools to provide volunteers for the events.

Budget allocated – £1,000

5.17 Chinese New Year


In 2019, the first Chinese New Year celebration was held in Macclesfield. It was very popular, so the decision was made to hold another event in 2019 to celebrate the year of the rat.

Th event consisted of singing in Market Place from Tytherington School Mandarin Choir, a dragon parade from Market Place to the United Reformed Church at Park Green followed by an event. Here there was a chance to taste Chinese food, make your own shadow puppet, view the shadow puppet performance, have a go at Chinese calligraphy as well as additional activities.

The plan is to make this event even bigger and better in 2022.

Budget allocated – £6,390

5.18 Youth Summit


Held every year since 2017, there have been some fantastic projects born out of the Youth Summit such as Macc Pride, the Town Ranger and Middlewood Way improvements.

Students spend an allocated amount of time discussing defined topics while enjoying pizza.

Budget allocated – £1,000


During the year, members of the community contact the Community Engagement Officer for support with events. There will be events which happen in 2021/2022 which we aren’t currently aware of. Updates on events will be provided to Services Committee.

5.19 Events budget 2020/2021

Events Budget 2020/21
Event Budget
Town Crier competition £1000
Bikeathon £2000
Family Fun Day £1500
Macc Pow £1000
Street party packs for community thank you event £6000
Town Hall Thank you event £6000
Older persons day £1000
Welly Walk and Nature Needs You £7738
Remembrance projection £3000
Tree of Light £3000
Older persons Christmas party £1000
Chinese New Year £6390
Youth Summit £1000
Eco-summit £1000
Total £41628

The allocated events budget for 2020/2021 is £50,000.

There is an £8,372 shortfall in spend. This is to allow flexibility to introduce other events throughout the year and a buffer for the existing events.