Services Committee

Services Committee

Mon 12th Nov 2018, 7:00pm

Is responsible for the strategic management of facilities and services in the town.

Key Information


Mon 12th Nov 2018, 7:00pm

In Categories

Services Committee

Macclesfield Town Council

Services Committee Agenda 12th November 2018

Agenda of the meeting to be held on 12th November 2018 at 7pm at Macclesfield Town Hall.

1. Apologies for Absence

2. Declarations of Interest

Action: To receive relevant declarations of interest relating to matters to be discussed within this meeting agenda

Public Questions

The Chair will adjourn the meeting to allow questions and comments from members of the public. The meeting will then be reconvened.

3. Minutes of the Services Committee Meeting Held on 10th September 2018

Action: To consider the minutes of the previous meeting

4. Community Engagement and Events

Action: To receive an update report relating to community engagement and events and to consider any relevant actions associated

5. Tunnicliffe Trail

Action: To consider the submitted report and its findings

6. Project Updates

6.1 Macclesfield’s Plaques.

Action: To receive a verbal update from the lead councillor

6.2 Town Centre Wifi

Action: To receive a written update of usage and consideration of the provision of additional footfall monitoring

6.3 Train Station Welcome Art

Action: To note that all information has been submitted, but the project awaits further approval from rail companies.

6.4 Sparrow Park Interpretation

Action: To consider the final design prior to commission and installation.

7. Asset & Service Provision

7.1 Weston Community Centre

Action: To note the current operation of the facility

7.2 Cab Report

Action: To note written update information and to consider any relevant actions associated.

7.3 CCTV Report

Action: To consider the funding of additional provision and a mobile CCTV unit for Macclesfield

7.4 DIB

Action: To note any written update information and to consider any relevant actions associated

7.5 Christmas Lights

Action: To note any written update information and to consider any relevant actions associated

7.6 Floral Displays

Action: To note any written update information and to consider any relevant actions associated

7.7 AEDs

Action: To await details of CEC planned activity to avoid duplication

7.8 Public Toilets

Action: To note the resolution of council and progress towards delivery

7.9 Senior Citizens’ Hall

Action: To note any written update information and to consider any relevant actions associated

8. Parks & Play Areas

8.1 Hall Grove & High Street Parks

Action: To note completion

8.2 Future Delivery

Action: To note any written update information and to consider any relevant actions associated

8.3 South Park Pavilion

Action: To consider a response to public interest in the future of the pavilion

9. See Macclesfield

Action: To note work to date and impact. To consider submissions for future delivery and agree the provider

10. Active Macclesfield

10.1 Park Run & Junior Park Run

10.2 Street Sports

10.3 Supported Summer Schools

Action: To note any written update information and to consider any relevant actions associated & identify any additional project delivery

11. Public Realm

11.1 Public Realm Furniture

11.2 Town Ranger

11.3 Keep Britain Tidy

11.4 Park Green Fountain

Action: To note any written update information and to consider any relevant actions associated

12. Budget Setting 2019/20 as It Relates to This Committee

12.1 Service & Asset Review

12.2 2019/20 Forecasting Review

Action: To note any written update information and to consider any relevant actions associated

13. New Homes Bonus

Action: To note any written update information and to consider any relevant actions associated

14. Remembrance

14.1 World War I Memorials

Action: To note any written update information and to consider any relevant actions associated

14.2 War Memorial Park Green

Action: To consider the cleaning of the monument in 2020

15. Town Centre

15.1 Vehicle Access

Action: To consider instigating a review of the vehicle access timings to the pedestrianised town centre Traffic Regulation Order

15.2 Vacant Shop Units

Action: To consider the submitted report and any relevant actions associated

15.3 Geo Sense Footfall Mapping

15.4 Foodie Friday

Action: To consider additional footfall mapping for the town centre

16. Member Items

16.1 Town Councillor Identification for Council Events (Cllr B Dooley)

Action: To consider the proposal for clear identification of councillors as Macclesfield Town Councillors at events

16.2 Shop Front & Shutter Improvement & Competition (Cllr N Puttick)

Action: To consider the proposal to provide funding for shop front/shutter improvements and promoting a competition for shop windows.

16.3 Weston Bird Sanctuary Benches (Cllr a Harewood Mbe)

Action: To consider the proposal to provide new benches in public open space at the Weston bird sanctuary (subject to land owner permission)

17. Correspondence


18. Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Services Committee will be held on 21st January 2019 at Macclesfield Town Hall.


Macclesfield Town Council

Services Committee Minutes 12th November 2018

Minutes of the meeting held on 12th November 2018 at 7pm at Macclesfield Town Hall.

In attendance:

  • Cllr Philip Bolton
  • Cllr Gareth Jones
  • Cllr Janet Jackson MBE
  • Cllr Beverley Dooley
  • Cllr Ainsley Arnold
  • Cllr Martin Hardy
  • Cllr Neil Puttick

1. Apologies for Absence


2. Declarations of Interest

Cllr Dooley – declared non-pecuniary interests in Item7.2 as a trustee of CAB; Items 15.2 and 16.2 due to business interest in the town centre; Item 7.9 having been involved in discussions within Cheshire East Council (CEC) as a ward member

Cllr Jackson – declared a non-pecuniary interest in Item 7.2 as a trustee of CAB.

Public Questions

The Chair will adjourn the meeting to allow questions and comments from members of the public. The meeting will then be reconvened.

None present

3. Minutes of the Services Committee Meeting Held on 10th September 2018

Cllr Jackson’s apologies were missing from the last meeting’s minutes. These will be added.

RESOLVED: That the amended minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting

4. Community Engagement and Events

The update report was noted

5. Tunnicliffe Trail

Members discussed the proposed trail and its implementation, expressing support for the idea and delivery.

RESOLVED: That the project is progressed to delivery, with detailed implementation delegated to Cllrs Dooley, Jackson, Bolton & Arnold.

6. Project Updates

6.1 Macclesfield’s Plaques.

Cllr Puttick gave an update, clarifying that the second phase of story and memory gathering was awaiting some resources for a memory collection shop activity/event.

6.2 Town Centre Wifi

It was noted that usage of the town centre Wi-Fi was increasing and adds value to the town centre offering the opportunity for greater connectivity.

6.3 Train Station Welcome Art

The update was noted, in particular that the project awaits Network Rail’s final approval for go ahead.

6.4 Sparrow Park Interpretation

The final design proposal was approved and installation will be progressed.

7. Asset & Service Provision

7.1 Weston Community Centre

The update was noted

7.2 CAB Report

The report was noted

7.3 CCTV Report

Members discussed in detail opportunities to add value to the CCTV coverage and impact. A price for a CCTV car/vehicle has been requested and will be chased.

RESOLVED: That a new mobile CCTV Camera is acquired for Macclesfield, as advised by the local policing unit and the CCTV unit

7.4 DIB

No update was available for the meeting

7.5 Christmas Lights

The update was noted

7.6 Floral Displays

Members discussed provision in future years, noting that current provision is within budget but does not allow for additional assets. Therefore, any change to future provision would require either current assets being relocated or a consideration for increased budget.

7.7 AEDs

Members were updated that Cheshire Fire Authority’s review of provision identified Park Green and Mill Street as areas that would benefit from public access defibrillators

7.8 Public Toilets

The update was noted and members were informed that a planning application will be submitted in due course.

7.9 Senior Citizens’ Hall

It was noted that since the publishing of this agenda and reports, CEC has announced that they will continue to operate the Senior Citizens’ Hall for the foreseeable future. Therefore, there is no current action required by this council.

8. Parks & Play Areas

8.1 Hall Grove & High Street Parks

The completion of these projects was noted. Improvements to Hall Green site around the newly installed play equipment was being delivered by ANSA.

8.2 Future Delivery

Members discussed in detail the opportunities and options for future delivery. It was noted that responses to the budget consultation indicated support for similar delivery in future, although the low level of response was highlighted as a concern.

RESOLVED: That this committee recommends the draft budget shows £100,000 capital spend on play equipment for 2019/20 in line with 2018/19 delivery.

8.3 South Park Pavilion

Members discussed the future of the pavilion in South park, recognising that the building is in the ownership of CEC and was currently under used and not believed to be fit for purpose.

RESOLVED: That Macclesfield council progresses work to investigate how the South Park Pavilion building restoration or replacement can be progressed to bring the building or its replacement back in to viable and accessible usage.

9. See Macclesfield1

Members discussed the See Macclesfield project and its delivery so far. It was identified that the design work and branding was generally considered very positively and viewed as a strong basis. However, it was expressed that engagement with businesses and community has been less successful than hoped and this would be more of a focus for the forthcoming campaign. Other submissions were discussed, identifying positives within specific areas.

RESOLVED: That Kenyon’s is appointed for the delivery of promotion of See Macclesfield in 2019

10. Active Macclesfield

10.1 Park Run & Junior Park Run

The positives of park Run were clearly identified and the catalytic nature of the service for community and exercise was welcomed. Members were reminded that it was this committee that identified the opportunity, funded and resourced it.

10.2 Street Sports

The service continues to be well supported and received by the community.

10.3 Supported Summer Schools

The service was well supported by referring agencies, summer school providers and those accessing the service. Referring agencies and summer school providers have been contacted to generate feedback. None has been received as yet.

11. Public Realm

11.1 Public Realm Furniture

Work on the public realm furniture is currently reduced due to the usual contractor having relocated. Responsive maintenance is carried out when a local contractor is available.

11.2 Town Ranger

This is being progressed, as resolved by Council, with ANSA for delivery as of 1/4/18.

11.3 Keep Britain Tidy

No actions until the Town Ranger service is in place

11.4 Park Green Fountain

Following budget consultation feedback, this project did not generate enough evident support to justify delivery and spend. The item is therefore removed from agendas unless raised for delivery in the future.

12. Budget Setting 2019/20 as It Relates to This Committee

12.1 Service & Asset Review

It was noted that, due to CEC confirming that they will continue to run the Senior Citizens’ Hall for the foreseeable future, there is no requirement for this budget line for 2019/20 based on the information available from CEC.

Capital Investment was recognised as a valuable budget line and reinstated

The remembrance Service was discussed and agreed that 2 large screens will be provided for 2019, therefore the budget line for remembrance was set at £6,000.

RESOLVED: That the above recommendations are included within the draft budget for 219/20

12.2 2019/20 Forecasting Review

All actions noted in 12.1 above

13. New Homes Bonus

The New Homes Bonus information was noted

14. Remembrance

14.1 World War I Memorials

The detail of the permanent installation of World War One memorials at the Silk Museum, funded and facilited by Macclesfield Council, was noted.

14.2 War Memorial Park Green

The information was noted and consideration for funding will be given whilst advising budget setting for 2020/21

15. Town Centre

15.1 Vehicle Access

Members discussed the current arrangements and access times, identifying some dissatisfaction with the arrangements in terms of excessive traffic and risk to individuals and discouraging footfall.

It was agreed that responses to the CEC Strategic Regeneration Framework will include reference to the need to review the town centre pedestrianised area Traffic regulation Order.

15.2 Vacant Shop Units

Members discussed the report and supporting information, considering risks and opportunities.

It was agreed that the principle and information will be revisited following the local elections in May 2019.

15.3 Geo Sense Footfall Mapping

Members identified the value of the management data provided by the facility and the opportunity to support inward investment and inform service delivery.

RESOLVED: That the additional 3 sensors are installed

15.4 Foodie Friday

Members welcomed the concept of a regular town centre food event.

RESOLVED: That, once proposals have been received, members of this committee will agree consensus of preferred provider via joint email.

16. Member Items

16.1 Town Councillor Identification for Council Events (Cllr B Dooley)

RESOLVED: That member identification lapel badges are provided to all members and must be worn by members attending Macclesfield Council events

16.2 Shop Front & Shutter Improvement & Competition (Cllr N Puttick)

No action was agreed as CEC delivers a Shop Front Improvement grant scheme

16.3 Weston Bird Sanctuary Benches (Cllr a Harewood Mbe)

RESOLVED: That, subject to land owner approval, 2 new benches are provided and installed at the Weston Bird Sanctuary site.

17. Correspondence


18. Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Services Committee will be held on 21st January 2019 at Macclesfield Town Hall.

Meeting Closed at 9.46pm Chair – Cllr Philip Bolton; Clerk – Pete Turner

1 Cllr Hardy left the meeting at this point having another commitment to attend

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