Chapter 5 – Employee Rules

Chapter 5 – Employee Rules

Employee Rules

Your duties and responsibilities are explained in other parts of our health and safety policy, the intention of the following section is to communicate employee general rules. These apply to all employees that work with us.

In the interests of health and safety it is important that you cooperate with us and follow these rules. As an employee you are responsible for the safety of yourself and that of others. The Proprietor and Supervisors must ensure that rules have been communicated and are enforced.

Ignorance or breach of any safety arrangements we have introduced may lead to disciplinary action up to and including summary dismissal for gross misconduct.

General Work Procedures and Rules

You must:

  • understand your responsibilities as an employee and comply with any rules and procedures that apply to you,
  • not use equipment until we have provided you with the necessary training and authority for use,
  • make full use of any guards and safety devices,
  • not operate any equipment if under the influence of drugs or alcohol,
  • not willingly cause damage to any work equipment,
  • use any personal protective equipment we provide and deem necessary for specific tasks,
  • use suitable footwear for your employment,
  • not endanger your safety or the safety of others,
  • help achieve and maintain high standards of housekeeping,
  • not interfere with any safety arrangements or equipment we provide,
  • observe the total no smoking policy,
  • only use your mobile phone when it is safe to do so, you must not use mobile phones when operating machinery,
  • not bring any personal electrical devices into work without the permission of your manager,
  • wear safety shoes in the workshop.
  • report any faults or unsafe conditions,

Personal Health

You must:

  • inform us of an injury, condition or illness that may affect your ability to conduct work safely or affect the safety of others,
  • inform us if you are taking prescribed drugs or medicines that may affect your performance at work,
  • report any incident, injury or ill health you believe has been caused at work,
  • inform us of any illness or condition that you believe could be affected further as a result of our work,
  • ensure any injuries or wounds receive appropriate attention,

Fire Safety

You must:

  • be familiar with and follow our fire safety procedures,
  • cooperate with us and participate with fire safety drills,
  • not misuse or interfere with any portable fire fighting equipment or any other fire safety devices,
  • not obstruct any escape routes or exits,

Drugs and Alcohol

You must:

  • inform us if you have personal issues with drugs or alcohol,
  • not under any circumstances attend work if you are experiencing the effects of alcohol or illegal drugs,
  • not under any circumstances consume alcohol or use illegal drugs whilst at work,

Gross Misconduct

We expect employees to act responsibly at work and comply with our safety polices, rules and procedures. Failure to act responsibly may result with disciplinary action procedures being enforced ultimately leading to dismissal for acts of gross misconduct.

Examples of reasons for dismissal are as follows:

  • failure to comply with risk assessments,
  • wilfully causing damage to work equipment,
  • wilfully interfering with safety devices or equipment including:
    • fire safety equipment,
    • removal of safety guards,
    • using company equipment without due care and attention, including driving at excessive speeds,
    • safety signs and instructions,
  • smoking in no smoking areas,
  • misuse of hazardous substances.
  • act of abuse or violence.

Key Holders

When routinely unlocking and securing the building, or accessing the building out of hours, key holders must consider their safety from the risk of violence – either from persons on site or following a break in, or where there could be a risk from live services, fire or damaged property.

Key holders should not attempt to enter the building alone if;

  • There are signs of a break in – i.e. forced entry, broken locks or glass
  • The alarm is sounding – fire or intruder
  • They otherwise suspect there may be someone else on site

The key holder should delay entry until escorted by the police, service contractor or other member of staff. In all cases – proceed with caution.

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