Services Committee

Services Committee

Mon 8th Nov 2021, 7:00pm

Is responsible for the strategic management of facilities and services in the town.

Key Information


Mon 8th Nov 2021, 7:00pm

In Categories

Services Committee

Macclesfield Town Council Notice of Meeting

29th October 2021

To Chair Janet Jackson and Councillors Sarah Bennett-Wake, Sandy Livingstone, Neil Puttick, Fin Shenton, Chris Wilcock, Fiona Wilson.

You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of

Macclesfield Town Council’s Services Committee meeting to be held at

Macclesfield Town Hall


8th November 2021

commencing at 7pm,

for the purpose of transacting the business shown on the attached agenda.


With thanks,

Town Clerk Signature


Laura Smith

Town Clerk




Macclesfield Town Council Services Committee Agenda

Minutes of the meeting to be held on the 8th November 2021 at 7pm at Macclesfield Town Hall.

Consideration of the implications relating to Covid-19 transmission will be taken across all items on this agenda. If you would like to attend the meeting please contact the Town Clerk, as due to Covid -19 restrictions there are a limited number of public spaces.


1.    Apologies for Absence and Approval of Reasons

Action: To receive apologies for absence and approve the reasions.


2.    Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of interests from members relevant to items under discussion at the meeting.


Public Questions

The meeting will be adjourned to invite comments and questions from the public.

The meeting will then be reconvened.


If you would like to speak during public session, please email  by Thursday 4th November 5pm. Every practicable effort will be made to try and arrange your inclusion.

If you would like to submit a written statement, please submit your statement for inclusion and circulation to the committee to by Thursday 4th November 5pm.


3.    Minutes of the Services Committee Meeting held on 13th September 2021

Action: To approve the minutes.


4.    Matters Arising from the Minutes

Action: To consider any matters arising from the minutes.


5.    Community

5.1 Community Engagement Update

To receive and note the updated report.


To receive and note the updated report.

6.    Local Service Delivery

6.1  Events update

To receive and note the updated report.

6.2  Christmas Lights

To receive and note the updated report.

6.3  Floral Displays

Action: To consider the proposal for watering of the floral displays for 2022/23.

6.4  Public Toilets

To receive and note the updated report.

6.5  Festoon Lights

To receive and note the updated report.

6.6  Tunnicliffe Trail

To receive and note the updated report.

6.7  Barnaby Festival and Redux

To receive and note the updated report.

Action: To consider Barnaby Festival proposal for 2022/23/

6.8 Barnaby Air (formally Redux) update

To receive and note the update.

7.    Leisure and Outdoor Activities

7.1  Parks and Play Areas

To receive and note the updated report.

7.2  South Park Pavilion

To receive and note the updated report.

7.3  Playing Out

To receive and note the updated report.

7.4  Allotments

To receive and note the updated report.

7.5  Street Sports

To note the updated report.

7.6  Premier League Kicks

To receive and note the updated report


8.    Street Scene

8.1  Street Furniture

To receive and note the updated report.

8.2  Town Ranger

To receive and note the updated report.

8.3  Noticeboards

To receive and note the updated report.

8.4  Middlewood Way Lighting

To receive and note the updated report.

8.5  Proposal to adopt 2 phone boxes outside Town Hall

Action:To consider the proposal in the attached report.


9.    Town Centre Re-generation

9.1 Town Centre Recovery Working Group

To receive and note the updated report.

9.2  Footfall Mapping Data

To receive and note the updated report.

9.3  Town Centre Free Wi-Fi Data

To receive and note the updated report.

9.4  Proposal for Town Centre Promotion

Action: To consider the proposal for increased signage in the town centre.

10.   Council Identity and Communications

To receive and note the updated report.


11.  Future Forest

To receive and note the updated report.


12.  Budget 2022/23

Action: To consider the budget for 2022/23


13.  Member Items

No Member Items.


14.  Correspondence

No Correspondence


15.  Date/Time and Place of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Services Committee will be held 7th February 2021, at a location and format to be confirmed subject to relevant current Covid-19 guidance.


Minutes of the meeting held on the 8th November 2021 at 7pm at Macclesfield Town Hall.

1.    Apologies for Absence and Approval of Reasons

Resolved: Cllr Shenton could not attend due to a medical appointment. The committee approved his absence from the meeting.

2.    Declarations of Interest

Cllr Puttick declared a non- pecuniary interest in item 6.7 as he is involved with Barnaby Festival.

Public Questions

There were no public questions.

The meeting was reconvened.

3.    Minutes of the Services Committee Meeting held on 13th September 2021

Resolved: To minutes were approved.

 4.    Matters Arising from the Minutes

Resolved: There were no matters arising from the minutes.

5.    Community

5.1 Community Engagement Update

The report was noted.


The report was noted.

6.    Local Service Delivery

6.1  Events update

The report was noted.

6.2  Christmas Lights

The report was noted.

6.3  Floral Displays

Resolved: It was approved for watering of the floral displays for 2022/23 to be provided by ANSA.

6.4  Public Toilets

The report was noted.

6.5  Festoon Lights

The report was noted.

6.6  Tunnicliffe Trail

The report was noted.

6.7  Barnaby Festival

Resolved: It was approved to award Barnaby Festival £10,000 for 2022/23 for a physical festival for the town.

6.8 Barnaby Air (formally redux)

The report was noted.

7.    Leisure and Outdoor Activities

7.1  Parks and Play Areas

The report was noted.

7.2  South Park Pavilion

The report was noted.

7.3  Playing Out

The report was noted.

7.4  Allotments

The report was noted.

7.5  Street Sports

The report was noted.

7.6  Premier League Kicks

The report was noted.


8.    Street Scene

8.1  Street Furniture

To report was noted.

8.2  Town Ranger

The report was noted.

8.3  Noticeboards

The report was noted.

8.4  Middlewood Way Lighting

A further update was received from Cheshire East highways and given by the clerk verbally. At the full council meeting on it was resolved to approve solar lights for part of the Middlewood Way at the cost of £37, 047.38.

This was communicated to Cheshire East Highways in June after the meeting. The clerk has pursued CE Highways and today we have been advised that in order to be able to carry out the installation of a scheme along this section of the Middlewood Way, will require a full and comprehensive Lighting Design to be carried out as it needs to meet the British Standards for Lighting BS5489 & PLG23. CEC can quote us for the lighting design and then quote for the Installation/Construction based upon that.

The committee was extremely disappointed, as the council has been pursuing this project for 2 years, and since it was approved at the price CEC Highways have given the committee expected the work would be in progress. This is part of the active travel response from Macclesfield Town Council


Resolved: The clerk to contact CEC Chief Officer, Chair of the Highways and Transport Committee and the leader of the Council to try and resolve this situation. Cllr Wilson was also approved to speak at CEC full council meeting if the matter was not resolved.

8.5  Adoption of 2 BT Phone Boxes

Resolved: To pursue adopting 2 phone boxes outside Town Hall on Market Square.


9.    Town Centre Re-generation

9.1 Town Centre Recovery Working Group

The report was noted.

9.2  Footfall Mapping Data

The report was noted.

9.3  Town Centre Free Wi-Fi Data

The report was noted.

9.4  Proposal for Town Centre Promotion

Resolved: It was approved to budget £20,000 for increased signage in the town centre.

10.   Council Identity and Communications

The report was noted.

11.  Future Forest

The report was noted.

At this point in the meeting, in line with the Standing Order 4.28 the committee voted to continue the meeting past the 2 hour deadline in order to get through all agenda items.

12.  Budget 2022/23

Resolved: The budget was discussed, and it was approved for the Covid recovery fund to be put back into the budget to be discussed again at the next finance committee meeting on 22/11/21.

13.  Member Items

There were no Member Items.

14.  Correspondence

There was no Correspondence

15.  Date/Time and Place of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Services Committee will be held 7th February 2021, at a location and format to be confirmed subject to relevant current Covid-19 guidance.


Chair: Cllr Janet Jackson MBE
Clerk: Laura Smith
Meeting closed at 9.04pm

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