Finance Committee

Finance Committee

Mon 22nd Nov 2021, 7:00pm

Oversees the council’s budget and spend and makes decisions on grant applications.

Key Information


Mon 22nd Nov 2021, 7:00pm

In Categories

Finance Committee

Macclesfield Town Council Notice of Meeting


12th November 2021


To Chair Neil Puttick and Councillors Sarah Bennett-Wake, Alift Harewood-Jones, Mike Hutchison, Chris Wilcock, Fiona Wilson.


You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of

Macclesfield Town Council’s Finance Committee meeting to be held at

Macclesfield Town Hall


22nd November 2021

commencing at 7pm,

for the purpose of transacting the business shown on the attached agenda.


With thanks,

Town Clerk Signature

Laura Smith
Town Clerk


Agenda of the meeting to be held on the 22nd November 2021 at 7pm at Macclesfield Town Hall.

Consideration of the implications relating to Covid-19 transmission will be taken across all items on this agenda. If you would like to attend the meeting please contact the Town Clerk, as due to Covid -19 restrictions there are a limited number of public spaces.

1       Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence.

2       Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of interests from members relevant to items under discussion at the meeting.

Public Questions

The meeting will be adjourned to invite comments and questions from the public.

The meeting will then be reconvened.


If you would like to speak during public session or attend the meeting in person, please email [email protected]  by 5pm Thursday 18th November 2021. Every practicable effort will be made to try and arrange your inclusion.

If you would like to submit a written statement, please submit your statement for inclusion and circulation to the committee to [email protected] by 5pm Thursday 18th November 2021.

3       Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting held on 5th September 2021

Action: To approve the minutes.

 4       Updates from the Minutes

4.1      Update on Home start Grant

To note the updated report.

4.2      Cheshire Wildlife Trust Update

Action: To consider the proposal for the underspend for the grant awarded.

5       Grant Applications

5.1      The Fermain Club

Action: To consider the grant application for £2,000.

5.2      Friends for Leisure

Action: To consider the grant application for £1,380.

5.3      Hurdsfield Phoenix

Action: To consider the grant application for £1,000.

5.4      Pack Horse Bowling Club

Action: To consider the grant application for £2,000.

Total Request: £6,380

Budgeted amount left: £16,558

6       Grants Review Update

Action: To consider involving the Rangers with grant applications for gardening/growing projects.

7       Grant Updates Report

To receive and note the report.

8       Ward Budget Applications and Updates

8.1      East Ward Applications x 2

8.2      Tytherington Application x 1

8.3      Hurdsfield Application x 1

8.4      Broken Cross and Upton Application x 3

Action: To consider the above applications.

9       Finances

9.1      Spend to Date

Action: To approve the spend to date (end of OCT 21) of £446,551 for recommendation to Full Council on 6th December 2021.

9.2      Reports

Action: To note the following reports:

  • Receipts and Payments
  • Bank Reconciliation
  • Income and Expenditure

10   Budget 2022/23

Action: To consider the attached budget for 2022/23 for approval at Full Council 6th December 2021.

11   Member Items

There are no Member Items.

12   Correspondence

There is no correspondence.

13   Date/Time and Place of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Finance Committee will be held at 7pm on 7th March 2022, at a location and format to be confirmed subject to relevant current Covid-19 guidance.





Macclesfield Town Council Finance Committee

Minutes of the Meeting 7pm, 22nd November 2021 at Macclesfield Town Hall

In Attendance:

Cllr Neil Puttick

Cllr Fiona Wilson

Cllr Sarah Bennet- Wake

Cllr Alift Harewood

Cllr Mike Hutchison

Cllr Chris Wilcock


1       Apologies for Absence

No apologies


2       Declarations of Interest

Cllr Bennet-Wake declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 5.3 as she knows parents of children that attend the Hurdsfield Phoenix football club.


Cllr Puttick declared a non – pecuniary interest in the item covered in the public questions as he is involved with a Spacehive project.


Public Questions

CEC Cllr Mick Warren informed the committee of the Cheshire East Council funding initiative of crowd funding using the Spacehive platform. Cllr Warren asked if the Town Council committee would look at the grants policy to see if there may be opportunity for the town council to join in with the projects for Macclesfield. The committee agreed to review.


3       Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting held on 5th September 2021

Resolved: To minutes were approved.


4       Updates from the Minutes

4.1      Update on Home-Start Grant

The report was noted and the committee expressed how sorry they were to hear of the closure of Home-Start.

4.2      Cheshire Wildlife Trust Update

Resolved: The committee approved the proposal for the underspend of the budget for tree planting subject to a map of the location of the trees.


5       Grant Applications

5.1      The Fermain Club

Resolved: To grant for £2000 was approved.

5.2      Friends for Leisure

Resolved: To grant for £1,380 was approved/

5.3      Hurdsfield Phoenix

Resolved: To grant for £1000 was approved.

5.4      Pack Horse Bowling Club

Resolved: The committee requested further information as follows:

  • To have clear information of the equipment will be managed so non-members can use it.
  • More clarification of the age groups who will use it.
  • Assurance any non member from Macclesfield can use the equipment not just central ward.

This information will be supplied to the Chair and Vice Chair who the committee delegated the decision subject to the above information.


6       Grants Review Update

Resolved: It was approved to involve the Town Rangers with grant applications for gardening/growing projects.


7       Grant Updates Report

To report was noted


8       Ward Budget Applications and Updates

8.1      East Ward Applications

Resolved: Cllr Warren asked to cancel one ward budget and add this amount to his 2nd ward application. The committee agreed to this.

The ward budget for gritting on Blakelow Road was approved on production of:

  • Permission from Cheshire East Highways

8.2      Tytherington Application

Resolved: The application for trees was approved subject to:

  • Permissions from Cheshire East Council
  • The committee would like to see a map of the location of the trees.
  • Be assured the trees will be safe


8.3      Hurdsfield Application

Resolved: The application was approved for a defibrillator in Hurdsfield.


8.4      Broken Cross and Upton Application

Resolved: The application for dog back dispnesers was approved.

Resolved: The application for a Christmas tree and event in the Upton on 5th December was approved.

Resolved: The application to grit Whirley Rd up to a budget of £1000 is approved subject to the following:

  • Permission from Cheshire East Highways


At this point in the meeting, in line with the Standing Order 4.28 the committee voted to continue the meeting past the 2 hour deadline in order to get through all agenda items.


9       Finances

9.1      Spend to Date

Resolved: The spend to date (end of OCT 21) of £446,551 was approved for recommendation to Full Council on 6th December 2021.

9.2      Reports

To following reports were noted:

  • Receipts and Payments
  • Bank Reconciliation
  • Income and Expenditure


10   Budget 2022/23

Resolved: The budget for 2022/23 was approved with the following amendments for approval at Full Council 6th December 2021.


  • To keep in the Covid Recovery Fund
  • To increase the ward budget to £2000 per ward
  • To add a Winter Safety category.


11   Member Items

Cllr Wilcock informed the committee that the Town Council has committed £2000 annually to the WHAM night shelter. They do not need it this year but would like to use the funding for training purposes.

Resolved: The WHAM to submit a proposal for the use of the funding for the next finance committee meeting.


12   Correspondence

There was no correspondence.


13   Date/Time and Place of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Finance Committee will be held at 7pm on 7th March 2022, at a location and format to be confirmed subject to relevant current Covid-19 guidance.


Chair: Cllr Neil Puttick

Clerk: Laura Smith

Meeting closed 9.17pm




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