Shop Front Guide and Glow Up Grants

Shop Front Guide and Glow Up Grants

Macclesfield Town Council wants to aid local independent shops and help the regeneration of the town. Therefore it is introducing ‘Glow Up Grants’, which are available to local independent SME shops to help them improve their shop fronts, using the design guide we have produced to enhance the look of their shop and make them stand out as gems on our high street and in our town.

Shops can apply for up to £1,000. Business’s would be eligible for this grant fund once. No funds will be issued retrospectively of work already carried out.

The initial criteria would be as follows:
• Local independent shop
• Situated in one of the Macclesfield Wards
• Is an SME shop

Consideration could be given to potential new shop to help them open.

There is an application process which will go to the Planning Committee for decision.

Plans and costs are part of the application process and Macclesfield Town Council has produced a Shop Front Design Guide, which aims to help local shops work to improve their shop fronts. This work was undertaken to ensure that Macclesfield preserves its character and uniqueness, and many residents were involved and contributed their views.

Macclesfield Shopfront Design Guide – Feb 2022

The Design Guide contains information about when planning permission is required and advice on the principles of good design, artwork and improvements to signage and shopfronts.
Applications may include:
• Repainting
• Artwork for the windows
• Towards costs of awnings (subject to approval from CEC)
• New Signage
• Blooms e.g. hanging baskets

The grant programme is NOW OPEN!

Please email for an application form, you can download the declaration form below. If you have no access to emails, paper copies can be sent to Nicola Mellor at Macclesfield Town Council, Macclesfield Town Hall, Market Place, Macclesfield, SK10 1EA.
