Annual Meeting of the Town Council

Annual Meeting of the Town Council

Mon 13th May 2024, 7:00pm

Manage the strategic delivery of all of the council’s activities.

Key Information


Mon 13th May 2024, 7:00pm

In Categories

Full Council


Macclesfield Town Council Annual Council Meeting

Macclesfield Town Council Notice of Meeting


3rd May 2024


To All Councillors


You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of

Macclesfield Town Council’s Annual Council meeting to be held at

Macclesfield Town Hall


13th May 2024

commencing at 7pm,

for the purpose of transacting the business shown on the attached agenda.

With thanks,

Town Clerk Signature

Laura Smith

Town Clerk



Agenda for the Annual General Meeting and Mayor Making to be held on Monday 13th May 2024 at 7pm at Macclesfield Town Hall.


This meeting is open to the public, but space may be limited. Should you wish to attend please inform the Town Clerk.


1.   Election of the Mayor of Macclesfield for 2024/25


2.   Election of the Deputy Mayor of Macclesfield for 2024/25

The retiring mayor will adjourn the meeting whilst the newly elected Mayor and Deputy Mayor receive their insignia of office.

The Town Clerk will call upon the Mayor of Macclesfield to read and sign their declaration accepting the office of Mayor of Macclesfield.

The Town Clerk will call upon the Deputy Mayor of Macclesfield to read and sign their declaration accepting the office of Deputy Mayor of Macclesfield.

The meeting will then be re-convened.


3.   Retiring Mayor of Macclesfield Remarks

4.   Tribute by the Incoming Mayor of Macclesfield to the Retiring Mayor of Macclesfield and Consort

 5.   Appointment (if known) of the Mayor’s Honorary Chaplain, Mayor’s Cadet, Introduction to the Mayor’s Charity/ies to be Supported and Plans for the Year


6.   Apologies for Absence


7.   Declarations of Interest


Public Questions

The meeting will be adjourned to invite comments and questions from the public.

The meeting will then be reconvened.

NOTE:  If you would like to speak during public session, please email by 5pm on Thursday 9th May 2024. Every practicable effort will be made to try and arrange your inclusion.

If you would like to submit a written statement, please submit your statement for inclusion and circulation to the committee to  by 5pm on Thursday 9th May 2024.

Please note this is a face to face meeting and numbers in the room are very limited. If you wish to attend please register with the clerk by emailing


8.   Minutes of the Meeting of Full Council 25th March 2024

Action:           To consider the draft minutes and approve them as a true record of the meeting.


9.   Calendar Of Meetings

Action:           To approve the calendar of meetings.


10.        Governance Review

10.1         Financial Regulations

Action: To approve the financial regulations.

10.2         Risk register

Action: To approve the risk register.


11.        Audit For Financial Year 2023/24


  • To consider the approval of the Annual Governance Statement.
  • To consider the approval of the Accounting Statements 2023/24
  • To note the asset register.


12.        Internal Auditor

Action:           To approve JDH Business Services as internal auditor 2024/25.


13.        Insurance

Action: To consider the proposal within the report.


14.        Investment Position Statement

To note the report.

15.        External Support Services


  • To approve Wirehouse Employer Services for HR and H&S support.
  • To approve Shires Pay Services Ltd for Payroll Services.
  • To approve Blain Boland & Co Solicitors for legal support.
  • To approve John Greenhall & Co for finance and accountancy support


16.        Cheshire Association of Local Councils (Chalc)

Action:           To consider the renewal of membership of ChALC.


17.        Other Memberships

Action: to consider renewal of the following memberships

  • National Allotment Society.


18.        Annual report

Action:           To note and receive the 2023/24 Annual Report of the Town Council.


19.        Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting of Macclesfield Town Council is 7pm, 29th July 2024 at Macclesfield Town Hall.




Macclesfield Town Council Annual Council Meeting


Minutes for the Annual General Meeting and Mayor Making held on Monday 13th May 2024 at 7pm at Macclesfield Town Hall.



1.    Election of the Mayor of Macclesfield for 2024/25

Cllr James Barber nominated Cllr Sandy Livingstone to be the Mayor of Macclesfield saying he came into Politics to enact meaningful change he truly believed most who enter public service are the same however in my 5 years of being a councillor, there are few who he has met who have are as tenacious as Sandy at representing residents.  Cllr Livingstone was born in Hamilton, in Scotland, and chose Macclesfield to be the place he raised his family. He saw our town as the place he wanted to live with his family.  And in 2021, he put himself forward to serve our residents on this Town Council. He may not be Maxonian by blood, but his passion for our town means he’s truly an adopted Maxonian.

On a personal note, Cllr Barber thanked Sandy for all the support he’s given him over the years. Your kindness shines through in everything you do, and that underpins exactly why it gives me great pleasure to put you forward to be our next Mayor of Macclesfield.

Cllr Sarah Bennett-Wake nominated Cllr Sandy Livingstone saying she was honoured to second him as the new Mayor of Macclesfield. She said Cllr Livingstone is a hardworking councillor unafraid to roll his sleeves up and muck in – Literally in local gardening projects at Christchurch and a lot more too!

She said his caring values are similar to her own, rooted in his working-class background in Hamilton. His experience in social housing has made him an excellent asset to the Town Council working on the South Park Pavilion project. He is also a keen supporter of local businesses and will be an excellent advocate for our town.

She said she is looking forward to Sandy and is lovely wife Suzie donning their tartan and leading the dancing at the Mayor’s Caleigh.

Resolved: Cllr Sandy Livingstone was unanimously voted as the Mayor of Macclesfield.

2.    Election of the Deputy Mayor of Macclesfield for 2024/25

Cllr Fiona Wilson said delighted to nominate Cllr Emma Gilman as Deputy Mayor of Macclesfield saying Cllr Gilman is an active community campaigner, working hard for the community in Tytherington, where she has been a lifelong resident. She is a Mum who cares about where she lives and the people and children who live there.

She is passionate about ensuring that children are given every possible opportunity in life and has a particular interest in special needs and disability. She has a very clear sense of right and wrong and endeavours to always be kind, respectful and honest.

I am confident that Cllr Gilman will bring forward many ideas to the Town Council and see them through to fruition which will be for the benefit of residents of Macclesfield now and in the future.

In the time I have known Emma, I have learnt that she is a committed and thoughtful person and am proud to move her nomination as Deputy Mayor.


Cllr Mick Warren seconded the proposal to nominate Cllr Gilman, citing the same reasons as Cllr Wilson and said she was a very nice lady.

Resolved: Cllr Emma Gilman was unanimously voted as the Deputy Mayor of Macclesfield


The retiring mayor adjourned the meeting whilst the newly elected Mayor and Deputy Mayor received their insignia of office.

The Town Clerk then called upon the Mayor of Macclesfield to read and sign their declaration accepting the office of Mayor of Macclesfield.

The Town Clerk then called upon the Deputy Mayor of Macclesfield to read and sign their declaration accepting the office of Deputy Mayor of Macclesfield.

The meeting was then re-convened.

3.    Retiring Mayor of Macclesfield Remarks

This past year as Mayor has been fantastic and doesn’t seem like twelve months. Chris feels like he has grown especially with his confidence in public speaking. He has attended many mayoral events going from the beginning of life to end of life. Highlights of his year – visiting Park Lane School to present award to Councillor Wilson as last event as Mayor – this was the school his Mum attended and Chris saw how the school had grown.

Chris was delighted and honoured to be able to open the redeveloped ambulance station, seeing his name on the wall that will be there for many years to come; although many may not recognise who he is. Chris was also really touched to attend the East Cheshire Hospice cake judging and see the great work that they do and see behind the scenes. He wasn’t sure if anyone was aware but he had a starring role in a pantomime this year. Going to events and concerts is something he will continue to do with his family – fantastic local talent here in Macclesfield. Tied in well with his Mayoral theme of Live Macclesfield, Love Macclesfield – to see the love local people have for their town.

He endorsed the Town Council staff and all the events they put on throughout the year from Christmas through to Do Something Summer and the Lantern Parade.  The Town Council staff work tirelessly and do all they can for this fantastic town that we are all a part of. Welcome to Amanda, the new Finance Officer.

Chris thanked Cadet Sergeant Carlisle from 201 Training Corps, who has done a fantastic job supporting him at events. She was asked to step forward and accept gifts.

Chaplain unable to be here however would like to thank Reverend Andy Williams who started as Chris’s Chaplain and Reverend Martin Stephens who took over when Andy moved jobs.  They were fantastic and Chris thanked them.

Chris thanked Katie and Sarah – Mayoress and Mini-Mayoress for putting up with his Mayoral calendar throughout the year. Katie has enjoyed the events she was involved with.

Chris thanked Councillor Livingstone as Deputy Mayor for his support throughout the year.

Chris had a fantastic time fundraising for his charities – East Cheshire Hospice and East Cheshire Eye Society. They held some wonderful events – bingo, wreathmaking session, quiz, dinner and auction, partially sighted pool competition (even though attendance wasn’t high, the Eye Society felt it was an event they would like to continue).

Final figure for fundraising was £5,344.52 so each charity was awarded £2,672.26. Carley from East Cheshire Hospice accepted the cheque and Liz Durham, trustee of East Cheshire Eye Society accepted the cheque.

Finally Chris congratulated Councillor Livingstone as Mr Mayor – he will be a fantastic mayor and wished him all the best and wished the Deputy Mayor all the best in her role also.

4.    Tribute by the Incoming Mayor of Macclesfield to the Retiring Mayor of Macclesfield and Consort

Those who know Chris know he is hardworking, both for his family and his community. He is well known in Broken Cross and Upton community. Chris is non-stopping and has represented our town well as well as outside our town as Mayor. Not many others could have taken on his diary of events given his work schedule and Chris should take great pride in what he has done. Both charities have gained considerably from Chris’s input. The awareness in the town of the Hospice and the Eye Society has been raised.

The incoming Mayor recognised the work of Chris’s family during his role of Mayor, in particular Katie and mentioned her regular attendance at Park Fit. He thanked Katie and Sarah and presented gifts to Chris, Katie and Sarah.

5.    Appointment (if known) of the Mayor’s Honorary Chaplain, Mayor’s Cadet, Introduction to the Mayor’s Charity/ies to be Supported and Plans for the Year

The Mayor of Macclesfield has chosen Space 4 Autism and ArtSpace as his nominated charities and Able Cadet Hugo Dingle.

6.    Apologies for Absence

There were no apologies for absence.

7.    Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.


Public Questions


The meeting was adjourned to invite comments and questions from the public.


There were no public comments.


The meeting will then be reconvened.



8.    Minutes of the Meeting of Full Council 25th March 2024

Resolved:    The minutes were approved as a true record of the meeting.


9.    Calendar Of Meetings

Resolved:    The calendar of meetings was approved with one amendment:

To decide at the next Full council meeting on the date of a full council meeting either 24th February 25 or 10th March 2025.


10.         Governance Review

10.1        Financial Regulations

Resolved: The financial regulations were approved.

10.2        Risk register

Resolved: The risk register was approved.


11.         Audit For Financial Year 2023/24


  • The Annual Governance Statement was approved for 2023/24.
  • The Accounting Statements 2023/24 were approved.
  • The asset register was noted.


12.         Internal Auditor

Resolved:    JDH Business Services was approved as internal auditor 2024/25.


13.         Insurance

Resolved: The proposal was approved.

14.         Investment Position Statement

The report was noted.

15.         External Support Services


  • Wirehouse Employer Services for HR and H&S support was approved.
  • Shires Pay Services Ltd for Payroll Services were approved.
  • Blain Boland & Co Solicitors for legal support were approved.
  • John Greenhall & Co for finance and accountancy support was approved.


16.         Cheshire Association of Local Councils (ChALC)

Resolved:    The renewal of membership of ChALC was approved.


17.         Other Memberships

Resolved: The renewal of the following membership was approved

  • National Allotment Society.


18.         Annual report

Resolved:    The 2023/24 Annual Report of the Town Council was approved.


19.         Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting of Macclesfield Town Council is 7pm, 29th July 2024 at Macclesfield Town Hall.

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