Macclesfield Town Centre Footfall Data

Macclesfield Town Centre Footfall Data

Footfall Data

There is no doubt that Macclesfield Town Centre is changing and the Town Council continues to do all that we can to support local businesses and encourage residents to visit our lovely town centre.  Many of the things we do are designed to increase footfall into the town.  The purpose of this is two-fold.  Firstly to get people into the town and using the local shops and amenities, but also new businesses and developers look at a town’s footfall figures before deciding whether or not to invest and if we can show that the town is busy then we stand the chance of attracting more business.

So what does the Town Council do?

  • We organise roughly 20 FREE events every year to draw people into town
  • We have also provided grants to support a number of events which are bringing people to the town centre including the Pride and Barnaby Parades
  • Our Town Rangers are responsible for the majority of the floral arrangements in the town, they also remove graffiti and clean street signs to keep our town looking clean and tidy
  • We are also responsible for the festoon lighting which adds another light source to keep people safe and also makes the town look attractive in the evening
  • The Town Council launched a Glow Up Grant programme in 2023 which allows shops to apply for a grant to help improve their shop front, making it look more attractive
  • We continue to work with partners in the town on Town Centre Recovery and Regeneration
  • Town Council allocated £100,000 to pay for this and the new toilets at the back of the indoor market opened at the end of 2023
  • The Town Council are also supporters of Totally Locally in Macclesfield

Cheshire East Council who are the unitary authority for the whole of the Cheshire East borough, collate footfall figures and publish them on their website Town Centre Footfall (