Full Council

Full Council

Mon 6th Dec 2021, 7:00pm

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Mon 6th Dec 2021, 7:00pm

In Categories

Full Council

Macclesfield Town Council Notice of Meeting


26th November 2021


To Chair Cllr David Edwardes and Councillors Sarah Bennett-Wake, Alift Harewood-Jones, Mike Hutchison, Janet Jackson, Sandy Livingstone, Neil Puttick, Lloyd Roberts, Fin Shenton, Mick Warren, Chris Wilcock, Fiona Wilson.


You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of

Macclesfield Town Council’s Full Council meeting to be held at

Macclesfield Town Hall


6th December 2021

commencing at 7pm,

for the purpose of transacting the business shown on the attached agenda.


With thanks,

Town Clerk Signature

Laura Smith

Town Clerk



Agenda of the meeting to be held on the 6th December 2021 at 7pm at Macclesfield Town Hall.

Consideration of the implications relating to Covid-19 transmission will be taken across all items on this agenda. If you would like to attend the meeting please contact the Town Clerk, as due to Covid -19 restrictions there are a limited number of public spaces.

1       Apologies for Absence and Approval

To receive apologies and approve absences.


2       Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of interests from members relevant to items under discussion at the meeting.


3       Public Questions

The meeting will be adjourned to invite comments and questions from the public.

The meeting will then be reconvened.


If you would like to speak during public session, please email
[email protected]  by 5pm Thursday 2nd December 2021. Every practicable effort will be made to try and arrange your inclusion.

If you would like to submit a written statement, please submit your statement for inclusion and circulation to the committee to [email protected] by 5pm Thursday 2nd December 2021.


4       Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 20th September 2021

Action: To approve the minutes.


5       Matters Arising from the Minutes

Action: To consider any matters arising from the minutes.


6       Planning Committee Minutes

6.1      Planning Committee Minutes 17th September 2021

To note the minutes.

6.2      Planning Committee Minutes 8th October 2021

To note the minutes.

6.3      Planning Committee Minutes 29th October 2021

To note the minutes.

6.4      Planning Committee Draft Minutes 19th November 2021

To note the minutes.

6.5      Matters arising from the minutes.

To consider any matters arising from the minutes.

6.6      Update on Character Assessment

To note the update.

6.7      Update on Conservation Area Appraisal

To note the report.

6.8      Report Shop Front Guide

To note the report.

6.9      Update on Planning Consultations

To note the report.

7       Services Committee Minutes

7.1   Services Committee Minutes 13th September 2021

To note the minutes.

7.2      Services Committee Minutes 8th November 2021

To note the minutes.

7.3      Matters arising from the minutes.

To consider any matters arising from the minutes.

Action: To approve expenditure of £20000 on signage as in the services committee minutes 8//11/21 item 9.4.

8       Finance Committee Minutes

8.1      Finance Committee Minutes 22nd November 2021

To note the minutes.

8.2      2020/21 Spend to date

Action: To approve the spend to date for £446,551 as recommend by The Finance Committee.

8.3      Matters arising from the minutes.

To consider any matters arising from the minutes.

9       Community Delivery

9.1      Local Police Unit

Chief Inspector to brief the Council.

9.2      CAB

To note the quarter 2 report from the CAB.

9.3      CCTV

To note the CCTV report provided by CEC.

10   Governance Review

10.1   Freedom of Information Policy

Action: To approve the above policy.

10.2   Standing Orders

Action: To approve the above policy.

10.3   Data Protection Report

Action: To approve the recommendation in the report.

10.4   Equality Impact Assessment Policy and Form

Action: To approve the above policy.

10.5   Retention of Documents Policy

Action: To approve the above policy.

11   Gritting Proposal

Action: To consider the attached report.

12   Budget 2022/23

Action: To approve the budget 2022/23.

13   Middlewood Way Lights Update

Action: To receive the updated report and consider the proposal for the next steps.

14   Allotments

14.1   Allotment Strategy

14.2   Allotment Policy

Action: To consider and adopt the proposed Allotment Strategy and the changes to the policy.

14.3   Allotment Report

Action: To consider the proposals within the report.

14.4   Allotment Rent Report

Action: To consider the proposals in the report.

15   Town Centre Recovery Working Group

Verbal update will be given

16   Macclesfield Town Ladies Request

Action: To consider approval to allow Macclesfield Town Ladies Football Club to use part of the Town Council logo, the blue lion holding between its forepaws a garb of wheat as the Competent Authority in their new logo.

17   Voluntary Sector SLA

Action: To consider the report to tender for a 3 year SLA.

 18   Date/Time and Place of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Full Council will be held at 21st March 2021, at a location and format to be confirmed subject to relevant current Covid-19 guidance.




Sup. Agendas

Supplementary Agenda

Supplementary agenda of the meeting to be held on the 6th December 2021 at 7pm at Macclesfield Town Hall.

The following agenda items are added to the published agenda.


10  Governance Review

10.6 Grant Policy Update

To approve updates to the attached policy

10.7  Grants over £2000 Policy

To approve updates to the attached policy.


18 South Park Pavilion Working Party Update

To note the attached report


Many Thanks

Town Clerk Signature


Laura Smith

Town Clerk



Minutes of the meeting to be held on the 6th December 2021 at 7pm at Macclesfield Town Hall.


In Attendance:

Cllr David Edwardes

Cllr Fiona Wilson

Cllr Neil Puttick

Cllr Mike Hutchison

Cllr Mick Warren

Cllr Chris Wilcock

Cllr Sarah Bennett-Wake

Cllr Sandy Livingstone


1       Apologies for Absence and Approval

Cllr Roberts

Cllr Harewood

Cllr Shenton

Cllr Jackson

Resolved: Cllr Shenton could not attend due to a medical appointment. The committee approved his absence from the meeting.



2       Declarations of Interest

Cllr Warren declared a non -pecuniary interest in item 14 as the Chair of the Brookfield Allotment Association.

Cllr Warren also declared an interest as the Chair of Environment and Communities Committee.


3       Public Questions

The meeting was adjourned to invite comments and questions from the public.


There were no public speakers.


The meeting was then be reconvened.


4       Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 20th September 2021

Resolved: The minutes were noted.


5  Matters Arising from the Minutes

Resolved: There were no matters arising.


6       Planning Committee Minutes

6.1      Planning Committee Minutes 17th September 2021

The minutes were noted.

6.2      Planning Committee Minutes 8th October 2021

The minutes were noted.

6.3      Planning Committee Minutes 29th October 2021

The minutes were noted.

6.4      Planning Committee Draft Minutes 19th November 2021

The minutes were noted.

6.5      Matters arising from the minutes.

There were no matters arising.

6.6      Update on Character Assessment

The report was noted.

6.7      Update on Conservation Area Appraisal

The report was noted.

6.8      Report Shop Front Guide

The report was noted.

6.9      Update on Planning Consultations

The report was noted.


7       Services Committee Minutes

7.1      Services Committee Minutes 13th September 2021

The minutes were noted.

7.2      Services Committee Minutes 8th November 2021

The minutes were noted.

7.3      Matters arising from the minutes.


  • The expenditure of £20000 on signage as in the services committee minutes 8/11/21 item 9.4 was approved.
  • To update the services minutes 13th September 2021, to read that Cllr Bennett-Wake is a former member of Macclesfield Pride.


8       Finance Committee Minutes

8.1      Finance Committee Minutes 22nd November 2021

The minutes were noted.

8.2      2020/21 Spend to date

Resolved: The spend to date for £446,551 as recommend by The Finance Committee was approved/

8.3      Matters arising from the minutes.

There were no matters arising.


9       Community Delivery

9.1      Local Police Unit

Chief Inspector Matthew Lager and Inspector Gareth Beesley attended the meeting to update on activities in Macclesfield. As we come up to the festive period the focus is on keeping residents and visitors to the town safe. There continues to be some ASB at Exchange Street and Brunswick Hill and the underpass near Gas Rd, however there is a Public Space Prevention Order (PSPO) that is going to go to public consultation imminently, that if approved will increase the powers of the police to deal with drinking and ASB in the town. There will also be more of a police presence at night in the town centre during the festive period. The police are also focusing on violence and intimidation towards woman and girls.

Cllr Bennett- Wake asked if there would be education for men and boys when increasing awareness of intimidation towards females and Chief Inspector Lager confirmed this is very much the case.

Cllr Wilson, stated that Cheshire East Council had done a consultation on ‘Safety of women in public places’ in July 2021 and had the LPU worked with CEC on the results. Inspector Beasley confirmed that they have worked very closely with CEC on this subject.

Cllr Edwardes asked about the recent new that 45 staff/ officers will now cover Congleton, when Macclesfield has 1 PCOS and 1 beat officer per ward.

Chief Inspector Lagar explained that the new set up in Congleton, was to create a local policing unit in Congleton, set up after a review as the police continually evolve to meet the demands of the communities and the needs of each town and village.


9.2      CAB

The report was noted.

9.3      CCTV

The report was noted. The clerk is to arrange for Councillors to visit CEC CCTV.


10   Governance Review

10.1   Freedom of Information Policy

Resolved: The policy was approved.

10.2   Standing Orders

Resolved: The Standing Orders were approved.

10.3   Data Protection Report

Resolved: The recommendations within the report were approved.

10.4   Equality Impact Assessment Policy and Form

Resolved: The policy was approved.

10.5   Retention of Documents Policy

Resolved: The policy was approved.

10.6   Grants and Donations Policy

Resolved: The policy is approved with the removal of point (r ) and (s).

10.7   Grants Over £2000 Policy

Resolved: The policy is approved.


11   Gritting Proposal

Resolved: The gritting proposal was approved in principle, subject to permission from CEC with the following amendments:

  • To approve £9740 to pay for the gritting this winter.
  • To write to CEC to ask for the routes above to be added to the winter gritting route next year and oncoming years.
  • To encourage residents to have their say.
  • To get a quote to add Brook St and Union Rd to the route.
  • To write to David Rutley MP for Macclesfield about the gritting situation and the need for the scoring of roads to be changed for next year.


12       Budget 2022/23

Resolved: The budget was approved.


At this point in the meeting, in line with the Standing Order 4.28 the council voted to continue the meeting past the 2 hour deadline in order to get through all agenda items.

13    Middlewood Way Lights Update

Resolved: The report was noted and it was approved to ask for a meeting with the leader, deputy leader, the CEC Walking and Cycling Champion and the Director of Place as soon as possible. If this is not possible Cllr Wilson will speak on this issue at the CEC full council meeting on 15th December 2021.

At this point in the meeting, in line with the Standing Order 4.28 the committee voted to continue the meeting past the 2 hour deadline in order to get through all agenda items.


14       Allotments

14.1   Allotment Strategy

14.2   Allotment Policy

Resolved: The Allotment Strategy was adopted and the changes to the allotment policy are approved.

14.3   Allotment Report

Resolved: It was approved to replace the fencing necessary at Knowsley Rd allotment with palin fencing and the rangers will erect it.

14.4   Allotment Rent Report


  • It was approved to increase the allotment rent to £0.20 per square metre.
  • The proposal to reduce the 50% discount for over 60’s to 25% is deferred to the next meeting. Project Officer to enquire how all of the allotments in Macclesfield manage such reductions.


15       Town Centre Recovery Working Group

A verbal update was received, and an update document was presented which will be put on the Macclesfield Town Council website and emailed to the Town Centre Recovery mailing list.


16   Macclesfield Town Ladies Request

Resolved: It was approved to allow Macclesfield Town Ladies Football Club to use part of the Town Council logo, the blue lion holding between its forepaws a garb of wheat as the Competent Authority in their new logo. This is given in the spirt of community and support and cannot be copyrighted.


17   Voluntary Sector SLA

Resolved: To tender for this service for 3 years.


18   South Park Pavilion Update

The report was noted.


19   Date/Time and Place of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Full Council will be held at 21st March 2021, at a location and format to be confirmed subject to relevant current Covid-19 guidance.



Chair: Cllr David Edwardes

Clerk: Laura Smith

Meeting closed: 9.30pm



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