Planning Committee
Responds to the planning applications within Macclesfield as a statutory consultee.
Macclesfield Town Council Notice of Meeting
17th April 2024
To: Councillors Mike Hutchison, James Barber, Sandy Livingstone and Sarah Bennett-Wake.
You are hereby summoned to attend
Macclesfield Town Council’s Planning Committee meeting to be held at:
Macclesfield Library
24th April 2024
commencing at 7pm
for the purpose of transacting the business shown on the attached agenda.
With thanks,
Nicola Mellor
Admin and Governance Manager
Macclesfield Town Council Planning Committee Agenda
Agenda of the meeting to be held on Wednesday 24th April 2024 at 7pm at Macclesfield Library.
This meeting is open to the public, but space may be limited. Should you wish to attend please inform the Admin and Governance Manager.
1. Apologies for Absence
To receive apologise for absence
2. Declarations of Interest
To receive declarations of interests from members relevant to items under discussion at the meeting
3. Public Participation
The meeting will be adjourned to invite public comments and questions. Following which the meeting will be reconvened.
If you would like to speak during the public session, please email
[email protected] by 12 noon on 23/04/24. Every practicable effort will be made to try and arrange your inclusion.
If you would like to submit a written statement, please submit your statement for inclusion and circulation to the committee to [email protected] by 12 noon on 23/04/24.
4. Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 3rd April 2024
Action: To consider the draft minutes as a true record of the meeting
5. Matters Arising from the Minutes
Action: To consider any matters arising from the minutes
6. Observations on Planning Applications
The planning authority has been informed of the date of this meeting, and any delays in responses have been relayed.
The Planning Committee considers all applications it is notified of and returns comments to the Local Planning Authority (Cheshire East Council) unless it has no objections.
Application No: | 24/1175M |
Proposal: | Construction of a part two, part first floor extension to the side and rear of the existing dwelling to include associated internal alterations and part conversion of garage space at ground floor |
Location: | 22, Bittern Grove, Macclesfield, SK10 3QP
Ward: Broken Cross and Upton |
Application No: | 24/1161M |
Proposal: | Conversion of the vacated ground and first floor offices to a single dwelling. No external changes are required and minimal internal alterations as illustrated on drawing. At least 6 existing parking spaces are available with an existing vehicular and pedestrian access off Jordongate. Amenity space will be located to the south of the 2 storey wing. |
Location: | 24 Jordangate, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 1EW
Ward: Central |
Application No: | 24/1152M |
Proposal: | Single storey side extension |
Location: | 89, Moss Lane, Macclesfield, SK11 7XH
Ward: South |
Application No: | 24/1196M |
Proposal: | Proposed Single-storey Side Extension to provide additional living accommodation + Internal Alterations. |
Location: | 17, Buckley Street, Macclesfield, SK11 6UH
Ward: Central |
Application No: | 24/1147M |
Proposal: | Change of use to taproom, associated with neighbouring brewery, in addition to proposed signage on front elevation of building. |
Location: | Brook Mill, Parker Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 7BQ
Ward: East |
Application No: | 24/1197M |
Proposal: | Partial (minor) demolition, retention and reconfiguration of the existing four flats, proposed creation of an additional dwelling (flat- Use Class C3), construction of a two storey rear extension, creation of a rear roof dormer, external alterations, creation of new garden areas/outdoor space, access, car parking and associated works. |
Location: | 263, Park Lane, Macclesfield, SK11 8AE
Ward: Central |
Application No: | 24/1184M |
Proposal: | Change of use of the former Chapel from Office Class E(c)) accommodation, back to Chapel use (Class F1F). External works comprising of vehicle lay-by, accessible ramp and retaining walls, surfacing to provide level access to Chapel, external paths and steps. Platform lift, landing and steps to rear exit. |
Location: | Macclesfield Chapel, Macclesfield Cemetery, Prestbury Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 3BU
Ward: Tytherington |
Application No: | 24/1158M |
Proposal: | Creation of vehicular access from Prestbury Road |
Location: | 204, Prestbury Road, Macclesfield, SK10 3BS
Ward: Broken Cross and Upton |
Application No: | 24/1277M |
Proposal: | Proposed change of use to HGV Lorry Park and redevelopment of Security Gatehouse, plus associated infrastructure |
Location: | Astrazeneca, Charter Way, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 2NA
Ward: Hursdfield |
Application No: | 24/1263M |
Proposal: | Proposed extension and alterations to existing nursery with an increase in capacity to 97 places. |
Location: | 154, Cumberland Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 1BP
Ward: Central |
Application No: | 24/1328M |
Proposal: | Demolition of existing garden building & proposed erection of replacement garden building on the same building footprint. |
Location: | Silverdale, 6, Hall Grove, Macclesfield, SK10 2HQ
Ward: Tytherington |
Application No: | 24/1323M |
Proposal: | Demolition of Existing Conservatory & Utility Room & Proposed Single Storey & Two Storey Side/Rear Extensions, Detached Double Garage & Portico to Main Entrance |
Location: | 3, Southdown Close, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 2JU
Ward: Tytherington |
Application No: | 24/0999M |
Proposal: | Erection of a 74 no. bed care home (Use Class C2) with associated parking and landscaping |
Location: | The Towers And Progress Mill, Parsonage Street, Macclesfield
Ward: Central |
Notification of appeal applications:
Application No: | 23/2934M |
Location: | 5-8, Barracks Square, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 8HF |
Proposal: | Listed Building Consent for the installation of internal and external CCTV cameras.
Ward: Central Appeal comments cut off date: 25th April |
Variation of conditions applications:
Application No: | 24/1373M |
Proposal: | Variation of conditions 6 & 7 – drainage scheme on application 22/3553M. |
Location: | East Cheshire Hospice, Millbank Drive, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 3DR
Ward: Broken Cross and Upton |
Certificate of lawfulness application:
Application No: | 24/1343M |
Proposal: | Certificate od proposed lawful development for a new garden room with dimensions of 4270mm x 3050mm to replace the existing garden shed with dimensions of3680mm x 2440mm |
Location: | 6, West Park Mews, West Park Drive, Macclesfield, SK10 3GP
Ward: Broken Cross and Upton |
7. Glow up Grants
7.1 On The Lash
To consider the attached Glow-up Grant application
8. Date/Time and Place of Next Meeting
The next Planning Committee meeting will take place on 15th May 2024 at 7pm, in Macclesfield Library.
Agenda Item 7- Glow Up Grants report
Agenda Item 7.1- On The Lash application form

Macclesfield Town Council Planning Committee Minutes
Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 24th April 2024 at 7pm at Macclesfield Library.
In attendance
Cllr Mike Hutchison
Cllr Sandy Livingstone
Cllr James Barber
1. Apologies for Absence
Cllr Sarah Bennett- Wake
2. Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest
3. Public Participation
There was no public participation
4. Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 3rd April 2024
Resolved: The minutes were approved as a true record of the meeting
5. Matters Arising from the Minutes
Resolved: There were no matters arising from the minutes
6. Observations on Planning Applications
The planning authority has been informed of the date of this meeting, and any delays in responses have been relayed.
The Planning Committee considers all applications it is notified of and returns comments to the Local Planning Authority (Cheshire East Council) unless it has no objections.
Application No: | 24/1175M |
Proposal: | Construction of a part two, part first floor extension to the side and rear of the existing dwelling to include associated internal alterations and part conversion of garage space at ground floor |
Location: | 22, Bittern Grove, Macclesfield, SK10 3QP
Ward: Broken Cross and Upton |
No comments
Application No: | 24/1161M |
Proposal: | Conversion of the vacated ground and first floor offices to a single dwelling. No external changes are required and minimal internal alterations as illustrated on drawing. At least 6 existing parking spaces are available with an existing vehicular and pedestrian access off Jordongate. Amenity space will be located to the south of the 2 storey wing. |
Location: | 24 Jordangate, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 1EW
Ward: Central |
Macclesfield Town Council Planning Committee would like noting that they are concerned that the current layout could lend itself to become a HMO property.
Application No: | 24/1152M |
Proposal: | Single storey side extension |
Location: | 89, Moss Lane, Macclesfield, SK11 7XH
Ward: South |
No comments
Application No: | 24/1196M |
Proposal: | Proposed Single-storey Side Extension to provide additional living accommodation + Internal Alterations. |
Location: | 17, Buckley Street, Macclesfield, SK11 6UH
Ward: Central |
No comments
Application No: | 24/1147M |
Proposal: | Change of use to taproom, associated with neighbouring brewery, in addition to proposed signage on front elevation of building. |
Location: | Brook Mill, Parker Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 7BQ
Ward: East |
Macclesfield Town Council Planning Committee ask the planning officer to check HOU 12 relating to environmental disturbance on surrounding properties
Application No: | 24/1197M |
Proposal: | Partial (minor) demolition, retention and reconfiguration of the existing four flats, proposed creation of an additional dwelling (flat- Use Class C3), construction of a two storey rear extension, creation of a rear roof dormer, external alterations, creation of new garden areas/outdoor space, access, car parking and associated works. |
Location: | 263, Park Lane, Macclesfield, SK11 8AE
Ward: Central |
Resolved: Object
Macclesfield Town Council Planning Committee object to the above application and are in support of the Heritage Officer report.
The Planning Committee also feel it isn’t inline with Cheshire East Local Plan policy HOU 12- Amenity relating to 1. Loss of privacy, and that it is over development for the site.
Application No: | 24/1184M |
Proposal: | Change of use of the former Chapel from Office Class E(c)) accommodation, back to Chapel use (Class F1F). External works comprising of vehicle lay-by, accessible ramp and retaining walls, surfacing to provide level access to Chapel, external paths and steps. Platform lift, landing and steps to rear exit. |
Location: | Macclesfield Chapel, Macclesfield Cemetery, Prestbury Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 3BU
Ward: Tytherington |
No comment
Application No: | 24/1158M |
Proposal: | Creation of vehicular access from Prestbury Road |
Location: | 204, Prestbury Road, Macclesfield, SK10 3BS
Ward: Broken Cross and Upton |
No comments
Application No: | 24/1277M |
Proposal: | Proposed change of use to HGV Lorry Park and redevelopment of Security Gatehouse, plus associated infrastructure |
Location: | Astra Zeneca, Charter Way, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 2NA
Ward: Hurdsfield |
No comments
Application No: | 24/1263M |
Proposal: | Proposed extension and alterations to existing nursery with an increase in capacity to 97 places. |
Location: | 154, Cumberland Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 1BP
Ward: Central |
No comments
Application No: | 24/1328M |
Proposal: | Demolition of existing garden building & proposed erection of replacement garden building on the same building footprint. |
Location: | Silverdale, 6, Hall Grove, Macclesfield, SK10 2HQ
Ward: Tytherington |
No comments
Application No: | 24/1323M |
Proposal: | Demolition of Existing Conservatory & Utility Room & Proposed Single Storey & Two Storey Side/Rear Extensions, Detached Double Garage & Portico to Main Entrance |
Location: | 3, Southdown Close, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 2JU
Ward: Tytherington |
No comments
Application No: | 24/0999M |
Proposal: | Erection of a 74 no. bed care home (Use Class C2) with associated parking and landscaping |
Location: | The Towers And Progress Mill, Parsonage Street, Macclesfield
Ward: Central |
Macclesfield Town Council Planning Committee support this application as it is bringing a good and important service to a site they would like to see developed. They ask the planning officer to make sure the character and materials selected reflect the important heritage location adjacent.
Notification of appeal applications:
Application No: | 23/2934M |
Location: | 5-8, Barracks Square, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 8HF |
Proposal: | Listed Building Consent for the installation of internal and external CCTV cameras.
Ward: Central Appeal comments cut off date: 25th April |
Variation of conditions applications:
Application No: | 24/1373M |
Proposal: | Variation of conditions 6 & 7 – drainage scheme on application 22/3553M. |
Location: | East Cheshire Hospice, Millbank Drive, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 3DR
Ward: Broken Cross and Upton |
No comments
Certificate of lawfulness application:
Application No: | 24/1343M |
Proposal: | Certificate od proposed lawful development for a new garden room with dimensions of 4270mm x 3050mm to replace the existing garden shed with dimensions of3680mm x 2440mm |
Location: | 6, West Park Mews, West Park Drive, Macclesfield, SK10 3GP
Ward: Broken Cross and Upton |
No comments
7. Glow up Grants
7.1 On The Lash
The Planning Committee are happy to support this application as they have been made aware that a lot of work has been put into the internal alterations in the property.
8. Date/Time and Place of Next Meeting
The next Planning Committee meeting will take place on 15th May 2024 at 7pm, in Macclesfield Library.
Chair: Cllr Mike Hutchison
Clerk: Nicola Mellor
Closed: 19:30