Sustainability Policy

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New Policy





Adopted by Full Council on 4.2.2019

Agenda item 9.4


May 2021



Amended champion title to Environment and Climate Emergency


Jun 2021



Reviewed by Full Council on 14.06.21

Agenda item 9.6



toc goes in here

1. Introduction

1.1 Public expectation with regard to the environment and sustainability has increased to the point where it is essential that Local Councils adopt the principles of sustainability in all areas of operation or where the council has influence to ensure environmental responsibilities and quality of life is maintained.

1.2 Public expectation with regard to the environment and sustainability has increased to the point where it is essential that Local Councils adopt the principles of sustainability in all areas of operation or where the council has influence to ensure environmental responsibilities and quality of life is maintained.

1.3 Public expectation with regard to the environment and sustainability has increased to the point where it is essential that Local Councils adopt the principles of sustainability in all areas of operation or where the council has influence to ensure environmental responsibilities and quality of life is maintained.

2. Aim

2.1 The aim of this Sustainability Policy is to safeguard and improve the lives of people in the Town now and in the future by adopting through our own operations, and to empower and facilitate the community to jointly work towards the principles of sustainability as set out in this policy.

3. Objectives

3.1 Macclesfield Town Council is committed to caring for the environment and promoting the principles of sustainability. The Council, in partnership with the community, recognises its responsibility for the environment, for the town’s current and future prosperity and the health and wellbeing of its residents.

3.2 We will work towards making Macclesfield a more sustainable community and will do so with regard for the guiding principles outlined in local* and national frameworks** for sustainable development, in support of ‘Agenda 2030 Delivering the Global Goals’, which describes the UK Government’s approach to delivering the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. (UN SDG’s).]

* ’Ambition for All’, Cheshire East’s Sustainable Community Strategy 2010 to 2025 Strategy_0707.pdf

** National Planning Policy Framework, Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government, July 2018

See also:

4. Taking Action / Implementation

4.1 We will apply sustainability principles across all our activities to the extent possible and encourage others to do the same. Our Actions to deliver and influence local sustainability will include:

  • Maintaining an ongoing review of service delivery to identify opportunities for sustainable improvements to operations and policy
  • Maintaining an ongoing review of all internal systems to identify opportunities for sustainable improvements.
  • Sustainability being central to our procurement processes
  • Actively seeking to use suppliers of sustainable products and services as well as suppliers who demonstrably operate a meaningful sustainability policy
  • Working with the community and local groups to find corporate ways to improve and deliver sustainable development
  • The council will promote sustainable development and sustainability awareness though its communications and services.


  • Conduct community engagement and encourage participation.
  • Nominate an ” Environment and Climate Emergency Champion” within the council who can act as a source of advice and support using external resources as required

Further, we will periodically monitor and review the progress of the implementation of this policy.